The human brain is a complex entity constantly at work, send ingelectrical signals, communicating, building new neural connections and so on. This electrical activity generated by the brain, also known as brainwaves, reflect our state of mind. Reality is not based on outside influences but is an internal process based on our thoughts, perception and […]
we are one
Interconnected Nature, Scientific Evidence of Empathy in Animals: Mice Smell and Share Each Other’s Pain
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) While most of modern society has blinded itself to interconnectedness, the natural world is founded on it. All things share a common bond of awareness, the metaphysical unifier of the very small and the very large. The reality of oneness and interconnectedness is self-evident, expressed through many venues that demonstrate the […]
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The Universal Ascension Process – Our Journey to Oneness
Image Source. Source – Wakeup World by Jeff Street, October 3rd 2016 Ascension, the core dynamic of the Universe, can be understood by realizing that the Universe IS consciousness and learning how that consciousness is structured. Humanity is the midst of a great ascension event and in fact, a massive trans-dimensional shift is underway across […]
Fractal Universe | Proof of Consciousness and a Creator, the Dreamer within the Dream – Understanding the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio
by Justin Deschamps How do we know that the universe has laws? Because everywhere we see organization, we see patterns. How do we know that the universe is based on consciousness? Because before there can be a manifested result, there must be a mind or consciousness to envision it. Before there can be an object there […]
The ‘Human’ Hundredth Monkey Effect Explained | Critical Mass, The Shift And What It Could Look Like
by Justin Deschamps The 100th Monkey Effect is probably one of the most cited phenomenons in the awakening community, yet it is also greatly misunderstood. Many contend that this effect is proof positive of an instantaneous and automatic ascension or awakening of all people will take place in the near future. A type of ‘tsunami’ of […]
Conflict Resolution Techniques For Awakening Times | 8 ways to find Peace in Conflict and Find Resolution…
Jeremy McDonald helped inspire Julian and I to do the outward work of this blog back in 2013. He wrote an interesting article on conflict resolution I think is very poignant in this time of awakening. As a people we are fundamentally interconnected to all life and other beings. The ability to empathize with other […]
Society Is A Hoax, Take Control Of Your Life | Alan Watts
Alan Watts, accomplished Orator, Philosopher and Activist, discusses the absurdity of modern life, raising many questions about why we allow ourselves to be so easily manipulated and coerced into maintaining such shallow and ineffectual values. Watts refers to the present state of social indoctrination of children as a type of societal probation, that we are taught to think of ourselves as […]
Evidence for Global Consciousness Evolution | Signs of “Connected Consciousness” Detected on Global Scale – “the earth as a whole would eventually become conscious, embracing and enriching each individual’s awareness”
This post goes along well with Dan Winter’s work, revealing that our BEingness – our thoughts, emotions and actions – play a huge role in stabilizing Gravimetric Fields; amongst other things. Hence disruptions in the Collective Consciousness literally alter events on earth. For example, during 9/11 a Hurricane off the cost of New York shifted its […]
Understanding Brainwaves to Expand our Consciousness
Source – Nexus Illuminati The human brain is a complex entity constantly at work, sendingelectrical signals, communicating, building new neural connections and so on. This electrical activity generated by the brain, also known as brainwaves, reflect our state of mind. Reality is not based on outside influences but is an internal process based on our thoughts, perception […]
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The Roles of the past, and the “Blame” that is external.
Source – Removing the Shackles This morning, after being offline for 3 days (soo sooooo busy in the community right now!) (and yes, an update is coming very very soon!), I had mountains of skype messages to go through, and was afraid to even open my email, lol.One of the first messages on skype that I […]
Important Links and Data for these ‘Accelerating’ Times from Ralph Ring – Jamie’s Letter to Ralph and Marsha Ring
Brian Kelly asked me to post this email from Ralph and Marsha Ring. Ralph and Marsha revealed on the Expanding U Radio show (link found below) their knowledge of how Implosive, Over Unity, Zero Point or Free Energy devices all are consciousness affecting machines. Their ability to generate ‘Free Energy’ is a direct result of […]
Three Degrees out of Phase: BE the WAVE – All Densities are Unified
Source – Removing the Shackles I don’t know if it is because I read so many articles these days that perhaps I’ve become a bit numb, but there is a rarity to those moments when I read something that really hits me and brings a verbal “WOW!” out of my mouth….WOW!! All things have their own measurable […]
Black & White Magic: How do you Manifest your Desires? – Understanding the 2 Modes of Manifestation
In Mark Passio’s work, which Julian and I have distilled, there are 2 basic distinctions to Magic: Sorcery and Wizardry. We have expanded on this to extrapolate the core principle at work in each modality. WE ARE ALL Magicians of consciousness, and what that means is, we create at ALL moments of NOW using either […]
Activism Is Destroying Monsanto & Other Corrupt Mega Corps
Source – Natural Societyby Anthony Gucciardi February 14th, 2014 What we do, all of us, really does matter. Keep it up! In just the past few weeks and months, we have generated powerful traction in the fight against corrupt mega corporations like Monsanto and others — and it all comes down to consumers refusing to purchase additive-loaded […]
52 Ways to Have Lucid Dreams – Wake from your limited life into your Infinite Self
Lucid Dreaming is like a practice run for a waking realization. We often hear that reality is an illusion and within the context of consciousness, the prime reality, the material world and its deterministic tendencies are the illusion. What actually underlies all those manifold out-workings is the core reality; consciousness. And as a result, your […]