Source Just To REITERATE Some Basic Facts About The OPPT…. This was posted in the RTS Skype room 9.7.13, by Thomas. Heather Quoted it and added her additions. [4:47:27 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I: Just To REITERATE Some Basic Facts About The OPPT…. 1. The OPPT was a legal tool to recapture value for the One People. […]
I-UV: New Skype Room for Accessing Our Value
Source A new Skype room called “Bankers Working with Eternal Essence” has been created. It already has people from all over the world participating. Because the Skype room only holds 300, people asked to have information put on the blog so more people from around Gaia can participate in the co-creation/role-play practice calls and also […]
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I-UV: HSBC whistle-blower Everett Stern: Eternal Essence Moving Through More People For Truth to Be Revealed
Source HSBC whistle-blower Everett Stern: Eternal Essence Moving Through More People For Truth to Be Revealed Published on Aug 30, 2013 HSBC whistleblower Everett Stern, Occupy Wall St Alt Banking and Caravan for Peace call for HSBC bank executives to be criminally prosecuted and held accountable for laundering money for terrorists and brutal drug cartels, […]
I-UV: Did The Fed Just Legalize Pot?
Source Marijuana Ruling Could Signal End of Prohibition on Pot Published by Colleen Curry, ABC News, August 31, 2013 It’s legal to light up in Colorado and Washington, and soon smoking pot could be legalized across the country following a decision Thursday by the federal government. “DOJ said that as long as states set up comprehensive […]
I-UV: Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward
Source Last evening August 29, 2013 there was a conversation in the RTS Skype room. Early this morning (I am PDT, time zone) D read through the conversation that had taken place when she was sleeping and quoting parts of the conversation joined in with her thoughts. Below is that part of the conversation from […]
I-UV: The Zero Point Field: How Thoughts Become Matter
Source Since I have mentioned the zero point field (ZPF) so much in my past HuffPost articles, and seeing as how it is a vital component to what is going on, it only makes sense to provide a more detailed analysis for all those Quantum buffs who struggle with my theory that thoughts equal matter. […]
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I-UV: Karen Hudes: We’re Dealing with Whether We Can Continue as Humanity
Source World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes says this is not a fight about money, but survival of the planet. “We’re dealing with whether we can continue as humanity and have an earth or whether we blow ourselves up. . . . whether we love each other enough to save the world, or we all go […]
I-UV: Julien Wells Energy Update August 24, 2013
Source Hi Everybody,Finally caught up with Julien for an update. We have been playing Skype tennis for over ten days and finally connected today. This was a long update covering a lot of events and subjects– energetic shifts having a “stonewalling” effect– further discussion on due diligence in making communication agreementswith the Pleadian collective.– major […]
I-UV: Energy Frequency Vibration : Colors of Sound and Light
By DK Matai, published on January 13, 2013 Source One of history’s greatest engineers Nikola Tesla, who invented the means to transfer and to distribute electricity over long distances, once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” The same holds true for the world […]
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I-UV: Freedom Story: Hedi
Source A freedom story from Hedi, Washington, U.S. After speaking with my Account Manager briefly about the foreclosure and lending fraud, I sent a CN to a private student loan servicer on 4/25/13. I sought to inform and educate, as well as stop collection action against me in regard to my purported obligation to ‘repay’ my […]
The One People 12/13 Aug 2013
Listin to show here: Formerly the Oppt-In Show. Join the discussion with Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright, Chris Hales and Brian Kelly, for updates on the BE’ing and DO’ing of The One People as we ground our new reality. Join us at Watch us on YT Join us at FB Source:
I-UV: Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “They have all ways had notice that the RV would be the last final DO’ing in the “Divine Plan””
Skype Conversation in RTS Room from Heather Tucci-Jarraf [Saturday, August 10, 2013 10:39:55 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: Quoting[Friday, August 09, 2013 4:05 PM] Paul Mc: “DOing is the ecstasy of BEing” – Sensei Harte, Olympic Karate Club, Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2013 5:36 AM]Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “also notices who/what you BE ” Quoting [Friday, August 09, 2013 […]
I-UV: Skype Message from Heather Tucci-Jarraf 8.6.13
[6:13:40 PM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: perfect….I love the part of the Elohim message…resonates completely…and with love I state that I say this from my heart absent me binding any other (heart) Quoting from Archangeloi of the Elohim Message for 5th August 2013 posted here ” That which you have been taught as TRUTH on this planet […]
I-UV: Permaculture – The Way Forward
Permaculture – The Way Forward Permaculture – The Way Forward By Noha , Published August 1, 2013 The small town of Nimbin nestled in the hills of Northern NSW Australia is famous for it’s colourful characters, activists, creatives, healers and people generally wanting to live a sustainable and peaceful life in the country. The year […]
Bob Wright Deposits a DOV – Transcript of One People Show 29/30 July 2013
This is a transcript of the One People Show from the 29th of July 2013. Bob discusses his DOV deposit from last thursday and the reactions he got from the bank. This is really powerful information because this phase of the process is all about INTERNAL work. Once the documents come out and everything is […]