(Shepard Ambellas) Shooter’s brother pictured wearing t-shirt which links to a crisis management firm PR representative, the Pulse Nightclub and more Related: Fourth Floor Shooter Video — Proof: Media & Law Enforcement Are Lying about the Vegas Shooting Source – The Event Chronicle by Shepard Ambellas, October 5th, 2017 ORLANDO (INTELLIHUB) — Eric Paddock, the brother of the […]
the event chronicle
Edgar Cayce, Six-fingered Giants and the Supernatural Creation Gods of Atlantis
(Jim Vieira) For nearly 30 years I have returned to the famous “Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce’s readings as a road map to try and piece together the complex origins of civilization and the creation of Homo sapiens. Cayce (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American Christian mystic born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky who answered […]
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The Extraterrestrial That Walked Among Us (True Story!) Valiant Thor
(The Event Chronicle) Val Valiant Thor, lived as a stranger at the Pentagon for 3 years interacting with President Eisenhower and Vice President at the White House and Air Force military brass. This video explores the conspiracy theories surrounding Val Thor’s Pentagon tenure. Related: NASA is Already Prepared to Announce Extraterrestrial Life: Protocols are in Place — […]
Rapid Human Cloning — Is it Happening?
(Preston James, Ph.D) Cloning of animals has been achieved by Chinese researchers and others using cell samples recovered from the deceased parent animal. Related: Transhumanism vs. Ascension | The Skingularity is Near – Free eBook by William Henry Source – The Event Chronicle by Staff Writer, September 21st, 2017 It is a slow and expensive process taking […]
The U.S. Government Is Suing People For Requesting Public Records (FOIA)
(Aaron Kesel) The U.S. government is suing citizens requesting public records all over the country, violating the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). The government is stating that it is in “good faith” to take away more of our rights, intimidate us and delay FOIA requests, thus challenging the notion of transparency and, in turn, the Open Government […]
Here We Go Again: Triple East Coast Threat Jose, Maria and Lee
(The Event Chronicle) Maria is a feisty tropical storm raging in the Atlantic, and she’s expected to become a hurricane today just like her brother Jose who is off the East Coast, not to mention the fact that TS Lee is in hot pursuit… Related: Government Admits Their Weather Modification Program as Cloud Seeding in News Paper […]
Here We Go Again: Triple East Coast Threat Jose, Maria and Lee
(Silver Doctor) Maria is a feisty tropical storm raging in the Atlantic, and she’s expected to become a hurricane today just like her brother Jose who is off the East Coast, not to mention the fact that TS Lee is in hot pursuit… Related NASA Satellite Images Prove Hurricanes are Being Engineered: 2 More are Coming (Video) […]
The Dropa Stone Discs — Do They Prove an Extraterrestrial Connection?
(The Event Chronicle) As humanity searches for its extraterrestrial roots, amount the enigmatic objects found along the way are the Drop Stones of Tibet. Related: Forbidden History: Vatican’s Long Plot to Cover up the History of the Pre-flood World Source – The Event Chronicle by Staff Writer, August 30th, 2017 Who were the Dropa? The Dropa (also […]
Max Keiser Says “Bitcoin Is Going to $1,000,000,000,000 in the Not Too Distant Future” – Video
(The Event Chronicle) Cartel better hurry up a futures market so they can carpet bomb 12,500 bitcoin contracts in 3 minutes like they did with gold this morning. Max thinks they will take a different approach, however, to put an end to the bitcoin buzz. Max offers a solution for the counter-attack. Related: Bitcoin Splits in Two […]
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Pineal Gland: The Connecting Link Between Physical and Spiritual World
(The Event Chronicle) Clean pineal gland and strong mental health are most important to tell the truth from the lies and take control of your life back to your own hands. While we spend our days being manipulated, science and spirituality are joining up and offering us clues. Today we can say that many of the […]
Hempcrete Could Change the Way We Build Everything
(Joe Martino) First off, what is Hempcrete? As the name suggests, hempcrete is a building material that incorporates hemp into its mixture. Versatile and hardy, it can be used for wall insulation, flooring, walls, roofing, and more, and is fireproof, waterproof, and rot-proof, provided it’s used aboveground. Derived from the shiv or inside stem of the […]
Heal Your Gut to Reverse Autoimmune Disease
(Ali Le Vere) Health Begins In the Gut. From a clinical standpoint, insofar as functional medicine is concerned, whether you present with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, or systemic lupus erythematosus—the fundamental objective is the same: heal the gut. Related: EM1 Effective Microorganisms — Gaia’s Ancient “Biotech” Can Replace Every Toxic Cleaner and Restore Your Health, […]
Republicans Move to Establish Second Special Counsel to Investigate Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, President Obama
(The Real Fly) The grounds for war have been laid. You know it and I know it. The democrats have forced republicans into a small corner and have been scratching away at their fat faces since election night. For every action, there is is reaction — basic physics. Related Wasserman Schultz’s IT Aide Arrested At […]
The Sin Gularity: Lucifer’s Rebellion and Transhumanism’s Revenge
(William Henry) The Sin gularity is a term everyone should know, but just like the word ‘Lucifer’ (Shining), few understand it or have clue about what it will bring when it arrives. Fewer still understand how they are connected and how we are enmeshed in the connection. What does Lucifer have to do with Transhumanism, the […]
New Research Reveals Early “ghost Species” That Interbred with Humans
(The Event Chronicle) In saliva, scientists have found hints that a “ghost” species of archaic humans may have contributed genetic material to ancestors of people living in Sub-Saharan Africa today. The research adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that sexual rendezvous between different archaic human species may not have been unusual. Related Article: Otherworldly Lineage […]