(Neenah Payne) In the October 19, 2020 video The Bitcoin Life Raft: The End of Monetary & Fiscal Policy As We Know It Raoul Pal, CEO and Co-Founder of Real Vision, discusses the end of the US dollar and the growing shift to digital currencies by Facebook, governments, and global institutions to address the escalating financial crises. Pal says that Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will be game changers. He believes they will be rolled out over the next three years and after mass adoption in five years, there will be no cash. However, Pal explains that while the CBDCs will solve several important problems, they will also force people to give up their privacy and freedom. He shows that CBDCs will also be a threat to your savings.
IRS Sends 1000s Of “Fishing” Letters To Crypto Users
(Marie Huillet) The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is sending letters to crypto investors to clarify crypto tax filing requirements and, in certain cases, compel them to pay back taxes. The IRS announced its letter campaign in a press release on July 26.
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Yellow Vest Movement Starts a New Form of Protest – Burning Banknotes
(Jamie Redman) For well over two months, the Yellow Vest movement in France has continued to keep itself illuminated with fervent protests against taxes, the banking system, and the region’s bureaucrats. On Feb. 1, a group of Gilets Jaunes working at the bill printing factory explained their plan to show the world they mean business by burning pallets of bills, starting with Israeli banknotes.
New Snowden Documents Reveal NSA Has Been Tracking Bitcoin Users Since 2013
(Zero Hedge) During his 2015 trial, Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht’s defense attorneys raised questions about the government’s case that, although they were ultimately disregarded by the jury, have continued to bother crypto users with an affinity for so-called “conspiracy theories.” They pointed out vagaries in the FBI’s account of its years-long pursuit of Ulbricht, and questioned whether the bureau had truly discovered Ulbricht’s involvement on its own, or whether it had help from other deep state elements, namely the National Security Agency.
Bitcoin and Blockchain Could Save the World From the Failing Financial System
(Shaun Bradley) Investors in both traditional assets and cryptocurrencies have been rocked by huge amounts of volatility so far in 2018. The stock market experienced the largest single-day point drop in history, and bonds have been under pressure as concerns grow about rising interest rates. The most notable price action, however, occurred in the crypto markets as an unprecedented wave of interest […]
Crypto Revolution: AZ Senate Passes Bill Officially Recognizing Bitcoin as Money
(Matt Agorist) Last year, the state of Arizona went after the federal government’s attack on gold and silver by eliminating the capital gains taxes on precious metals. This paved the way to deal a massive blow to the Federal Reserve and end their monopoly on money. Related CEO of JP Morgan Chase: ALL Cryptocurrency Will Be Under […]
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2018 in Crypto — 11 Predictions
(TheElementGroup) 2017 is nearly behind us. Cryptocurrency market observers will remember 2017 as the year of the ICO boom, bitcoin’s hard fork(s), cryptokitties, a few major hacks, and the time when every single dinner party swayed towards talking about the price of bitcoin at some point or another. Instead of looking at what just passed, today we’re […]
Elite Globalists Will Engineer Financial Collapse And Blame Bitcoin
(Mac Slavo) Every single financial collapse has been engineered by elitists and governments as a method of gaining the public’s support for more control over their money supply. Now one YouTuber has the guts to say it and boldly declares that those same globalists will blame bitcoin for a biblical level financial collapse. Related “What The Hell […]
Australian Banks Reportedly Freeze Accounts Of Bitcoin Users
(Tyler Durden) Adding to the pressures on bitcoin early this morning, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that bitcoin users across Australia are reporting that their accounts have been abruptly frozen by the country’s “Big Four” banks. And while the banks have remained largely tight-lipped about the closures, many angry account-holders are jumping to conclusions and blaming the banks […]
Are The Banksters Creating Their Own Cryptocurrency Called “Utility Settlement Coin”?
Image Source: http://prod-upp-image-read.ft.com/76f620ce-6925-11e6-a0b1-d87a9fea034f (Michael Snyder) Independently-controlled cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin may or may not survive in the long run, but blockchain technology is definitely here to stay. Related Cryptocurrency Chaos: Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum All Keep Surging To New Record Highs With No End In Sight Source – ZeroHedge by Michael Snyder, December 27th, 2017 This technology […]
“What The Hell Is It?” – 74 Cryptocurrency Questions Answered
(Tyler Durden) With the price of the cryptocurrency soaring – and mainstream interest surging – Yahoo Finance recently invited readers to send us their top questions regarding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We condensed questions from nearly 3,500 respondents into the list below, and enlisted a team of Yahoo Finance reporters to answer them, including Daniel Roberts, […]
66% of the Economy is Already Electronic & 99% of Money is Electronic
(Martin Armstrong) QUESTION: I loved your mention of how our money is not “printed”. You are THE ONLY financial expert to mention this. And you can’t understand our economy without understanding Electronic Money. I researched this 3 or four years ago and came up with, .003 physical currency vs the rest as Electronic Money. I later […]
Bitcoin…Is It Worth It? (Video)
https://youtu.be/p6GmDJEkOQk Contribute Cryptocurrencies to Stillness in the Storm Related The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with […]
It Begins: Bank Now Threatening to Close Accounts If Customers Use Coinbase
(John Vibes) Because cryptocurrencies are a threat to the banking elite, they are now threatening to close accounts if customers link them to Coinbase. Related: Bank Admits Fiat Currencies Are Failing and Cryptocurrencies May Replace Them Source – TheFreeThoughtProject by John Vibes, December 21, 2017 Cryptocurrency user Jordan Spencer recently received a letter from his bank warning him […]
Creating Crypto Currency! Shocking NSA Paper From 1996 Describes Creating Blockchain and Bitcoin
Related The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing https://youtu.be/Zw9lsLVJO5M _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for […]