(Omni) This quest for truth has lead me to a possibility that cell phone towers have been very likely double rigged as directed energy weapons. Related Newsweek Is The Latest to Warn about Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi, and 5G Technology Causing Harm Source – Humans are Free by Omni, May 17th, 2018 According to the 20th century Neuroscientist […]
Famous People Concerned About Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Exposure Include Bill Maher, Dr. Oz, Dr. Jill Stein, Gwyneth Paltrow, Suzanne Somers, Kourtney Kardashian, Lady Gaga, and More
(B.N. Frank) Have you ever asked yourself “If cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation exposure is no big deal, why do manuals for cell Phones, iPads, WiFi routers, etc. include guidelines and warnings?”
Support this site so we can continue to tell you the truth.
Gluten Sensitivity Was Ridiculed—“Microwave Sickness” or “ElectroSensitivity” Was Discovered in the 1950s and is Ridiculed Despite Decades of Research
(B.N. Frank) Everybody now seems to know someone who has “gluten sensitivity” or Celiac Disease. “Gluten-free” products are big business now. Most chain grocery stores have large sections devoted to them.
It’s About Time! World Health Organization and Scientists Conclude: Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Are Harmful
(B.N. Frank) People believe what they want to believe. This has never not been true.
US Patent 6506148 B2 Confirms Human Nervous System Manipulation Through Your Computer & TV
(Arjun Walia) It’s hard to find any information at all on a one “Hendricus G. Loos,” despite the fact that he’s filed multiple patent applications, with success, for apparatuses that deal with the manipulation of the human nervous system via a computer screen or a television monitor. In the abstract, he explains the following,
Reduce Your Exposure to EMF
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) The negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) continue to ignite conversations and controversy worldwide. The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims in daily. You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home, too. Most of the radiation emits from […]
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Surveillance on Steroids: New Device Covertly Scans You From a Distance With a Wifi Blast to Determine Your Emotional State, Without Your Consent
(Jayson Veley) Our society has reached a point where it is now more difficult to think of things that are truly private than it is to think of things that are not. Indeed, virtually every new piece of technology has the ability to infringe on your privacy rights to one degree or another. Now, it […]
New Tech Uses WiFi Blasts to Read a Subject’s Concealed Emotions from a Distance
(Markab Algedi) What is any person’s natural defense to surveillance, and the feelings of being robbed of privacy and sanctity that accompany it? Silence, and taking measures to protect privacy.
Cellphones Driving Modern Humans to the Brink of Insanity? New Science Reveals Young Brains Deranged by Cellphone Radiation Exposure
(Mike Adams) It’s fairly obvious to most intelligent people that modern society is going insane. It’s especially true among today’s hyper-connected youth who seem to be truly deranged and mentally ill, hyperventilating over every issue imaginable such as “net neutrality” or the election of Donald Trump. The lunacy of modern society has never been more extreme, and […]
New Study: How Smartphones Make Today’s Teens Unhappy & Cause Dramatic Shifts In Their Behaviour
(Amanda Monteiro) It’s concerning to see just how many young people have become consumed by their smartphones. We know the dangers associated with the use of various electromagnetic emitting devices, like cells phones and WiFi, and how cellphone companies suggest that users “use hands-free operation if it is available and keep the BlackBerry device at least 0.59 in (15mm) from […]
Electrifying Images Of WiFi Signals Show The Invisible World Of EMF Bombardment
(Alanna Ketler) Do you ever wonder what the electromangetic fields (EMFs) that surround virtually every person carrying a mobile device with WiFi or data capability looks like? Well now, thanks to visual artist Luis Hernan, you can see this field — and it’s electrically terrifying! Related Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams Source […]
Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams
(Sayer Ji) Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams. Related Secret Deep-black War to Hijack Your Mind | AI Smart Phone Surveillance, Voice of God, Dirty Electricity, Wifi, Smart Meters, and Solutions Source – Prepare For Change by Sayer Ji, February 26th, 2017 A […]
Breakthrough Converts Wi-Fi to Electric Power as Efficiently as Solar Panels
Source – Activist Post How do you define free energy? A cheap device that converts freely available background radiation into energy to run gadgets or charge batteries? No fossil fuel needed. No turbines need to be spun. A clean energy whether or not the sun shines or the wind blows. Sound about right? Today, researchers from […]
DISCLOSURE: MOD Whistleblower: WiFi a ‘Thalidomide’ in the Making
Thank you http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/ for posting this. This is more confirmation that our would-be masters have known and intended these technologies to interfer with our BEings natural processes. Despite the damaging effects one can heal themselves using spiritual and material methods. See the post Distilled Liquids – Dispelling myths by Unifying Body, Mind and Spirit for more information. – […]