Source The End of Economic Slavery Has Arrived September 1, 2013 While I don’t necessarily agree with all of the data from this piece, Scott did a great job of summarizing a substantial amount of quality information. There has been so much speculation about the global currency reset (RV), I can honestly say I have […]
POOFness for SEP 1: “Lean on Me”
Source AL GREEN LYRICS“Lean On Me”Some times in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow. But, if we are wise, we know that there’s always tomorrow.[Chorus:] Lean on me, when your not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on. For it won’t be long, ’till I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.Please, […]
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American Kabuki: The ZAP Report 8-25-2013
Source Zap’s take on the RV below… -BillGreetings and Salutations,Time to wake up! Many of you may have taken a nap the last few weeks as it appeared that nothing very interesting was traveling through the grapevine. At least that we could hear or see. Well, how about the NASDAQ shutdown last week which bleed […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: UPDATED: D’s Update & a Relavant Response from Alexander
Source Sunday, 18 August 2013 Since my original posting, D has responded to Alexander’s comments/questions below. ~BK Aug 17th Update: Butterflys and Butt kicking- it’s your move dudes Posted by D. at Removing the Shackles This has been an INCREDIBLE week and yesterday was incredibly intense! Anyone with even the sensitivity of a tomato felt the shifting […]
POOF – Ness – Susan & Zap – Bridge Over Troubled Water – 18 August 2013
Source POOFness for AUG 18: “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]Date: Sunday, 18-Aug-2013 17:21:21 In Response To: POOFness for JUL 7: “Introducing you to your future” (hobie) Hi, Folks – Received via e-mail: Greetings and Salutations, We have definitely entered another round of “Rumor Du’Jour, Funny Season”. It’s very important to keep […]
RTS: Aug 17th Update: Butterflys and Butt kicking- it’s your move dudes
Source This has been an INCREDIBLE week and yesterday was incredibly intense! Anyone with even the sensitivity of a tomato felt the shifting of the energy. Chat rooms, Skype rooms, websites, articles, radio shows….. are exploding with the vibration of change. Not just “Change” but a true metamorphosis, like the caterpillar into a butterfly. With […]
Writing your Own DOV – 10 Steps to Accessing Your Value
Greg posted this in his DOV update which can be found here. I have not personally tried this, and given the resistance of the system, anyone who wants to use this will probably encounter the same issues as Kiri, Bob Wright, and Greg. However, simply the act of walking into a bank with a DOV […]
Update: Greg’s €100,000,000 DOV 8.13.13 – Bank Stalling for 2 more weeks
UPDATED: 2:36pm EST – Greg added a “how to DOV” which I have added at the end of this post. Greg went into his bank today, per their original instruction, to review the status on the DOV. Greg’s DOV Status Update The bank manager and the financing officer, whom were supposed to review the DOV, […]
SGT: The Hidden Secrets of Money and the 7 Stages of Empire
I am presently putting together a post about Gold, Silver and Currency backed by real things. There is a huge push at the moment for precious metal backed currencies, but there is more to this story… The Powers that were have been using currency crisis’s to guide world events for centuries, and our present time of RV’s, […]
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American Kabuki: The ZAP Report – 8/11/2013
Source Comments in red are mine alone -AK (BILL)Greetings and Salutations,The Global Reset is under way, nothing can stop it now! The reset is a process not just the flip of a switch. The RV is a part of it just as Basel III is a part along with the announcements and other pieces which […]
RTS: (Data vs Opinion) – Update July 28 – The RV and “New” financial system: Clearing the air
Thank you Lucas of for originally posting this. This is yet another story confirming indeed major economic and financial changes are happening across the planet. Source – Justin Friday, August 16, 2013 Record High Demand For Physical Gold Threatens To Break The Back Of The Paper Gold Market Michael Snyder Activist Post The demand for physical gold […]
American Kabuki: Project XIII for Windows 8 Phone is Released and Now in Microsoft App Stores for Download
Project xiii is live! One thing I want to make perfectly clear is that the I-UV exchange, which will eventually be the medium threw which value can be transferred, is NOT Project xiii. This project is a safe and secure way to transfer data between 2 parties with out a third party having access too […]
I-UV: Trail of Financial Disclosure Bringing Transparency to Banking Deception and Slavery
Thanks to Scott over at the site for putting together an inspiring piece. The article discusses: the pending currency Revaluation or RV, recent efforts to shift into a gold standard (Basal III) and a timeline of the past 6 weeks worth of events providing evidence of an imminent Shift. There is a little history in […]
OPPT Anniversary: $10 Billion Pre-1933 = $2.7 Trillion Today
I wanted to take the time to highlight the significance of what is being shared both energetically and informationally by RTS and BK; from my point of view. The coveted $10 Billion is a number which was referenced in the UCC filings as a method for setting a limitation on the infinite value of the individuations of […]