Source After covering a number of mass shootings and bombings over the last 20 years, I question the official explanation when a new one occurs. Automatically. Always. Every single time. They lie. They obfuscate. They parrot. They don’t investigate beyond a comfortable point. They leave loose ends, which are often far more important than the […]
David Wilcock Updates Via Ben Fulford Blog – September 17, 2013
Thank you for posting this. What all this means I can not say. Ensure you are using your tools for inner discernment and incorporating your personal experience into the data, this prevents you from accepting beliefs into your reality which could control you if un processed. – Justin Source Enerchi over at the Ascension with […]
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American Kabuki: Pope’s meets with the father of liberation theology; Vatican media praises the Peruvian priest
Source Dominican priest Gustavo Gutierrez sufferedyears of criticism over the liberation theology This is a radical departure from the previous Popes! I can hardly believe my eyes! -Bill Sunday, September 15th 2013 – 20:16 UTC Pope’s meets with the father of liberation theology; Vatican media praises the Peruvian priest Pope Francis’ September 11 meeting […]
DISCLOSURE: Universal Value Exchange – VISA already holds UVE Patent as of 7.19.2012?? MUST READ!!!!
Updated 9.16.13 5:33pm – Just got a response from D about a question I had about this. Thx D for pointing out a misconception I had. D: VISA doesnt’ hold the patent to the I-UV InChange. they filed a patent for the Universal Value Exchange. and if you look at the picture of their […]
Cobra Update: Planetary Situation Update Part 1 – Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I dont agree with everything Cobra talks about, but this update discusses some shifts in the world that are encouraging. I will also say I do not think we NEED to be doing anything, however, we are always DOing something; thats the divine dichotomy. You do not need to do something to create a shift, […]
“You are waking up at an exponential rate!” Distinguished U.S Marine Stands Up for American People and 9/11 Truth
The biggest challenge to waking up is admitting you were wrong. “I was wrong…” about what ever, is a key shift in consciousness, this evolving personality has made a monumental step forward in their awakening, acknowledgement of the truth, and a willingness to change yourself to better see it for what it is. – Justin […]
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NEW BANKING SYSTEM: BEing Points – A Common Value System – by Keimpe de Jong
We have been looking for ways of accessing our value. This seems to be divided into two camps, one that is attempting to repurpose the existing banking system by accepting DOV’s tied to the OPPT filings, and another trying to get off the banking system all together. Both have the potential to work. The advantage […]
Earth “Advanced Spiritual Training School” – And why your Inner work is so important
There is a grand plan, an absolute plan of universal proportions and scale. The goal, nothing less then total perfection of YOU, the evolving personality. We are distracted by the outward world here on earth, and this is by design. This is an advanced school, and the great work of positive freemasonry is to perfect yourself, which will eventually […]
These Bold 9/11 Billboards in Busy Downtown Cores Will Wake Up Thousands
Source New re-think 9/11 billboards have popped up in two major cities in the US. One being in New York and the other in Dallas. Both appear in very busy downtown cores where millions will see them. Importantly, they make their debut in time for the anniversary of 9/11 today.Along with these billboards, supporters of […]
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More Signs the Cabal is Loosing Control: “The Third Force appears to have its own plan”
Thanks American Kabuki for sharing this in the skype room. The original Headline of this post alluded to ET’s but it really about how the cabal is loosing control, and what ideologies they believe in; Luciferianism. This is yet more data to confirm the cabal is loosing control. Unlike the other post 9/11 wars, the vast majority of […]
Man Tells John McCain he is Guilty of Treason! Inspiring video of people standing against Tyranny – MUST SEE
I absolute Love finding inspiring material like this. This is what an ‘awakened’ mind is capable. When you begin to clear away blockages and truly employ Self Mastery, which all of us are doing now just BEing, eventually you become brave in the face of outright Tyranny. This man does not even flinch, like Kiri […]
10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control
Source Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing. Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over […]
Sophia Love: Update August 31st, 2013 and September 3, 2013 and September 4, 2013
Sophia always has inspiring insights and perspectives. This piece covers Comet ISON (lots of fear mongering going on out there), Syria, the Duality Paradigm between Divines and the ‘Cabal’ and much more. – Justin Source Update August 31st, 2013 and September 3, 2013 and September 4, 2013Hi there. I’ve heard that the UK pulled out of the […]
DISCLOSURE (Free Energy): Our first technology product – the Home Quantum Energy Generator – now up!!!
Source Benefits to humanity The potential for these systems to alleviate some of the desperation and human suffering in poor countries is immense! For example, the systems can be used to power electric water pumps anywhere that drilling equipment can be brought in to drill water wells for communities with no access to clean […]
Lucas – The Sharing Part – The Caring Part – Oneness In Duality – 4 September 2013
Lucas of lays down the inner discernment and wisdom for our current times, Thanks for sharing your truth! – Justin Source Lots of our lives are now being mangled in the just being in two spaces at the same time. The on space is the being in your old paradigm life confronted with all the […]