(Neuroscience News) Most of us know somebody who tends to get over involved in certain behaviors, and the saying often goes that they must have an “addictive personality”. But is there such a thing?
Mobile Devices Rewire Your Brain, Turning You into a Reward Addict Who Craves More Food
(Lance D Johnson) There’s a new risk factor for obesity and it doesn’t involve dieting, genetics, food consumption, hormone disrupters, or inactivity. The newest risk factor for obesity is of psychological origin and it all starts with the way we use electronics and social media.
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Addiction Expert Claims: Giving Your Child A Smartphone Is Like Giving Them A Gram Of Cocaine
(Mandy Froelich) The world is changing at a dramatic pace. It’s shifting so fast, in fact, that the childhood you remember is vastly different than the one your own kids will experience. This is largely due to the development and saturation of technology in modern society.
The Neurobiology of Addiction
(Exploring Your Mind) People affected by addiction go from impulsivity to compulsivity. These two stages can also coexist, but they usually happen in that order.
Addiction and a Lack of Purpose
(Steve Taylor, Ph.D.) As you are no doubt aware, presently the United States is experiencing an opioid epidemic. There are many reasons for this—one of the most obvious being the reckless over-subscription of opiate-based painkillers by doctors, leading to dependency. But on a psychological level, we have to take into account the strong relationship between addiction and the lack of a sense of purpose.
Is Addiction the Result of a Lack of a Sense of Purpose in Life?
(Steve Taylor Ph.D.) As you are no doubt aware, presently the United States is experiencing an opioid epidemic. There are many reasons for this—one of the most obvious being the reckless over-subscription of opiate-based painkillers by doctors, leading to dependency. But on a psychological level, we have to take into account the strong relationship between addiction and the lack of a sense of purpose.
Parents Beware: Food Causes Nutrition Deficiency: Soda and Fast Food Cripple Brain Development, According to New Study
(Michelle Simmons) A special issue of the journal Birth Defects Research: The Teenage Brain has concluded that the excessive consumption of junk food and energy drinks impairs the mental health of teenagers.
20 of the Most Addictive Foods (Surprise: None of Them Are Good for You)
(Carol Anderson) On any given day – may it be good, bad, tiring, exciting or uneventful – we always look forward to eating some good food. Because of how badly we crave and depend on food, some experts say it can even be considered an addiction.
Smartphone Addiction Related to Sugar, Narcotics, Alcohol, Pornography, Gambling Addictions
(John P. Thomas) In the previous article about smartphone and tablet addiction, I discussed the addictive techniques used by app developers to get people hooked on using their websites.
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Understanding Cravings: Food Preferences Are Linked to Dietary Needs; Dopamine May Play a Role in What You Choose to Eat, Research Suggests
(Frances Bloomfield) For the first time ever, researchers are understanding a nutrient-specific hunger mechanism in living organisms. Specifically, a team from John Hopkins University has pinpointed the neurons responsible for protein cravings in fruit flies – neurons that the team was able to turn on and off.
How Sugar Keeps You Trapped In A Cycle Of Addiction
(Lisa Egan) I admit it: I’m a little bit addicted to the stuff.
Connected To The Matrix: Americans Spend Most Of Their Waking Hours Staring At A Television Or Computer Screen
(Michael Synder) Before televisions and computers were invented, Americans didn’t spend any time staring at television and computer screens. They worked hard, raised their families, personally interacted with their communities (remember that?), and generally tried to make the world a better place.
Psilocybin Mushrooms Help Addicted Cocaine Users Stop
(Marco Torres) Unlike with alcohol or nicotine, pharmacological options are not available to individuals addicted to cocaine. However, researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham believe the tool to help individuals treat their addiction may very well exist in nature.
9 Year Old Sent to Rehab After Wetting Herself While Refusing to Quit Playing “Fortnite” — Research Says Video Games and WiFi Exposure Affects Kids’ Brains Same Way as Drugs and Alcohol.
(B.N. Frank) There are more reports coming out from a variety of sources that overusing technology can cause addiction and other mental health issues in kids and adults. This is not a new issue. The latest heartbreaking story involves a 9-year-old UK girl:
Addiction from the Eyes of a Little Sister
(Sterling Nicole Bennett) The walls were an ugly tan color. The room always smelt like old moldy cleaning supplies. We weren’t allowed to bring in any electronic devices. I liked to play Tetris on my moms flip phone, but I had to learn to entertain myself using only a bag of quarters and trash from my brothers’ candy bars. Everything felt dirty as if I could actually see the germs crawling across the tables. We were allowed one hug when he came in, and one hug when the visit was over. He wasn’t allowed to touch money or walk with me to the vending machine. It was agony.