(VigilantCitizen) What is the meaning behind Justin Timberlake’s Supplies? Why are there people worshiping an Illuminati pyramid? Here’s a look at the intense symbolism of the music video Supplies. Related Justin Timberlake Promotes Transhumanist Agenda: Sexualized Artificial Intelligence Source – DeusNexus by VigilantCitizen, January 19th, 2018 What is the meaning behind Justin Timberlake’s Supplies? Why are […]
Test of ‘God Helmet’ at Music Fest Yields Strange Results
(Paul Seaburn) Would you voluntarily wear a ‘God helmet’ whose owner claimed it would allow you to ‘experience’ God? Would you do it for science instead of religion? Do you think you’d be more likely to have the ‘experience’ if you were at a music festival? What about if you were under the influence of […]
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The Miraculous Power of Fasting — How It Heals Your Body Inside and Out
(Jeffrey Roberts) Fasting, in some form or another, has become a massive topic of discussion in health circles today. It’s studied benefits are far and wide, including balancing insulin levels, increasing human growth hormone levels, initiating cellular repair, influencing positive changes in gene expression, and much more. Related The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting Source – TheMindUnleashed by Jeffrey Roberts, January 10th, 2018 Fasting, in some […]
Doctors are Paid Massive Bonuses from a Health Insurance Company for Vaccinating Babies
(Alex Pietrowski) Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for every 100 vaccinated patients, the doctor gets a […]
Busted? Has USAF Been Caught Hiding ‘Alien Tech UFO’ in Florida on Google Earth?
(Jon Austin) So-called alien truth seekers are convinced they have rumbled a secret prototype craft in Google Earth images above a Florida aerospace company. Related Deep State, True Human History, UFO Disclosure & Ascension — Jordan Sather Interview w/ James Gilliland of ECETI (Video) Source – SundayExpress by Jon Austin, January 10th, 2018 A video […]
7yo Girl Sexually Groomed Online by AI Robot that Knew She Was a Child, Police Powerless to Stop It
(Matt Agorist) When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, the jury is still out on whether or not it will be the savior of humanity by helping to make our lives easier and more peaceful—or bring about a terminator-esque scenario in which humanity must fight off technology to survive. While we at TFTP remain optimistic on […]
Cosmic Disclosure: Hybrid Creatures and Secret Bases — Season 9, Episode 9
(David Wilcock) David Wilcock: All right. Welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock, and I’m here with Emery Smith. Related Divine Frequency with Teresa Yanaros and Corey Goode – Answering Viewer Questions and Addressing Critics Source – Sphere Being Alliance by David Wilcock, January 24th, 2018 So we were talking about this concept that […]
Cultivating Depth, Meaning & Deeper Connection for True Intimacy
(Jack Adam Weber) Sex is easy, and can provide a form of instant intimacy. But it’s not enough for deeper connection. Related Advanced Spiritual Intimacy Dr Stuart Sovatky Source – CollectiveEvolution by Jack Adam Weber, January 20th, 2018 While good sex alone can’t sustain a soulful relationship, a lack of a sexual connection usually spells ruin. Sexual […]
Study, New Analysis Technique Support Group Synchronization With Magnetic Fields
(HeartMath) Study and Newly Developed Analysis Technique Support Group Synchronization With Magnetic Fields.
MK Ultra/Alice in Wonderland/Illuminati Abuse Music Video
(jstlouise) I have been feeling under the weather lately (epic flu going around, luckily it only clipped me but didn’t take me down completely) and haven’t been doing too much around here but I stumbled upon these weird music videos and a few in particular really jumped out at me. Related Project MK Ultra […]
6 Keys to Unlocking Your Body’s Wisdom
(Aquaria Star) Below is a selection of various modalities geared towards resetting the energy body and nervous system back to its natural state with an emphasis on building a deep heart connection and compassion with yourself. Though many of these modalities are systematized in their approach they gear the practitioner in the direction of intuitive […]
Mysterious Knights Templar Spy Satellite Launched
(Paul Seaburn) Hot on the heels of the mysterious secret satellite launch by SpaceX that no one seems to be able to find and the mystery of why four space nations launched rockets and missiles in four days last month, another mysterious launch took place in the U.S. with the sinister mission name, “Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt.” For those […]
Graham Hancock Explains Why His Viral Ted Talk “the War on Consciousness” Was Banned
(Arjun Walia) Who is Graham Hancock? He is the author of multiple international bestsellers, like The Magicians of the Gods, and Fingerprints of the Gods, among others. His books have sold multiple millions of copies worldwide, and are available in more than 25 languages. Obviously, with so many people, including many scholars who are into his work, […]
Gary Mckinnon Describes How He Encountered Evidence of UFOs and Non-terrestrial Operations (VIDEO)
https://youtu.be/n1CggoA_O1M _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
‘Show Us the Tapes!’: Activists March on Mandalay Bay to Demand Release of Paddock Video
(Matt Agorist) Dozens of activists gathered in front of the Mandalay Bay Casino Resort to demand police “show us the tapes” of Stephen Paddock inside the casino. Related FBI Wipes Phones and Laptops of Las Vegas Massacre Eyewitnesses Source – TheFreeThoughtProject by Matt Agorist, January 22nd, 2018 Las Vegas, NV — Dozens of protesters took to […]