(Justin Danneman) We have been conditioned to believe that the external physical world is more real than the internal, yet nothing could be further from the truth.
Child Sex Trafficking Through “Child Protection” Services Used by the Rich and Powerful?
(Brian Shilhavy) The majority of children recruited into the child sex-trafficking slave trade come through foster care, where state “Child Protection” child welfare agencies place children who have been removed from their homes.
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Pedophilia & Child Trafficking: A Shocking Scourge Unveiled
(Catherine J. Frompovich) If parents have never thought about that ‘actuality’, maybe it’s time to look into what’s been going on for decades, if not centuries, regarding the abuse of children, which is totally offensive to me, but indicative of the ‘power struggles’ that go on within the systems of child trafficking, pedophilia and satanic rituals.
Pedogate: As Many as 8 Million Children Are Kidnapped and Trafficked into Sex Slavery Every Year by Global Pedophile Network – of Which Many Politicians Are Members
(Ethan Huff) According to official statistics that you’ll never hear reported by the mainstream media, as many as 800,000 children in the United States, and eight million children globally, are being kidnapped and trafficked into sex slavery every single year as part of a massive pedophilia network that spans the entire world. And though it might not be comfortable to think about, many high-level politicians on both sides of aisle actively participate in, and partake of, this unimaginable evil.
800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year — Victims Testify of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse
(Brian Shilhavy) 800,000 children a year in the United States go missing, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks where the children suffer unimaginable horrors such as Satanic ritual abuse.
MK Ultra Survivor Shares The Details Of Her Experience
(Arjun Walia) MK Ultra was the name for the CIA’s program that dived into the world of behavioural engineering. After the program was declassified, it raised a lot of ethical and moral concerns, as the US citizenry realized that human beings were being experimented on with LSD as well as other substances for mind-control purposes.
Former CIA Officer & ITNJ Chief Counsel Shares Reality Of Elite Child Trafficking
(Arjun Walia) Robert David Steele is a former Marine, CIA case officer and the co-founder of the US Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. His mission has been to spread the use of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and he’s written a number of handbooks on OSINT for NATO, the DIA and US Special Operations Forces.
MAKE VIRAL: Witness Statement by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, Fiona Barnett – Calling Out Her Pedophile Abusers
My name is Fiona Barnett. I was born Fiona Rae Holowczak, on 28 October 1969, in Sydney, Australia. I am a victim of CIA child trafficking, Luciferian ritual abuse, and Project MK-ULTRA. Related Human Trafficking? In Just the Last Two Weeks, Dozens of Children in Iowa Have Vanished Source – Victurus Libertas by Angie, July 25th, 2018 […]
Worldwide Online Event: Witness the Ratification of the ITNJ | An Overview of the ITNJ
An Overview of the ITNJ as it Relates to Current Jurisprudence Written by Justin Deschamps Edited by Julian Robles & Aaron Meileiac Stillness in the Storm stillnessinthestorm.com A Historic Initiative Where ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ OF THE WORLD – RESTORE JUSTICE & RULE OF LAW’ Event found @ http://www.newearth.events/ LIVE STREAMING OF THE CEREMONIAL SEATING WESTMINSTER HALL — Following the issue […]
Mortgage Fraud Securitization | FBI Whistleblower Interviewed by Sacha Stone and Rebecca Cope
The degree of fraud within the mortgage industry is multi-tiered and pandemic. Fraud, deception, coercion and manipulation are staples, not the exception. Julian and I lost our home in 2013 to Foreclosure Fraud, despite our having the law our side. Sacha Stone and Rebecca Cope expose part of this in an interview with an FBI whistleblower who spent […]
How To Send A Complaint To The ITNJ | Countdown to the Launch of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice
The International Tribunal for Natural Justice is a by the people court of law which can act as a correcting mechanism to the corporate piracy systems running rampant on Earth. This is not a corporate justice institution like the police or FBI, the investigators in the field, so to speak are the people. The below letter from the ITNJ […]