(Jeff Grabmeier) Young children from low-income homes whose mothers reported frequent use of toxic chemicals such as household cleaners were more likely to show delays in language development by age 2, a new study found.
Learning While You Sleep: Smell a Rose to Unlock This Power
(Neuroscience News) Effortless learning during sleep is the dream of many people. The supportive effect of smells on learning success when presented both during learning and sleep was first proven in an extensive sleep laboratory study. Related 75% Of Children Who Received Vaccines In Mexican Town Now Dead Or Hospitalized Source – Neuroscience News by Staff […]
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Some Learning is a Whole-Brain Affair
(Science Daily) Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have successfully used a laser-assisted imaging tool to “see” what happens in brain cells of mice learning to reach out and grab a pellet of food. Their experiments, they say, add to evidence that such motor-based learning can occur in multiple areas of the brain, even ones not typically associated with motor control.
If Fear Can Be Learned, Can It Be Unlearned?
(Edie Weinstein) Today, while sitting in a service at an interfaith community which I have been attending since 2001, I heard a message that seemed custom made for me. Randi Suskin, who is a life coach was the speaker, spoke about Living A Guided Life. I have long believed that the path on which we tread is strewn with markers and roadway signs that tell us, “go this way, avoid that way,” sometimes providing unexpected twists and turns that flabbergast us and have us scratching our heads, asking, “Who thought this one up?” What I have come to learn was that I do and so do you.
Curious People Are Powerful People — Tap into Joy by Feeding Your Curiosities
(Justin Deschamps) Pleasure and joy, even bliss, is a whole-brain activity. Stimulation is the gateway to fulfillment, meaning, adventure, and positive emotion. In the modern world, stress limits joy because it causes hyper-focus. When you’re focused on a task for work, school, home, or life in general, unless you feel joy, inspiration, and playfulness during the process, you’ll lose sensitivity. Why? Because if we contextualize a goal as stressful, then our brain naturally withdraws from everything else. If you move from one state of focused-work to another, never taking a mindfulness break, the brain doesn’t have a chance to open up again, which you need to do or you’ll feel numb, bored, and unsettled.
Insight or Realization – What Does it Mean?
(Exploring Your Mind) Sometimes, there’s a sudden realization to find an explanation to something we did, that is, an insight.
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The Insular Cortex: Learning from Painful Experiences
(Exploring Your Mind) Corporal punishment used to be common as a way to “motivate” students to learn. The idea is that knowledge gained through pain can be more intense and long-lasting. So what does this process look like on a cerebral level?
How Our Brains Remember Things Depends upon How We Learn Them
(Neuroscience New) Oxford University researchers have discovered that learned knowledge is stored in different brain circuits depending on how we acquire it.
How Babies Integrate New Events into Their Knowledge
(Science Daily) Babies seek to understand the world around them and learn many new things every day. Unexpected events — for example when a ball falls through a table — provide researchers with the unique opportunity to understand infants’ learning processes. What happens in their brains as they learn and integrate new information?
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Exercise, Memory and Learning Linked by Science: A Short Bout of Exercise Enhances Brain Function
(Science Daily) Neuroscientists, working with mice, have discovered that a short burst of exercise directly boosts the function of a gene that increases connections between neurons in the hippocampus, the region of the brain associated with learning and memory.
True Multi-Tasking: You Can Learn a New Language While You Sleep, According to Researchers
(Edsel Cook) Sleep turns out to be more than just a period when the body rests and recuperates from the labors of a busy day. Swiss researchers demonstrated the possibility of learning new things during sleeping periods.
Intrinsic Motivation: The Search for Meaning
(Exploring your Mind) The search for the meaning of life sets our goals and motivations in motion. When a person knows what they’re passionate about, paths will open for them.
You Are the Greatest Teacher You Will Never Know — Autodidact
(Gary Z McGee) Find the nearest mirror. Look deeply into it. There, hidden within that fabulously flawed human being staring back at you, is the greatest teacher you will never know.
Scientists Discover Matrix-Like Way to ‘Upload Knowledge to Your Brain’
(Christina Sarich) Want to learn Kung Fu in seconds like Neo did in the famous Matrix trilogy? How about learning to speak a foreign language in seconds? Or knowing how to fix a combustion engine? Imagine what it would be like if you could “upload” this kind of knowledge to your brain?
Context Before Vocabulary: New Research Shows Babies as Young as 6 Months Use It to Integrate Learning
(Zoey Sky) Babies are naturally curious, and their drive to explore the world around them can help them become fast learners. A recent study has even discovered that infants as young as six months old can read contextual clues to find faces.