(Borderland Sciences) The following transcript is taken from a tape recording of a 35mm slide presentation by Bob Beck at the 1978 U.S. Psychotronic Association Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
electric universe
In this Electric Universe – Our Star is Rotating on a Helical Orbit While Spiraling Up and Down & Our Sun is Not a Nuclear Furnace
(Jamal S. Shrair) According to my understanding, all structures in the Universe, including the largest one, are magnetically ordered and centrally powered. The Milky Way follows this standard cosmic model.
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Tesla’s Electrifying Discovery of Standing Waves (Free Energy) Was Also Illuminated to Walter Russell (Videos)
(Anne) It appears the Creator of this Electric Universe has a strong point to make – standing waves represent the electric potential that covers every speck of space. In other words, the creator’s energy is ever present throughout creation.
Wallace Thornhill: The Long Path to Understanding Gravity | EU2015 (Video)
Wallace Thornhill: The Long Path to Understanding Gravity | EU2015 (Video)
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics — An Introduction
(Stillness in the Storm Editor’s Note) Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the cutting edge of science, where Physics, Acoustics, Cosmology, and even Theology become one in the same study, under the banner of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP). This is an enormous field of knowledge that requires our most diligent attention, for mastery over the vibratory […]
GIANT Space Lightning: Why Electric Universe Science is Better than Standard Cosmology | Does Gravity Cause Lightning in Space? (Video)
https://youtu.be/gwnAsqaQKDw Related A Fractal Antenna | DNA In The Electric Universe Related The Electric Universe: What They Do Not Want You to Know _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send […]
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Science Suggests Love and Receptiveness to Truth Enhance Psi Abilities — Telepathy Can be Explained by Interacting Coherent Electromagnetic Fields
(Justin Deschamps) Interactions between electrically dynamic systems provide a basis to understand so-called telepathic contact because living things are bioelectrical in nature. Of note, Ben Davidson, of Suspicious Observers, recently produced a rather heady scientific video about magnetic connections disrupting stable electric currents or circuits, causing the two or more systems to rebalance themselves in a rather reactive way. In essense, electric circuits are stabilized flows of electricity that are enshrouded by a magnetic field. Plasma currents, which are flows of electricity that are guided by magnetic fields, are disrupted when the fields interact, causing a rapid reorientation of the flow of electricity, and information contained therein, which in turn causes a restabilization. The resulting effect is that the two fields collide producing a new field that is informed by the preceding fields. This is very interesting when one considers that life is also a type of plasma or flow of electricity producing strong magnetic fields—in humans, this field is produced by the heart and informed by the mind/body.
A Case for Mind-Mastery | Bio-Electric Fields and Evidence for Morphogenetic Field (Mind) Governed Biology and Reality — Bioelectricity, Morphology, & Electroceuticals | Electricity of Life
(Justin Deschamps) For ages, mystics, philosophers, and prophets have declared mind or consciousness as the prima materia of the universe—one of the original substance that gives rise to all else. Consciousness is so essential to experience and yet remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern times. Mind, as defined by the ancients, is consciousness itself, more than just logic, reason, or mind chatter, it is also an order-maker, bringing coherence to chaos, and life to the unliving. Although mainstream science has failed to discover what the ancients long knew, other pioneers have begun to recognize its power, albeit indirectly. The way in which life organizes a physical body is one such example, as researchers have previously discovered.
Is Our Sun Conscious? — Evidence Suggests the Sun is “Protecting” the Earth | Earth-facing Solar Quiet Effect
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article discusses the theory that the sun and other stars are conscious beings, capable of directing their behavior autonomously. Rudolf Steiner, Dan Winter, and Frank O’Collins, to name a few, have also suggested the same. More over, they suggest that stars and their planets are “married,” that is […]
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Sacred Sites and Mysterious Energy Fields
Stonehenge, England (Julian Websdale) All of the sacred sites, wherever they exist in the world, are placed on vortex points that are called “conductivity discontinuities.” Related The Sine Wave And MandelBrot Fractal Alignments of Sacred Sites Source – Humans Are Free by Julian Websdale, March 2017 At these places the geomagnetic field of the earth interacts with […]
What is The Photon Energy Belt? — “Local Fluff” | NASA: Mysterious Incoming Interstellar Energy Expected to Affect Solar System
(Justin Deschamps) The Photon Energy belt is allegedly a field of energy that is beginning to interact with the solar system and will one day propel humanity into a golden age of spiritual enlightenment. But is there any truth to this claim? In an effort to find corroborating scientific data, I discovered the following article by NASA from 2009, which says “The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist.”
The Electric Universe: What They Do Not Want You to Know
Source – Energy Fanatics by Pao Chang, October 30th 2016 Is the Universe electric in nature? Many researchers and scientists are arguing that mainstream science’s current understanding of the Universe is not accurate, because it does not acknowledge that electricity plays a very important role in the creation of the Universe. Does the Electric Universe […]
Science Reveals the Vibrational Nature of the Sun | Tracking Waves from Sunspots Gives New Solar Insight
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The ancients have long said that vibration is a fundamental principle of the universe. Traditional physics cannot explain the mystery of why the Sun is hotter on the outside than it is on the inside because of the supposition that our stellar parent is a kind of internal combustion engine—using […]
Telepathy will be Enabled by the Earth’s Magnetic Field on a Global Scale
(Justin Deschamps) The Earth’s magnetic field, also known as the magnetosphere, along with the Schumann Resonances, play an integral part in biological and mental functioning.
Tesla’s Inventions Used in 9/11? | The Dark Side Of Tesla’s Technology – Presentation by Mark Passio
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following presentation by researcher Mark Passio discusses Nikola Tesla’s inventions, scalar wave technology and links to weapons used to bring down the World Trade Center towers on September 11th, 2001. Passio draws upon the work of Dr. Judy Wood, and Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, lending further substantiation to the notion […]