(Humans Are Free) We receive a lot of questions from people wanting to understand the meaning of coincidences and synchronicity. Related: The Physics Behind How Distant Energy Healing Works Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, January 1st, 2018 One of the best explanations we’ve found is by Deepak Chopra, who not only explains what the […]
Why Are There Paintings Depicting Ritual Abuse on Display at the Las Vegas Courthouse?
(VigilantCitizen) Disturbing paintings depicting various scenes of ritual abuse are on display near the entrance of the Lloyd George Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas. Related: Who or What is the Whore of Babylon — Exposing the Cabal’s Global Child Abuse Network | Blackmail via Pedophilia, Banking, Jesuits, and more Source – HumansAreFree by VigilantCitizen, December 12th, 2017 The […]
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Never Shown Before Footage of 9/11: Entire Pentagon With Missile Impact
(WhyDontYouTryThis) Now, since I’ve been researching into September 11th, 2001, I’ve noticed peculiar things about the Pentagon that are very interesting like the Pentagon confiscating the video from the gas station across the street, and the video from a hotel had their video confiscated as well. That was the rumor online anyway. Related: 10 Characteristics […]
The Most Powerful Exercise to Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind
(Shems Heartwell) The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it’s often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Related: Brazil Health Officials: Zika Virus Is NOT Responsible For Rise In Birth […]
A Brief History of the New World Order
(Richard K. Moore) “For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.
How ‘Elite’ Bloodlines and Secret Societies Are Controlling the World
(Humans Are Free) In the West, we’ve all been spoon fed the idea that we are free citizens of sovereign countries, where our democratically elected governments rule according to the peoples’ wishes. Related: The Astor Bloodline: One of the Satanic (Illuminati) Bloodlines that Rule the World Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, December 16th, 2017 […]
Worlds in Collision: The Controversial Theories of Immanuel Velikovsky May Be Proven Right
(Laird Scranton) Some of the controversies that arise in the world seem to latch on to the public’s imagination and then, for decades or years following, simply will not let go. Such is the character of intrigue that has, for more than sixty years now, swirled turbulently around the personage of Immanuel Velikovsky. Related Science Conspiracy: […]
Abductee Defies SIXTEEN Lie Detector Tests, Proving His Story TRUE (video)
(Humans Are Free) Travis Walton the man involved in one of the most infamous alien abduction cases EVER has hit out at sceptics and non-believers – saying 16 separate lie detector tests, which were taken by himself and witnesses to the unexplained strange 1975 incident – prove a 100% that his story is TRUE! Related: Alien Abductions […]
Proof that the Human Species Has Been Genetically Engineered
(Conscious Hologram) Lloyd Pye used to say “Everything you know is wrong” and presents evidence about what is really going on with human evolution that mainstream science won’t discuss. He presents evidence that the human genome was tampered with and he says the best story that explains why modern humans look like the way they do […]
Cancer Can Now Be Detected Through Natural Sound Waves Emitted By The Human Body
(Humans Are Free) Cancer places a big burden on society, with an estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer in 2016 alone. In fact, the National Cancer Institute predicts that close to 600,000 people will die from cancer in the same year – and that’s just in the United States. Related: Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer […]
Nazi Fears and ‘Hate Speech’ Hysteria are Being Amplified to Attack Civil Liberties (video)
(Humans Are Free) Liberty Blitzkrieg – It doesn’t take courage to denounce Nazism. Moreover, it appears many of the people incessantly proclaiming how anti-Nazi they are, happen to be the same folks who have the most to answer for when it comes to all sorts of transgressions against the world over the past couple of decades. Related: Declassified […]
All 8 Extreme Childhood Food Allergies Are Also Common Ingredients in CDC-recommended Vaccines — Coincidence?
( S.D. Wells) Food allergy awareness posters in elementary schools list the following 8 food products as the most popular food allergies among children. Allergic reactions from exposure, consumption or injection of these foods can be fatal. Related: USA: Highest Vaccination Rate in the World Has the Worst Health Source – Humans Are Free by S.D. Wells, November […]
Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone and Here’s Why
(Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD) Dear Legislator: My name is Tetyana Obukhanych. I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings. Related: Moral […]
Monsanto Is Suing California for Stating That Roundup Causes Cancer
(Humans Are Free) Monsanto Company, a multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation, recently filed a lawsuit against California’s Office of Environmental and Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and its acting director, Lauren Zeise, to prevent them from listing glyphosate as a known carcinogen. Related: Monsanto is Scrambling to Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared! […]
Secret Code Is Recording Every Keystroke You Make On More Than 400 Of The Most Popular Websites On The Internet
(Humans Are Free) If someone secretly installed software on your computer that recorded every single keystroke that you made, would you be alarmed? Related: Here’s How to Protect Your Privacy From Your Internet Service Provider Source – Humans Are Free by Staff Writer, November 24th, 2017 Of course you would be, and that is essentially what is […]