(Ryan DeLarme) Blackrock Inc, the world’s largest asset management company, has quite a presence in the Biden administration. This comes at a time where Wall Street, hedge funds, and big-money good ol boys are experiencing a lapse in popularity. Connected to this mammoth, multinational investment management corporation is the new administrations Climate Crisis gambit, which is already successfully destroying our economy.
free energy
Man One Ups Tesla By Inventing An Electric System That Charges Itself
(Arjun Walia) A few years ago multiple media outlets began to report a new development designed by a man from Zimbabwe named Sangulani (Maxwell) Chikumbutso, who claimed to have successfully created an electric powered vehicle and system which runs on a battery that has the ability to charge itself, making it the first ever electric vehicle that never needs charging.
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Crop Circles Contain Blueprints for Free Energy Devices (Video)
Crop Circles Contain Blueprints for Free Energy Devices (Video)
Italian Inventor Believes Crop Circles Are Models for Generating Free Energy
(Humans Are Free) Crop circles, elaborate patterns found in farmer’s fields, continue to fascinate people worldwide. Although some have been elaborate hoaxes, others remain a mystery, tangible and real yet unexplained.
Were Nikola Tesla’s Ideas About Free Energy and Communication with Aliens Exploited by his Enemies?
(HAF) In 2020, Serbian-American Nikola Tesla has never been more famous or appreciated, yet in his day he was ridiculed as a mad scientist. Why?
Zero-Point Energy Can Resolve the Climate Change Threat
(Nicholas Ginex) There is a need to inform people around the world that the United States has, under top-secret programs, developed use of two of the greatest technological discoveries of our era – anti-gravity and zero-point energy. Since the 1960s, five decades ago, the Military Industrial Complex has designed and operationally flown Interstellar Flying Objects for space travel.
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Defying Physics by Breaking the Laws of Thermodynamics
(Lisa Trank) As modern and rational beings, we have come to rely on certain irrefutable natural laws. The sun rises and sets. The planet rotates around the sun. Out of all of these, the laws of physics and thermodynamics, a branch of physics, have defined humans’ relationship to heat, temperature, energy, work, radiation, and matter. But what happens when the laws of physics are defied? Such may be the case with instances in which scientists claim to have broken the laws of thermodynamics.
Musk Proposal of Reusable Rockets for Space Force Ignores Electromagnetic Propulsion
(Michael Salla) On February 27, at the US Air Force Association’s “Air Warfare Symposium”, Space X founder Elon Musk posed the question, “How do we make Starfleet real?” and he proposed reusable rockets as “absolutely fundamental” for the newly created Space Force.
The Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-point Energy — Suppressed Free Energy
(Nicholas Ginex) Zero-Point Energy Has Been Implemented for Space Travel
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Nikola Tesla: Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt (Video)
Nikola Tesla: Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt (Video)
RDS Interviews Kerry Cassidy On ET Wars, SSP, AI and Free Energy
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele released an interview with Project Camelot founder Kerry Cassidy. This is an incredibly in-depth conversation on the extraterrestrial wars taking place, the Secret Space Program, Artificial Intelligence and Free Energy. Be sure to subscribe to Robert’s channel and to share this article with those who might find it fascinating. […]
Former Navy Officer Talks ET’s, Consciousness and Free Energy
John Petersen is quite an accomplished man. He was a naval flight officer in the United States Navy, and has worked at military institutions in the United States, including the National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council at the White House, and has had experience in business and […]
Former CIA Spy Talks Debt Jubilee, Arrests, Free Energy and Global Currency Reset
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele recently talked about the coming debt jubilee, mass arrests, free energy, global currency reset, 5G technology, ET disclosure, GMO’s and pesticides, Epstein, CIA, Donald Trump and many other fascinating topics. Be sure to share this article and video widely! Buy Book The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and […]
Sacha Stone Talks Free Energy, Human Trafficking and Trump
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele interviewed Sacha Stone and they discussed free energy, human trafficking, Donald Trump, Asian gold, the financial reset and more. Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this? The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, […]
Researchers Successfully Generate Electricity from “The Coldness of the Universe”: New Technology Could Complement Alternative Energy Sources like Solar Power
(Edsel Cook) You’ve heard of all the ways to convert light or wind or heat into usable electricity. But have you ever thought that the coldness of the universe might serve as an alternative source of clean and renewable power?