(Off The Grids News) For many people, the idea of increasing their productivity with cannabis is similar to drinking alcohol to make good decisions, but you might be surprised! Great people have used cannabis for many years, not only for relaxation after a working day. In fact, some cannabis users actually use it to be more productive. In this article, we’re going to explore how people use CBD products to increase their productivity.
Medical Marijuana and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
(Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD) The Colorado Springs Gazette published this article in 2014:
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CBD, Turmeric and Willow: 3 Natural and Effective Painkillers
(Virgilio Marin) Painkillers are succor to people experiencing acute pain. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical painkillers cause a lot of adverse side effects that can make you feel even worse. These medications can give you constipation and nausea, and some even lead to long-term side effects, like drug addiction and kidney damage.
Michael J. Fox Swears By CBD For Parkinsons
(Dane Whitman) Michael J. Fox, known by several generations across the world as Marty McFly from the Back to the Future films, is now a strong advocate for medical cannabis to treat his Parkinson’s disease.
The Truth About CBD, the Immune System and Coronavirus COVID19
(Tess Pennington) With the potential for disruptions to our medical system and access to medicines, many people have begun stocking up on over-the-counter medicines and vitamins known to provide support for the body’s immune system including Lomatium, zinc, immune boosting herbs and full spectrum CBD oil.
CBD and THC Use During Early Pregnancy Can Disrupt Fetal Development
(Neuroscience News) A new study published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Research journal, shows how a one-time exposure during early pregnancy to cannabinoids (CBs) – both synthetic and natural – can cause growth issues in a developing embryo. This is the first research to show such a connection in mammals.
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7 Types Of Marijuana That Are Good For Meditation
(Rebecca Smith) Meditation is one of the earliest spiritual practices that help individuals to control their minds leading to a happy and healthy life. Some of the benefits of meditation include the elimination of negative thoughts, anxiety, worries and other factors that prevent you from being happy. The benefits you get from practicing meditation are almost similar to those of marijuana. This is why a blend of the two delivers incredible results.
Autistic Child Starts to Speak After Two Days of Prescription CBD Oil Treatment
(Erin Elizabeth) At 10 months of age, Kalel Santiago of Puerto Rico was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma. He endured chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and surgery for two years—and survived. Then he was diagnosed with something permanent: severe autism that disabled him from speaking.
8 Ingenious Ways to Make Cbd Oil Taste Better
(Vicki Batts) CBD oil is one of the most popular supplements on the market. Heralded as a cure-all for everything from acne to Parkinson’s disease, there is no shortage of people interested in taking a CBD supplement. Some evidence also indicates taking CBD oil can help with eliminating inflammation and pain, combating oxidative stress, improving sleep, boosting heart health and slashing cancer risks.
An 81-year-old Man Used CBD Oil – His Tumor Shrunk by as Much as 50 Percent
(Edsel Cook) After learning that he had lung cancer, a senior citizen rejected conventional cancer therapies. Instead, the 81-year-old patient took cannabidiol (CBD) oil for three months. The herbal medicine successfully shrunk the tumorous growth in his left lung.
CBD Round-Up: 9 Things You Should Know About This Plant Remedy
(Daisy Luther) Many of us here at The Organic Prepper are big fans of cannabidiol – more commonly known as CBD. We use it for a wide variety of reasons. Because we get so many questions about it, I thought I’d do a round-up today that will answer many of your questions and give you some of the reasons we use it ourselves.
Study Confirms Cannabis Oil Can Reduce Or Eliminate Epileptic Seizures In Kids
(Waking Times) A small study conducted by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan adds to the growing body of evidence that cannabis can be used to successfully treat seizures in children, according to the CBC.
Cannabidiol is a Powerful New Antibiotic
(Neuroscience) New research has found that Cannnabidiol is active against Gram-positive bacteria, including those responsible for many serious infections (such as Staphyloccocus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae), with a potency similar to that of established antibiotics such as vancomycin or daptomycin. The research is presented at ASM Microbe, the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
Is CBD the Answer to the Rise in Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Like MRSA?
(Lisa Egan) As public health organizations issue dire warnings about the rising threat of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, a surprising hero may rush in just in time to save the day. A new study has found that cannabidiol (commonly known as CBD) is remarkably effective at killing a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria.
CBD Oil for Mental Health—Should You Take It Too?
(Peter Bongiorno ND, LAc) About 20 percent of the population suffers from some form of anxiety. If you have anxiety, you may be looking for a new way to relax your body and mind. Many of my patients and followers on Twitter and Facebook have reached out to ask me whether CBD oil is the newest snake oil, or whether can it really help ameliorate symptoms of anxiety without causing side effects.