(Zero Hedge) As everyone knows by now, after the market closed on Monday, the US Treasury unexpectedly named China a currency manipulator, which naturally will be viewed as an escalation of the trade war and exacerbate the market sell-off, even if the PBOC briefly limited the selloff overnight by fixing the yuan slightly higher than expected (don’t expect this calm to last).
US Treasury
GROUNDBREAKING: For The First Time In 25 Years, US Treasury Just Designated China A Currency Manipulator
(Zero Hedge) Following the plunge in the yuan overnight, The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday designated China as currency manipulator, a historic move that no White House had exercised since the Clinton administration.
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Dollar Crash Imminent: China And Japan Dump U.S. Treasuries
(Mac Slavo) The two main holders of United States Treasuries, the countries of China and Japan, have dumped the dollar. Both nations have dramatically cut their ownership of notes and bonds in August, according to the latest figures from the US Treasury Department, released on Tuesday.
Russia Dumps Massive Amount of U.S. Treasury Holdings—Becomes World’s Largest Holder of Gold
(Jay Syrmopoulos) Russia’s holdings of United States Treasury bonds is currently at its lowest point in 11 years as the country opts to invest in gold instead.
Anna von Reitz on SwissIndo and Treasury Direct Accounts — Federal Employee Accounts
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) Anna von Reitz perspective on the following topics, in my estimation, appears to be worthy of consideration and study. Some of what she presents below I’ve been able to confirm in my own research over the years. As always, it is best to do your own research to […]
Financial System on Life Support | 181 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000
The financial system has been imploding in earnest since the economic crash of 2008. The only reason there hasn’t been a huge fallout in the economic landscape is because of pandemic manipulation of various markets and processes. For example, there are many homes in foreclosure in the US, but only a small fraction is actively being […]
US Treasury – A4V, Redemption Accounts, ‘Strawman Accounts’ are Fraud – But where’s the proof?
Acceptance for Value, Redemption Account, ‘Strawman Account’ are all considered fraud according to this publication found by Angel Lucci. What I love about this Fraud Alert from the US Treasury is that there are no legal references anywhere to validate what they are saying. This also means that your average Police Officer is not going […]
Natural News: U.S. Treasury now openly ‘cooking the books’ to fudge debt numbers in desperate move before collapse
(NaturalNews) On the surface, it appears as though the federal government is finally making progress on the national debt. But in reality, when you apply some common sense and a little logic, it becomes obvious that what is really going on is no small amount of creative math. In case you didn’t know it, the […]