(Mia Barnes) Summer is here — and with it the pollen and insects that can make this season a misery for allergy sufferers. You sniffle, sneeze and cough your way through the tulips instead of tiptoeing. In the age of COVID-19, you endure suspicious looks from strangers each time your symptoms show.
wake up world
Three Psycho-Spiritual Ways to Help Ease Depression
(Nikki Harper) If you suffer or have suffered from depression, you are not alone. Globally, more than 264 million people walk this path. Many people will experience at least one bout of serious, clinical depression in their lifetime, with many more facing a lifelong struggle with “the black dog”. Modern science still does not understand the underlying causes of depression and much about this life-sapping condition remains a mystery – but for those of us on a spiritual path a better understanding of the psycho-spiritual causes of depression can help us to heal.
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Are Cold Showers Good for You? An Unlikely Immunity Booster!
(Dr. Edward F. Group) For many of us, cold showers are an unpleasant mishap on a routine day. When you hear a shout of “THERE’S NO HOT WATER!” coming from the bathroom, it usually isn’t a good thing. But it may be time to rethink that knee-jerk reaction. If you are wondering if cold showers are good […]
Wim Hof Breathing: 6 Benefits for Body and Mind
(Dr. Edward F. Group) From running a marathon in the snow — barefoot— to climbing part of Mount Everest wearing shorts, Wim Hof, “The Iceman” is no stranger to the extreme. Hof, a Dutch athlete, trained himself to withstand very cold temperatures using a unique breathing technique. Wim Hof breathing has been featured on TV shows and researched in labs. More importantly, people around the world now use it to boost their immune systems, feel more energized and less stressed, improve focus and athletic performance, and release endorphins — happy hormones. This method can be an important part of your self-care tool kit, too!
Elves, Guides, Robots and Aliens: The Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Entity Encounters
(Nikki Harper) As psychedelic research continues to come of age, following decades of shunning, evidence is mounting that psychedelic drugs can have positive therapeutic effects. As we have previously reported here on Wake Up World, psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and MDMA (ecstasy) have both recently been granted Breakthrough Status by the FDA, a designation given to drugs with clinically significant and potentially far reaching benefits. Psilocybin is heading towards phase 3 human trials as a treatment for major depressive disorder, while MDMA is close to approval as a PTSD treatment.
The Weed on My Plate: Learn to Love the Medicinal Plants You Can Forage Nearby
(Hilde Larsen) This is my favorite time of year. When all the medicinal fresh herbs, also called weed, pop up all around us. Some are looked at as beautiful flowers, while others are doomed to be weeded away at best or threatened by poisons. Anything we can do to get rid of them.
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5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity NOW!
(Dr. Edward F. Group) With everything going on around us, from the public health concerns around us to social distancing, immunity is top of mind for most people. What that means is how do you keep your immune system healthy so that your body is healthy, strong, and resilient — able to withstand whatever life throws at you. So, today I’m going to be talking about five tips to naturally boost and support your immune system.
Covid-19: An Opportunity for Self-Realization
(Buddha Maitreya) Nature has sent us a warning. We have to change our life and our world and now. Our life has ground to a halt by Covid-19, it has been cruel and a tragedy for so many, but for mankind as a whole it could be the moment of learning, to start a new life and build a new world.
Elves, Guides, Robots and Aliens: The Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Entity Encounters
(Nikki Harper) As psychedelic research continues to come of age, following decades of shunning, evidence is mounting that psychedelic drugs can have positive therapeutic effects. As we have previously reported here on Wake Up World, psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and MDMA (ecstasy) have both recently been granted Breakthrough Status by the FDA, a designation given to drugs with clinically significant and potentially far reaching benefits. Psilocybin is heading towards phase 3 human trials as a treatment for major depressive disorder, while MDMA is close to approval as a PTSD treatment.
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How to Forgive Yourself For Past Mistakes (8 Steps)
(Aletheia Luna) Shame is the cancer of the psyche. It eats away at us slowly, tainting everything we experience with its dark glow of self-loathing. And it all stems from a lack of self-forgiveness.
Condemnation Without Investigation is the Height of Ignorance
(Paul Lenda) Albert Einstein once said, “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” Yet, we see this being the default response by so many people to so many things. Rejecting something we know nothing about is staying ignorant, which means stagnancy in our evolution. If we wish to grow, we should be open to something and learn more about it before we condemn it.
Avoid Becoming Hypnotized By Cultural Illusions
(Paul Lenda) Cultural illusions are everywhere. They are promoted and normalized by the mouthpieces of the Distortion, fooling people into believing that they are true. Once you are “awake” to how much of what you were taught to believe was a lie, an illusion, you break the spell cast onto you.
Do You Want Change? Or, Do You Want to Change?
(Kashi)When you look outward into the world and you see the crowds and how they are, you see the news and what we do, you watch your own family and see the state they are in. Are you impressed or embarrassed? Do you think we are doing a good job overall or do you feel despair? Do you think things are just “the way they are”? Do you even care?
Brainstorming with Tarot Cards: Four Easy Ways to Get Your Ideas Flowing
(Nikki Harper) o, you have a problem and you can’t for the life of you find a solution. Or you’re trying to come up with a new idea – for business, for a gift, for a creative project – and your mind is blank. Did you know that tarot cards can be very useful brainstorming tools? What’s more, you don’t have to be an expert tarot reader – or indeed, know anything at all about tarot – to use tarot to brainstorm. Here are four ways to be inspired by the tarot, three of which can be used by complete beginners.
8 Creative Ways to Cope and Thrive Through Coronavirus and Beyond
(Jack Adam Weber) It took me about two weeks into our current pandemic, after I emerged from shock, to realize how precisely applicable the content of my new book, Climate Cure: Heal Yourself to Heal the Planet, is for navigating our current pandemic. This is because the pandemic shares common root causes with climate crisis via what I call our “Triangle of Resilience Relationships.” These three relationships consist of 1) our relationship with ourselves (inner healing), 2) our relationship with the natural world (nature connection), and 3) our relationship with one another (building heartfelt community).