(Justin Deschamps) Justin here. It saddens me to write this, but we might have to close down.
stillness in the storm
Anatomy of Big Tech Censorship: Deplatforming and Shadow Banning of Stillness in the Storm (Mailchimp)
(Justin Deschamps) As you might’ve noticed the Stillness in the Storm newsletter stopped being sent to your inbox. The Story behind why this happened shows a compelling case for Big Tech censorship of alternative media. What you’ll see in this article is a point for point presentation of how and why this happened. This may prove once and for all that ideas “they” don’t want you to know about are being censored.
Support this site so we can continue to tell you the truth.
The Storm Is Here! On the 7th Birthday of Stillness in the Storm, Let’s Bring the Stillness
(Justin Deschamps) Today is Stillness in the Storm’s 7th birthday. It also happens to be the Ides of March, as well as National Day of Prayer, as declared by Trump.
Stillness in the Storm Website Updates and Guide: New Site Link, Newsletter, Future Changes, and Developments
Hello Stillness readers and supporters! Justin here, Founder of Stillness in the Storm.
As you are likely aware, we have transitioned to our new platform: WordPress. We were using Blogger but this was problematic for several reasons. We, here at Stillness, know that any change to a site can be unsettling or cause confusion. In this update, I will inform you as to what these changes mean and some things you need to be aware of in order to keep receiving updates and accessing the site. I’ll also share some solutions to the problems that this transition has created as well as what the future for Stillness holds.
Collective Truth Seeking and Awakening Consciousness — Justin Deschamps on TJBS (VIDEO)
Collective Truth Seeking and Awakening Consciousness — Justin Deschamps on TJBS (VIDEO)
Pedogate and Pizzagate Normalized by Use of Symbols – The Collective Consciousness is Being Attacked
(Justin Deschamps) In answering the question, “Why do the powers that be hide symbols of their insidious behavior in plain sight?” one must consider the nature of linguistics, psychology, and law. Related #Pizzagate Conspiracy – Main Stream Audience Being Red Pilled: John Legend, Chrissy Tiegen, Chelsea Clinton , Chruch of Satan Source – TheDivineFrequency by Justin […]
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NEWS: Pedogate Busts, Globalist Arrests, Federal Reserve Conspiracy – November 12, 2017 (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r46XKUTWkxE _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
SITS NEWS: False Flags PROOF; Angry Victims EXPOSE Hollywood Sex Abuse – Nov 4 2017 (video)
(Teresa Yanaros) NOVEMBER 4, 2017: STILLNESS IN THE STORM NEWS: Teresa Yanaros discusses the top news articles from the last week, including the latest proof that false flags are REAL, Hollywood continues to burn amongst a slew of outbursts from angry victims of sexual abuse, and how to raise consciousness during this global shift. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkmh1qUpfe0 […]
Tackling the Tarot – What is Tarot and Major Arcana
(Teresa Yanaros & Justin Deschamps) Teresa Yanaros of Divine Frequency and Justin Deschamps of Stillness in the Storm tackle the taxonomy of Tarot. Listen in as Teresa breaks down the Tarot in an easy-to-understand way with fresh new diagrams and Justin adds incredible insights about developmental psychology. Enjoy the de-mystification process, and join in the conversation! […]
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No Storm Lasts Forever
Keys to Living – Positive and Negative Knowledge: Fearlessness, Self Mastery and Healing the body _________
Announcement: Stillness in the Storm Show now on Youtube Channel
We wanted to inform everyone that our Stillness in the Storm Show, which normally is live bi-monthly on Wednesdays, will also be uploaded as a video screencast to our Youtube channel. If you have yet to subscribe to our Youtube channel you can do so by clicking here and then hitting subscribe. We will do our best to […]
Residing in Massachusetts | The Journey for Raw Milk: Heritage Fields & Davenport Farms
Julians Latest blog post on his personal/photography blog Transcendent Explorer. Source – Transcendent Explorer Its now been 25 days since my arrival back to the United States. When we last left off I had requested for help from all of you to acquire tickets to fly back from Morocco. Happy to announce that with much […]
Adventures in Spain, Morocco, Massachusetts and New York | 2015 and Beyond
Julian has been documenting our Moroccan adventure on his blog, Transcendent Explorer. Take a look at some of beautiful places we have been to, along with some hints about what is to come for us as we plan our next adventure. Our next SITS diary will be released soon. – Justin Source – Transcendent Explorer […]
SITS Show: May 1st, 2014 – Commentary on QEG Build & Discernment
In this weeks show we provide an update with the QEG build and how others can dismiss the potential of the QEG out of hand. We are each having our own personal journey of discovery in this emerging New Paradigm world, and depending on the degree of personal trauma we can dismiss promises of change […]
Stillness in the Storm: March 19th, 2014 – Discussion on Discernment, Deriving Meaning from Data
Source – SITSSHOW Source: http://tobtr.com/s/6083287