(Justin Deschamps) For those who’ve plumbed the depths of scientific study in modern times, it becomes obvious that there are major problems that have yet to be addressed. One being that—seemingly as a result of the infusion of advanced mathematics and the assumption the universe is a mechanistic and material creation at its foundation—scientists across all areas often confuse their models and formulas about reality with reality itself.
How To Survive Chemtrails – Ken Rohla (Video)
How To Survive Chemtrails – Ken Rohla (Video)
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Synthetic Telepathy And Psychotronic Weapon Tortures Used By 100,000 Secret Spies
(in5D) The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defense Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ], Cointelpro or Counter Intelligence Program unit has extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave transceivers, infra-sound and ultrasound transceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the telephone.
Healthy Gut Found to Reduce Effects of Trauma: Study Explains the Link Between the Gut Microbiome and PTSD
(Michelle Simmons) A new study found that a healthy gut can lessen the effects of trauma, as reported by Science Daily. Researchers from Stellenbosch University analyzed the relationship of gut microbiome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They compared the gut microbiomes of 18 individuals with PTSD to 12 people who also experienced trauma, but did not develop PSTD. They found a combination of three bacteria that were different in people who suffered from PTSD. These were Actinobacteria, Lentisphaerae, and Verrucomicrobia.
Heavy Metals WARNING and Safe Detoxification Strategies
(Jonathan Landsman) The increasing exposure to heavy metals in our immediate environment – and within the human body – is proving to be a major threat to the health of both. Exposure to mercury, one of the most neurotoxic of all metals, is widespread – with an Environmental Working Group study finding that 30 percent of pregnant women studied had mercury levels over the safe limit set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
15 Disturbing Facts About 9/11 You’ll Wish Weren’t True
(Arjun Walia) When it comes to the American people, and the global population not believing in an “official explanation” for an event, 9/11 is at the top of the list, along with many others, unfortunately. Democracy doesn’t really seem to exist. Instead, we have what I like to refer to as the “illusion of democracy.” We believe we are making choices through voting, but our choices are severely limited. The corporate and financial world have gripped the United States government, and will not remove their claws.
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Science Suggests Love and Receptiveness to Truth Enhance Psi Abilities — Telepathy Can be Explained by Interacting Coherent Electromagnetic Fields
(Justin Deschamps) Interactions between electrically dynamic systems provide a basis to understand so-called telepathic contact because living things are bioelectrical in nature. Of note, Ben Davidson, of Suspicious Observers, recently produced a rather heady scientific video about magnetic connections disrupting stable electric currents or circuits, causing the two or more systems to rebalance themselves in a rather reactive way. In essense, electric circuits are stabilized flows of electricity that are enshrouded by a magnetic field. Plasma currents, which are flows of electricity that are guided by magnetic fields, are disrupted when the fields interact, causing a rapid reorientation of the flow of electricity, and information contained therein, which in turn causes a restabilization. The resulting effect is that the two fields collide producing a new field that is informed by the preceding fields. This is very interesting when one considers that life is also a type of plasma or flow of electricity producing strong magnetic fields—in humans, this field is produced by the heart and informed by the mind/body.
Neuroscience Shows How Gut Bacteria Impact Emotions
(Anna Hunt) It is becoming widely known that gut bacteria influence much more than our digestive process. The bacteria living in the digestive system impact our general health. Furthermore, scientists are now discovering that this influence goes beyond physical health. A study out of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered evidence that gut microbes affect our emotions. Specifically, they impact how we respond to fear.
A Case for Mind-Mastery | Bio-Electric Fields and Evidence for Morphogenetic Field (Mind) Governed Biology and Reality — Bioelectricity, Morphology, & Electroceuticals | Electricity of Life
(Justin Deschamps) For ages, mystics, philosophers, and prophets have declared mind or consciousness as the prima materia of the universe—one of the original substance that gives rise to all else. Consciousness is so essential to experience and yet remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern times. Mind, as defined by the ancients, is consciousness itself, more than just logic, reason, or mind chatter, it is also an order-maker, bringing coherence to chaos, and life to the unliving. Although mainstream science has failed to discover what the ancients long knew, other pioneers have begun to recognize its power, albeit indirectly. The way in which life organizes a physical body is one such example, as researchers have previously discovered.
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Heartmath Institute: The Schumann Resonances are NOT Increasing
(Justin Deschamps) I studied the “hard sciences” during my time at University. I never fully understood the claim that the Schumann Resonances (SR) were “rising,” but I knew it didn’t make much sense from a wave physics perspective. In late April 2017, I produced an analysis of the data often cited as proof that the SR is rising, concluding that it had, in fact, not risen, but was simply excited to produce higher frequency spikes within the established SR spectrum. The baseline frequencies themselves are not “rising” but the harmonics of the SR are being excited in frequency ranges higher than they have in the past. That analysis received very little traction, as it likely invalidated one of the “sacred cows” within the awakening community. But now, a well-respected research institute has confirmed my findings, stating that the SR has not risen.
How GMO Farming and Food Is Making Our Gut Flora UNFRIENDLY
(Sayer Ji) Two studies published in the past six months reveal a disturbing finding: glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup® appear to suppress the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to the overgrowth of extremely pathogenic bacteria.
The Truth About ADHD | Experiments With Meditation Expose the Fallacy of Medicating Kids for ADHD
(Justin Deschamps) Speaking as someone who was diagnosed with ADD back in the late 1980s, I can share from personal experience just how destructive such a label can be. And after studying psychology and consciousness for many years, it seems that the whole issue can be boiled down to this: are we raising children to be who they were meant to be or are we training them to be what society needs?
Is Social Media Driving Americans Insane?
(Dr. Mercola) It’s only been a little over a decade since Facebook, YouTube and Twitter were created, and 10 years since the launch of the iPhone. The iPad, Pinterest and Instagram have only been around for seven years, Snapchat six. 1
What is The Photon Energy Belt? — “Local Fluff” | NASA: Mysterious Incoming Interstellar Energy Expected to Affect Solar System
(Justin Deschamps) The Photon Energy belt is allegedly a field of energy that is beginning to interact with the solar system and will one day propel humanity into a golden age of spiritual enlightenment. But is there any truth to this claim? In an effort to find corroborating scientific data, I discovered the following article by NASA from 2009, which says “The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist.”
The Most Fascinating Paracas Elongated Skull Discovered to Date
(Ivan) One of the most fascinating ancient elongated skulls has just been discovered. According to Brien Foerster over at hidden Inca Tours, the mummified head and partial neck of a baby from the Paracas culture of Peru is one of the most amazing elongated skulls discovered to date. This mysterious skull has auburn hair color which is not the typical black color seen in Native American People.