(John Vibes) At a recent extradition hearing for Julian Assange, a psychiatrist testified that the embattled Wikileaks founder is experiencing strong hallucinations and is at a high risk of suicide. Professor Michael Kopelman, an emeritus professor of neuropsychiatry at King’s College London, said that Assange has been hearing voices and has confessed to a priest that he was making preparations to kill himself. These preparations included drafting his will and writing a goodbye letter to his family and friends.
Julian Assange
Mainstream US Reporters Silent about Being Spied on by Apparent CIA Contractor That Targeted Assange
(Max Blumenthal) Despite being spied on and having their privacy invaded by the UC Global firm that targeted Assange, reporters from major US news outlets have said nothing in protest. Meanwhile, new evidence of that firm’s CIA links has emerged.
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Trump ‘Associates’ Offered Assange Pardon in Return for Emails Source, Court Hears | Julian Assange
(Peter Beaumont) WikiLeaks founder was asked to reveal source of leak damaging to Hillary Clinton, hearing told.
Confirmed at Trial: President Trump Offered Julian Assange Deal If He Shared Who His Source Was for Podesta Emails — And It Wasn’t Russia
(Joe Hoft) President Trump offered Julian Assange a deal if he were to disclose his source of the DNC emails released before the 2016 election.
Director Oliver Stone on Watters’ World: “I Think We Know that Someone from the DNC Leaked the Information to Julian [Assange]”
(Joe Hoft) Famous Director Oliver Stone was on Watters’ World tonight and he expressed his thoughts on the Deep State Intel community and their actions related to Julian Assange.
Your Man in the Public Gallery: The Assange Hearing Day 6
(Craig Murray) Today expecting to be awed by the majesty of the law, and left revolted by the sordid administration of injustice. There is a romance which attaches to the Old Bailey. The name of course means fortified enclosure and it occupies a millennia old footprint on the edge of London’s ancient city wall. It is the site of the medieval Newgate Prison, and formal trials have taken place at the Old Bailey for at least 500 years, numbering in the hundreds of thousands. For the majority of that time, those convicted even of minor offences of theft were taken out and executed in the alleyway outside. It is believed that hundreds, perhaps thousands, lie buried under the pavements.
Julian Assange’s Trial Has Begun: Judge Warns Him Not To Speak Again & Remain Silent
(Arjun Walia) Julian Assange’s legal battle to avoid US extradition to the United States for leaking classified information has begun. The latest news is that “English judge Vanessa Baraitser warns the most famous publisher/journalist in the world – Julian Assange, tortured by UK authorities according to the UN – not to speak again or be removed entirely from the court and be tried for his life in his absence,” according to Afshin Rattansi, a British broadcaster, journalist and author.
Assange Is In “A Lot Of Pain” And Looking Very Thin, Partner Says After Visit To Prison
(John Vibes) Julian Assange is not in good shape, according to his partner Stella Moris, who was recently able to visit him in prison for the first time in nearly six months. Moris had a 20-minute meeting with Assange at the Belmarsh Prison in south-east London, where he is currently being held. The couple’s two young children also came to meet their father, but everyone had to wear masks, and visitors were not allowed to touch one another.
New Docs Reveal Links Between Firm That Spied on Assange and the CIA, Says Investigative Journalist (Op-Ed)
(Mohamed Elmaazi) US-based independent outlet The Grayzone has revealed deep links between a US casino billionaire, the CIA and the Spanish security firm which spied on the WikiLeaks publisher, his friends, family and lawyers while he was under the protection of the Ecuadorian Embassy.
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The Latest On The Prosecution & Attempted Extradition of Julian Assange
(Arjun Walia) The Facts: Glenn Greenwald, Jennifer Robinson, who represents Assange legally, and Washington Post reporter Margaret Sullivan have a discussion about the persecution of Julian Assange. Reflect On: Why do people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden face such a harsh backlash from Governments? If governments and elite corporations aren’t doing anything wrong, what do they have to hide? Why are the censoring so much information?
One Year After Assange’s Arrest, World Learns He Fathered Two Children Inside Ecuadorian Embassy
(Emma Fiala) According to his fiancée, Assange watched the birth of both children live via video link.
Media Breakthrough: Tucker Carlson & Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Discuss Julian Assange
(Alex Christoforou) The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Tucker Carlson Tonight hosting Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters to discuss the Julian Assange case.
UNW Weekly Report(Feb 16th – 22nd): Barr, Assange, Democratic Debate
(Ryan DeLarme) The panic is real and palpable this week as attacks against the “patriots” increase from all directions. Last week we reported that AG William Barr was coming under heavy fire from a wide range of talking heads and frightened political figures, this week the fearful outrage has only intensified.
Assange Rape Case DROPPED: Sweden Abandons Probe That Led to His Asylum in UK
(RT) Swedish prosecutors will not pursue their rape investigation of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange any further, they announced, having successfully fulfilled their role in the years-long scheme to put Assange behind bars.
UN Envoy Issues Grim Warning Over Assange’s Life
(Strategic Culture Foundation) A United Nations expert in torture diagnosis has in the past week issued a stark warning that Australian whistleblower Julian Assange is in danger of dying from extreme prison conditions in Britain.