Image Source. Source – Deux Nexus Deus Nexus Note: I had this article formated, sitting in my queue, just waiting for the right moment to post. Apparently this is the right moment, with the recent news of galactic wave activity hitting the Earth. “The Wes Penre Papers,A Journey through the Multiverse” Paper #3 The Misconception of the Ascension Processand the Nature […]
3 Triangle UFO Sightings Over Ohio, West Virginia, and San Diego — ET or Secret Military (SSP) Spacecraft?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Triangular spacecraft have been associated with secret government projects, like the TR-3B. According to several whistleblowers connected to the military industrial complex and secret space programs, craft like this are employed by many different and sometimes unrelated projects—classified as deep black or Unacknowledged Special Access Programs. Related Agreement for Limited UFO ET Disclosure Impacts […]
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Amazing UFO Sighting — UFO Fleet Over Maine! Sinister “Alien Sphere” Found In Space
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) This is one of the more impressive UFO videos I have seen. Of course, we can’t rule out the possibility that there might be something else happening. However, the way in which the video was captured, the reaction of the observer, and the lack of overlaid effects on the image suggest […]
Discernment Exercise: Kent Dunn: Chem Trails Being Sprayed Today out of Lincoln, Ne. They cannot Hide: 402-309-1110 & PUBLIC LAW 105-855 Says US Gov can Spray Chemical Weapons on USA Citizens !!!
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information, please send it to me. REGARDING KENT DUNN — BE ADVISED: I have received a swath of feedback about Kent Dunn’s claims and information. […]
FAKE Rudy Giuliani Twitter Account Suspended Following Series of ‘PizzaGate’ Tweets — Honey Trap for Alt-Media
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City allegedly tweeted about Pizzagate recently—but is this true? I had several people send me the data asking me if it was real, hoping that it was. But the account was suspended due to impersonation violations. In other words, it appears that the […]
Kent Dunn: White Hat Military Forces Raiding Dark Cabal’s Last Remaining Holdout At Denver Airport – December 19, 2016
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information please send it to me. – Justin Source – Ascension With Earth Kent Dunn Intel Update #2 – White Hat Military Forces Raiding Dark […]
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Kent Dunn: Satan 4th Reich Nephilium Giants Last Fight Against God, D Rockefeller & N Rothcild Dead — Antarctic ET and Nazi Bases, Secret Space Program
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information please send it to me. Note: The Nephilim are regarded by some researchers as an ancient alien race that was forced to relocate to the […]
Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) With all the talk of ancient cities allegedly found in Antarctica, I came upon the following article during my research. Purportedly a TV crew went missing in 2002, leaving behind footage captured during their time in the southernmost continent. The footage apparently reveals ancient ruins under the ice. Navy rescuers […]
Kent Dunn Intel Report – “Cabal, World Political Leaders Being Rounded Up!” | Arrests of the Dark Cabal leaders, White Hat Military, RV/GCR, Vatican, ISIS/ISIL, and more.
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information please send it to me. – Justin Source – Ascension With Earth by Enerchi, December 12th, 2016 December 12, 2016 (Posting Updated at 6:30pm Est […]
Unconfirmed — Kent Dunn: White Knights are Stepping Up The Pace Against The Cabal and Pedophilia !!
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information please send it to me. – Justin Source – Ascension With Earth _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a […]
Analysis — Huge Solar UFO Exits The Sun And Leaves Huge Plasma Trail Behind? | Discernment Exercise Example
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following video of a still image captured by NASA’s SOHO satellite seems to depict an object moving at great speed out of the Sun. Given the still provided in the video, it does appear like something is streaking out from the solar disk but is this really a non-terrestrial spacecraft […]
Time to Think Outside the Box | “Trump Chosen By Elite To Be Scapegoat For Massive 2017 Crash!” Says Financial Writer
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following interview with Brandon Smith by Richie Allen discusses a theory that Donald Trump was “allowed” to take office so as to become a scapegoat for the long-planned financial collapse and transition. This manufactured economic storm, as it has been said by many, will bring in a new “upgraded” financial […]
Weather Weapons Used Against DAPL Protestors? | Power Structure Wages Weather Warfare Against Dakota Pipeline Protesters
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch offers evidence suggesting that weather weapons were used over the past few days to exacerbate a winter storm front over the Dakota Pipeline Protests (#noDAPL). This could be the pretext for the North Dakota governor’s the emergency declaration several days ago for the removal of all […]
Washington D.C. Insider Says Obama Might Disclose UFO Truth Before January 2017
Source – The Mind Unleashed by Lance Schuttler, November 18th 2016 Steven Basset is the only registered UFO disclosure lobbyist in Washington D.C. and just yesterday, he made a public announcement that is very timely indeed. Steven runs the Paradigm Research Group, which lobbies for the official political announcement disclosing the truth about the UFO/extraterrestrial […]
The Man Who Talked to Plants: The Visionary Research of Cleve Backster & Consciousness At the Cellular Level — Interconnected (Oneness) of All Things
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The notion that consciousness is fundamental to the universe is well established in some circles while being completely dismissed in “official science.” From a discernment perspective, it is impossible to understand reality as a whole if one disregards aspects of it—which is what many materialist scientists have fallaciously done. […]