(Steve Watson) Claims that a significant “percentage of high school students have an innate pedophilic sexual identity”
The Democrats’ Pedophilia Problem Is Being Exposed
(Jay Greenberg) The Left has a worrying connection to child sex abuse as growing numbers of progressives are being exposed as pedophiles.
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Pedophilia Is Misunderstood, USA Today Claims, Then Deletes Tweets
(Natural News) One of America’s largest newspapers has deleted a social media discussion of pedophilia after stirring outrage by claiming growing scientific consensus that sexual attraction to children is “determined in the womb.”
Jim Hoft’s Marriage to Filipino Man Half His Age Isn’t Proof He’s in a ‘Satanic Pedophilia Cabal,’ Lawyer Says
(Tom Pappert) A lawyer representing Jim Hoft’s website The Gateway Pundit’s sent a letter to Peters declaring, in no uncertain terms, that the publication’s founder and editor-in-chief Jim Hoft is not affiliated with a “satanic pedophilia cabal,” according to a press release from The Stew Peters Show.
Court Docs: Ashley Biden’s Diary Was Abandoned Alongside Biden Foundation Bag, Other ‘Personal Effects’
(Tom Pappert) Ashley Biden wrote that she shared “probably not appropriate” showers with Joe Biden when she was a small child
VIDEO: Pro-BLM Waukesha Murder Suspect Admits To Child Sex Trafficking, ‘I’m A Pedophile Now, Let Me Explain That’
(Gabriel Keane) “I met the bitch, she say she wanna get down, so I’m pimpin’ on the bitch, I take her to Nevada. You know what I’m sayin’?”
Watch: Joe Biden Gets Smacked by a Little Girl After He Leans In, Touches Her
(C. Douglas Golden) When multiple women accused then-candidate Joe Biden of inappropriate contact in the spring of 2019 during the early stages of the presidential race, he released a not-quite-apology video in which he called the incidents “gestures of support and encouragement” that had been misinterpreted.
Disney Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Florida Employees after Gov Rick DeSantis Signs New Legislation
(Steve Straub) Disney World and other Disney companies have put a hold on Biden’s covid-19 vaccine mandate after the Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation making such mandates illegal in the state, as Reuters reports:
Joe Biden Bizarrely Strokes Little Boy’s Body and Face During Bill Signing: “Meet me after this, I can show you around the White House” [VIDEO]
(100 Percent Fed Up) During the signing of the “Protecting America’s First Responders Act of 2021”, Biden grabbed the arm of a little boy standing nearby and began to creepily rub the young boy’s arm. He asked the child what grade he’s in, and the boy replied first grade. “First grade… Oh that’s great man,” said Biden.
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“Non-Binary” Assistant Professor Calls For ‘Stigma’ of Pedophilia to be ‘Delegitimized’
(Paul Joseph Watson) A “non-binary” associate professor at Old Dominion University has called for the “stigma” of pedophilia to be ‘delegitimized’.
Epstein Worker ‘Will Swear on Oath That He Saw Prince Andrew Groping Virginia Roberts on Billionaire’s Island’
(Tom Pyman) Jeffrey Epstein‘s telecoms specialist will swear on oath that he saw Prince Andrew groping Virginia Giuffre on the billionaire’s ‘Paedo Island‘, it was claimed last night.
To No One’s Surprise, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Is Filled with Convicted Pedophiles
(Ethan Huff) According to new reports, at least four members of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, which promised in a now-deleted YouTube video to convert everyone’s children into LGBTQs, are convicted pedophiles.
Kirstie Alley Draws Leftist Anger for Saying Hollywood is Conditioning Society to Embrace Pedophilia
(daniel_g) Actress Kirstie Alley had a warning for parents everywhere. Protect your children!
Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison
(Jim Hoft) Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age.
Facebook a Hub for Sex Trafficking, Twitter a Haven for Pedophilia
(Ethan Huff) The social media platforms that millions of Americans have become addicted to for their daily entertainment are bastions of child abuse, it turns out.