(Teresa Yanaros) This is the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, approved by Virginia’s legislature in 1791. How deeply has our country defaulted on this promise? Ideas and words that free the minds of the people have a history of being stifled, and that wave is about to break. With the uprise in censorship of alternative media outlets across the board, the need for speaking up is more vital than ever before. Why is it that attempts to silence our voices are increasing? What ideas are the people expressing that those in power desperately want to be eradicated from public consideration?
Teresa Yanaros
How to Join the Mass Meditation Initiative on November 11th
(Teresa Yanaros) Are you wondering how to Join the Mass Meditation Initiative on November 11th, 2018, in person from Washington, D.C, or are you organizing your group in another part of the world? Here’s the skinny.
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Disclosure Movement Surges Amidst Mainstream Silencing of Alternative Media
(Teresa Yanaros) Disclosure hits the mainstream as we speak. This is an epic and exciting time for the alternative media community. Darkness surged through a recent cabal takedown attempt to cripple and silence alternative media movements across multiple world-wide social media outlets.
Contacted by Beings From Aldebaran?
(Teresa Yanaros) The first time I ever attempted to channel by use of a reflective surface, I was met with wild results. Was I contacted by beings from Aldebaran? And how does the channeler Maria Orsic who mysteriously disappeared in 1945 fit into this equation?
Majestic Masquerade on Halloween: Disclosure Documentary Release and Graphic Novel Party
(Teresa Yanaros) Get ready, y’all. Disclosure is in the process of going mainstream, and we are taking it there. The world premiere of Above Majestic hits the mainstream on October 31st, 2018, along with a brand-new graphic novel about the secret space program. And we are throwing a party.
Breaking News Everywhere: Disclosure Community Discernment Call
(Teresa Yanaros) Breaking news in the disclosure community is hitting us from all ends across the board this past week, with To The Stars Academy releasing the semi-annual financial report, GaiaTV’s attempt to trademark the word “Disclosure,” and pointing fingers about discernment from the arenas of ex-lovers to new whistleblowers. How does our community discern the truth?
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Mind Hacking: Cognitive Resonance vs. Cognitive Dissonance
(Teresa Yanaros) If you are reading this article, chances are you have an affinity for seeking the truth of matters. You might define this desire as a fire inside of you that consistently drives you forward. When you are passionate about updating and improving your view of the world around you, therefore enhancing your perception of reality and connecting you to the ultimate source of energy, you actively participate in the evolution of the collective consciousness. Go you. (Audience Applause)
What is QANON? Movement Headed For Full Disclosure
Teresa Yanaros and Simon Esler, both researchers and advocates for disclosure, discuss the anonymous entity “Q” and the phenomenon and movement as a whole. Tune into this hour-long “Q” special edition exclusive interview.
Announcements Coming? Why Is FEMA Testing a Nation-Wide Emergency Alert?
(Teresa Yanaros) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will send out a phone alert next Thursday, September 20th, 2018, in order to test presidential communications during times of national emergency.
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How To Know Gratitude
(Teresa Yanaros) Today is the day for diving deep into the recesses of your heart to unlock the light inside you and shine it upon the abundance that surrounds you.
5 Really Good Books on Reincarnation
(Teresa Yanaros) Are you looking to further your understanding of the concept of reincarnation? Add these epic books to your arsenal ASAP.
Interview: Teresa Yanaros on Music Video Symbology, Creating Divine Frequency, and Becoming an Author (Video)
(Sterling Nicole Bennett) Join Teresa and I as we delve into Teresa’s journey of uncovering esoteric truths, public speaking, and the birth of Divine Frequency.
God is Not a Woman, Ariana Grande — Revealing the Dark Occult Symbolism of The FALSE War Between the Sexes
(Teresa Yanaros) The ideal presented in part by Ariana Grande in her latest music video “God is a Woman” is not true female empowerment. Brandishing the female body as a sexual weapon and claiming goddess-status whilst naked covered with paint is not conducive to the true female archetype we should be seeking. This immoral version of the female is not valuable to the society seeking evolution of consciousness and healing the divide between the divine masculine and feminine forces of the universe.
Musician For Disclosure – “Inquire Within” Subliminally Seeds Empowerment to The Masses
(Teresa Yanaros) Disclosure is the uncovering of what is hidden, throughout the world and within ourselves. In order to unlock the empowerment from within, you must dive deep into the waters of consciousness and uncover the light inside your heart. Upon waking up to the higher mission in your soul, you can begin to change the world, […]
I Published a Dream, Not a Blind Endorsement of COBRA
(Teresa Yanaros) This is my on-the-record public written statement regarding recent events involving my dream sequence and the subsequent media engagements.