(Exploring Your Mind) Why does our sense of time speed up as we age? We can’t slow time down. But we can do things to pace ourselves. Keep reading to learn more!
Q, Looking Glass and the Ascension Timeline: Could this Pandemic be Leading us to “The Event”?
(Mickey Megistus) As the world watches, the coronavirus pandemic (“plan”demic) has completely changed life as we know it. Many are panicking. Some believe it’s part of the long-planned NWO take over. But for those brave enough to look past paranoia and fear, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests the fall of the Cabal was predestined. Testimony from an ex-Navy Seal suggests that—despite their best efforts—the Deep State will be defeated. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. And now, more and more signs suggest the liberation of humanity is likely just around the corner.
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The Nature of Time — Time and Timelines | The Daniel Papers
(Daniel) One of the least understood concepts known to man is that of time. A great deal of headway regarding the nature of time was made by engineer Dewey B. Larson, published in his 1959 book, The Structure of the Physical Universe.1
[Solar Flash] Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension | The Daniel Papers
Daniel: “This interpretation explains the chemtrails, HAARP, geoengineering, underground cities, genetic engineering and even explains the timelines and the upcoming ascension to a higher density.”
Secrets from a UFO Scientist: Phoenix III — The Uncommitted Investigator | The Daniel Papers
(Justin Deschamps) Daniel reveals in this first paper, his reasons for coming out as a secret government project and technology whistleblower.
The Nature of 3-Dimensional Time [Law of One Science] | The Daniel Papers
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a paper by Daniel, a scientist, and Recipricol Systems (RS2) theorist who claims to have worked in secret government programs involving time travel, UFO tech, and other mindbending technologies. David Wilcock speaks of Daniel in his list of insiders he draws from. His work stands as some […]
Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected, Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How (Video)
Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected, Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How
How the Brain Detects the Rhythms of Speech
(Science Daily) Neuroscientists have discovered how the listening brain scans speech to break it down into syllables. The findings provide for the first time a neural basis for the fundamental atoms of language and insights into our perception of the rhythmic poetry of speech.
Impatient People – “I Want it All, and I Want it Now”
(Exploring Your Mind) Impatience makes you rush through life, frustrated, angry and unhappy. Although it isn’t easy to get along with an impatient person, there are some strategies that can help you.
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Daylight Saving Time Has Long-term Effects on Health
(Science Daily) The annual transition to and from daylight saving time (DST) has clinical implications that last longer than the days where clocks “fall back” or “spring forward.”
Consciousness: Predicting the Future
Consciousness: Predicting the Future
To Predict The Future, The Brain Has Two Clocks
Summary: Researchers report there are two distinct ways in which we make temporal predictions, and these rely on different parts of the brain. The findings offer a new perspective on how humans calculate when to make a move.
Time Entanglement and the Supernatural
(Robert Torres) “When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you.” ~Nietzche
I read this in the context of quantum entanglement: that as the observers we become part of a quantum system – one with the observed. More like-minded scientists are coming to the realization that we are the cause of many of our own phenomena.
Who is “Dr. Jordan Peterson? Truth in the Time of Chaos — Free Documentary” (Video)
Related Dr. Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Telos, Responsibility and Cultivation (Video) https://youtu.be/EjqXXengN1s _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline […]
Does Language Alter our Experience of Time?
(Panos Athanasopoulos) It turns out, Hollywood got it half right. In the film Arrival, Amy Adams plays linguist Louise Banks who is trying to decipher an alien language. Related The Occult Secrets of Language as a Method of Mind Control Source – The Conversation by Panos Athanasopoulos, June 13th, 2017 She discovers the way the aliens talk about time […]