(Natural Blaze) Contrary to popular belief, cartilage in human joints can repair itself through a process similar to that used by creatures such as salamanders and zebrafish to regenerate limbs, researchers at Duke Health found.
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Study: More Than 100,000 Cancer Cases From Toxic Chemical in US Tap Water
(Natural Blaze) A toxic cocktail of chemical pollutants in U.S. drinking water could result in more than 100,000 cancer cases, according to a peer-reviewed study from Environmental Working Group – the first study to conduct a cumulative assessment of cancer risks due to 22 carcinogenic contaminants found in drinking water nationwide.
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Can Popping Your Neck Cause a Stroke?
(Christine Roffe) The Washington Post recently reported the story of Josh Hader, a 28-year-old who stretched and popped his neck, tore an artery and nearly lost his life from a major stroke. And earlier this year, the Daily Mail reported the story of Natalie Kunicki, a 23-year-old paramedic who stretched her neck and suffered a similar fate.
20 Hurricane Survival Tips From Real-Life Scenarios
(Tess Pennington) Imagine this scenario: It’s the year 2005 and you are living in the heart of New Orleans. A hurricane is threatening to hit and even though the city sits 8 feet below sea level, you choose not to evacuate or even prepare because you’ve seen many hurricanes threaten to hit the city and it never makes landfall, so why prepare for this one? Days later, your great city is almost completely flooded from Hurricane Katrina and over 1,800 lives were claimed including some of your neighbors because, like you, they decided not to leave the city. Now you are left without electricity, water, and dwindling supplies. To make matters worse, supply trucks are cut off, the police and emergency services can’t meet the needs of the people and there are looters breaking into homes for supplies.
How You Train Your Mind Will Either Make or Break You
(Justin Deschamps) In our world, many people suffer. The culture of victimhood asserts your suffering is not your fault; it’s because of the patriarchy, the economic system, biological limitations, karma (original sin), and so on. To be sure, there are many things that make life unnecessarily hard and cruel. But within your mind exists the key to your liberation, as was claimed by mystics and enlightened men and women of the past.
Lavender Oil May Contribute to Abnormal Breast Growth in Young Girls and Boys
(Natural Blaze) Abnormal breast growth in young girls is linked to lavender oil exposure, according to a recent study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
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Home Births Are As Safe As Hospital Births: International Study
(Natural Blaze) A large international study led by McMaster University shows that low risk pregnant women who intend to give birth at home have no increased chance of the baby’s perinatal or neonatal death compared to other low risk women who intend to give birth in a hospital.
Amazing Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice Powder
(Neenah Payne) Although many people recommend Coconut Oil Pulling, after watching the video Stop oil pulling & heal your teeth the easy way, I decided to switch to wheat grass juice powder. The video recommends the Amazing Grace Organic Wheat GrassPowder. However, a number of Amazon reviewers commented that the quality of the product had declined. So, I chose the Lemon Wheatgrass Juice Powder from Dr. Eric Berg because the Amazon Q&A shows this response comparing the two products:
Stressed at School? Art Therapy Reduces Stress Headaches In Teenage Girls
(Natural News) Teenagers report higher levels of stress than adults, and cite school as the highest contributing factor, according to the American Psychological Association’s annual report. A summary from 2013 concluded that while stress among Americans was not new, “what’s troubling is the stress outlook for teens in the United States.”
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Study: One Apple Carries Roughly 100 Million Bacteria — Which Is A Good Thing
(John Anderer) How does the old saying go? “100 million bacteria a day will keep the doctor away?” Sounds about right. A new study reveals that a typical 240g apple contains around 100 million bacteria, mostly in the seeds and skin. While that may sound a bit off-putting at first, researchers say that when it comes to gut health, the more bacteria the better.
Keeping Livestock In The Yard May Help Your Baby’s Immune System
(Natural Blaze) Getting up close – and a little dirty – with farm animals just might help us fend off illness, say researchers who’ve further demonstrated the benefits of early exposure to a wide variety of environmental bacteria.
Petting Dogs or Cats For 10 Minutes Significantly Reduces Stress, New Study Finds
(Natural Blaze) College is stressful. Students have classes, papers, and exams. But they also often have work, bills to pay, and so many other pressures common in modern life.
Study Finds Transgender, Non-Binary Autism Link
(Natural Blaze) New research indicates that transgender and non-binary individuals are significantly more likely to have autism or display autistic traits than the wider population – a finding that has important implications for gender confirmation treatments.
Nighttime Snacking Promotes Vicious Cycle Of Sleeplessness, Weight Gain, Junk Food Cravings
(Ben Renner) We’ve all been there. That late-night craving for some junk food sets in, even though it’s way too late to be eating. Most of the time all it takes is a little bit of willpower to resist, but giving in to temptation from time to time happens to the best of us. Now, a study out of the University of Arizona has found that those late night snacks may be causing a much more intricate web of health problems than anyone could predict while standing in front of the fridge at 1 in the morning.
Students Build Vacuum That Sucks Up Microplastics From Sand on the Beach
(Elias Marat) With the world’s oceans awash in plastic, beaches and islands across the globe are waging an uphill battle in the struggle to manage the plastic debris washing ashore—especially the millions of tiny microplastics that are nearly impossible to sift from the sand.