(Exploring Your Mind) We give the name of rotten apples to co-workers who employ negativity, criticism, or constant abuse. With their behavior, they contaminate the entire workplace, causing stress, suffering, and low productivity.
social harmony
Captain America: Have Values Become Old-Fashioned?
(Exploring Your Mind) Some people think that the moral code Captain America lives by is old-fashioned. But is it?
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Cooperation and Competition: The Deutsch and Krauss Experiment
(Exploring Your Mind) Negotiating is often a very difficult art. In this article, we’ll look at the Deutsch and Krauss experiment.
How to Argue Happily: Bank Easy Successes First
(Nikki Harper) Relationships are not easy. All couples argue, whether they’ve only just met or have been together for decades. Even the most stable couples are still two individual people, who will have different views, wishes and ideas at least some of the time during their relationship. However, new research suggests that the happiest couples tend to argue in a distinct way, which could account for their ongoing happiness.
9 Tips for Surviving Toxic Family Members at Christmas
(Nikki Harper) It’s nearly Christmas! What a wonderful time of year for getting together with family members we don’t see nearly often enough! Happiness, joy, laughter and memorable togetherness all round – right? Perhaps. If you’re lucky. Christmas truly is a joyful time for many families – but for many others, the presence of toxic family members can turn Christmas get-togethers into something to be endured at best, or at worst even feared.
Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship — Embrace the Call to Adventure
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In our increasingly technology-driven world, group activities have become too structured. Our need for adventure, excitement, and novel stimulation often comes through passive means, like binge-watching Netflix, scrolling through social media, or playing video games. One of the greatest joys in life is the adventure of learning how to play […]
Don’t Let Fear, Cowardice and Resentment Ruin Your Relationships — How to Solve Personality Clashes: 6 Tips From a Therapist
(Justin Deschamps) All relationships are founded on fundamental laws that organize the whole of reality. These laws are the laws of trust, free will, and consciousness, which we know of on earth as the laws of contracts.
7 Reasons INFJs and INTJs Work Really Well Together
(Sarah Keene) I’m an INFJ who works as the assistant director of a performing arts program in the public school system. The head director, the person with whom I work most closely on a daily basis, is an INTJ personality type.
Self-Destructive Behaviors in Relationships
(Exploring Your Mind) What are the most self-destructive behaviors in romantic relationships?
Teenagers Less Likely to Respond to Mothers with Controlling Tone of Voice
(Neuroscience) Teenagers are less likely to cooperate and put effort into their mother’s requests when they are said in a controlling tone of voice, researchers have found.
5 Ways Writing Can Make You a More Tolerant and Mindful Person
(Jean-Paul Stephen) Life is full of experiences and this is realized in a variety of ways. Writing is both a hobby and an income-earning activity for some people. Even with that, there are much more benefits that come with it especially in building your personality. Today, taking an online writing job can yield a lot more than the money earned at the end of the task at hand. Writing can be used in certain ways to make someone more tolerant and mindful. Here are 5 ways to realize this in your life:
Lessons on Compassion: Why It’s Good for Us and How We Can Do More of It
(Beth Kurland, Ph.D.) A Story of Compassion
Police Officer Helps Homeless Man Struggling to Shave in the Rain
(Amanda Froelich) Since the topic of police brutality became a hot button issue, many officers have gone out of their way to demonstrate that not all cops are bad. In Detroit, Michigan, for instance, an officer was spotted helping a less fortunate man shave during a rain shower.
The Importance of Apologizing to Children — Help Heal Core Wounds with Compassion and Empathy
(Exploring Your Mind) Apologizing to a child is responsible. As a father, a mother, or a teacher, if you fail a child, you need to be able to apologize to them. Lead by example and teach children that everybody makes mistakes.
7 Ways to Fight Well in Your Relationship And Tips to Avoid Them Proactively
(Mike Matthews) I had one of those really intense arguments with my partner recently, and it made me realize the importance of knowing how to fight well in a relationship.