Source As the world’s most beloved herb, Cannabis, continues to be liberated from the persecution of the government and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, research continues to validate the many health benefits of Cannabis. This time, The National Cancer Institute, a government-funded organization has released a report indicating that cannabis and cannabinoids are indeed powerful agents of […]
activist post
Gov’t Targets Private Bank Accounts, Seizes Funds Without Charge or Trial
Source Do you still keep a hefty portion of your savings in a U.S. bank? If so you may want to reconsider your options. Because if the following report from the Institute of Justice is any indication, nothing you hold in private bank account is safe anymore. Can the government use civil forfeiture to take […]
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Science Conspiracy – UN: ‘The World Won’t Cool Without Chemtrails’ (No Matter What)
Source According to the upcoming United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate assessment, “Global warming is irreversible without massive geoengineering of the atmosphere’s chemistry.” The New Scientist reported yesterday: According to one of its lead authors, and the latest draft seen by New Scientist, the report will say: ‘CO2-induced warming is projected to remain […]
Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Now Happening All Over The Globe
Source Now that “bail-ins” have become accepted practice all over the planet, no bank account and no pension fund will ever be 100% safe again. In fact, Cyprus-style wealth confiscation is already starting to happen all around the world. As you will read about below, private pension funds were just raided by the government in […]
New Island Rises Out of the Sea During 7.8 Earthquake in Pakistan
Source There are breaking reports of a new island rising out of the sea due to a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake in southern Pakistan. Reuters reports: A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 45 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off […]
The Art of Self Reliance in 5 Steps
Source The journey toward self reliance has many paths. For some, you are beginning to distrust the food supply and want to grow our own food. Or, perhaps, you live in an area prone to many types of disasters and have seen how desperate people become when their needs aren’t met. Or, perhaps you grew […]
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Debunking Materialism: One-page Proof that Attributing Consciousness to the Brain is Absurd
Source Consider this an open letter to philosophers, brain researchers, physicists, technocrats, Ray Kurzweil, and TED executives who censored lectures on consciousness by Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake. Conventional science readily admits (insists) that the brain is made of the same particles that constitute everything else in the universe: rocks, chairs, comets, meteors, galaxies. According […]
Navy Yard shooting: psyop, loose ends, media parrots
Source After covering a number of mass shootings and bombings over the last 20 years, I question the official explanation when a new one occurs. Automatically. Always. Every single time. They lie. They obfuscate. They parrot. They don’t investigate beyond a comfortable point. They leave loose ends, which are often far more important than the […]
Egypt Takes Path Toward Rejecting Globalist Control (no longer seeking loans from IMF)
Source In what many analysts are considering a decided shift back toward Egyptian Nasserism (meaning Arab nationalism based upon the precedent set by former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser), the Egyptian Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, Mounir Fkhry Abdel-Nour has stated that Egypt will no longer be seeking a loan from the International Monetary […]
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DISCLOSURE: 25 Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve – PLZ READ and SHARE!
Source As we approach the 100 year anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve, it is absolutely imperative that we get the American people to understand that the Fed is at the very heart of our economic problems. It is a system of money that was created by the bankers and that operates for […]
DISCLOSURE: Trauma Mind Control (of our Children) – how to Recognize it and heal/avoid it
Mind Control is rampant on earth. Most of us do not know what mind control really is. We think it has to do with someone taking over our bodies and our minds, while we are trapped inside, aware of the fact we are being controlled and not able to stop it. This is not how […]
Prepare For Tough Times If Your Job Has Anything To Do With Real Estate Or Mortgages
Source If you have a job that involves building homes, buying homes, selling homes or that is in any way related to the mortgage industry, you might want to start searching for alternate employment. Seriously. Interest rates are starting to rise dramatically, and mortgage lenders such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase […]
Science Conspiracy: Nigel Farage EXPOSES Global Cooling to EU Parliament
This is yet more data discrediting the theory of man made global warming. The theory of man made global warming has been the construction of our would-be masters to impose carbon taxes on us. Carbon is a life giving gas, the more you increase it on earth (within certain thresholds) the greater life expresses itself. […]
These Bold 9/11 Billboards in Busy Downtown Cores Will Wake Up Thousands
Source New re-think 9/11 billboards have popped up in two major cities in the US. One being in New York and the other in Dallas. Both appear in very busy downtown cores where millions will see them. Importantly, they make their debut in time for the anniversary of 9/11 today.Along with these billboards, supporters of […]
How Big Banks Can Steal Your Home From You Even If Your Mortgage Is Totally Paid Off
Source Did you know that the big banks have a way to legally steal your house from you even if you don’t owe a single penny on your mortgage? Big banks and hedge funds are buying billions of dollars worth of tax liens from local governments all over the nation, and they are ruthlessly foreclosing […]