(Annie Palmer) Apple has agreed to be more transparent with users when new software updates are likely to throttle or slow down the performance of their iPhones.
Declassified Documents Reveal Shocking Government Projects, Including Research on Warp Drives and High-energy Laser Weapons
(Ethan Huff) Your tax dollars, believe it or not, are (or at least were) being used by the federal government to research crazy sci-fi concepts like “warp drives,” wormhole travel, high-energy laser weapons, and invisibility cloaking, newly-declassified documents reveal.
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Using EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity — Electro Smog Solutions
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Electromagnetic field (EMF) filters are particularly important for those who are electro-sensitive.
Tooth Phone? Pentagon Funds Covert Communications Gear That Attaches to Your Molar Tooth and Allows You to Make Cell Phone Calls from Inside Your Own Head
(Vicki Batts) If you see someone talking to themselves, they might not be crazy: They might just be a secret agent. The Pentagon has just invested a staggering $10 million in a California company’s “Molar Mic” technology. The Molar Mic allows users to send and receive radio transmissions discretely with a device that attaches to the molar tooth. The nearly-invisible device eliminates the need for external microphones, headsets and earpieces.
Fix Your “Tech Neck” with Stretches and Neck Stabilization Exercises
(Ralph Flores) For the most part, technology is a wonderful thing; still, it has its drawbacks. From blurry vision to a lack of sleep – technology is slowly being a pain in the neck.
Undeniable Evidence That Smart Meters Cause Massive Changes to the Heart
(Ethan Huff) An expert in smart meter microwave transmission power has published new research showing that, contrary to the official government narrative, the radiation emitted from smart meters directly interferes with normal heart function.
“Child, Disrupted” is the Latest in a Long List of Documentary Films Addressing the Adverse Effects of Technology on Children
(B.N. Frank) CBS 60 Minutes, ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning America and other media outlets have aired segments addressing issues about how technology is adversely affecting children. A former Facebook president and executive have also expressed regret in the role they have played in this.
Thousands Of Scientists Sign Pledge Against Developing Lethal A.I.
(Aaron Kesel) Thousands of leading scientists have urged their colleagues against helping governments create killer robots, making the movie The Terminator a reality.
Floating Pyramid City Generates 100% of Its Own Food, Water and Electricity
(Amanda Froelich) Are you tired of living in Suburbia? Perhaps in the future, you can apply to live on the high seas in a community of self-sufficient, solar-powered pyramid-shaped buildings.
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MIT Student Builds Device to Harness the Creative Power of Dreams
(Sequoyah Kennedy) I am laying in my bed, drifting slowly into blessed sleep and wandering in a cloud of hypnagogic dreams. Right before I am overcome by the void, it hits me. Some beautiful idea: the best song lyrics ever written, the most ingenious and compelling short story plot, the coolest comic book possible. I should write this down, I think, I have to write this down. No, it’s such an impossibly good idea, of course I’ll remember it, and sleep’s siren song is irresistible. In the morning, I remember having a great idea. I cannot remember what that great idea was. I am an idiot.
Transhumansim: New Laws Would Allow Children to Be Artificially Created from the Genes of Dead Humans
(Isabelle Z.) One of the hottest topics being debated in bioethics right now is the concept of conceiving a child using the sperm or egg of a dead person. For example, a man’s frozen sperm could be used after his death for in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination, or a woman’s frozen eggs could be used to create a child using IVF and the resultant embryo could be implanted into another woman’s womb. Not surprisingly, this approach is being met with a lot of ethical and legal questions.
Facebook Accused of Violating Privacy Via Facial Recognition Technology
(Derrick Broze) On April 6, a coalition of consumer privacy organizations led by the Electronic Privacy Information Center filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, accusing Facebook of violating individual’s privacy via the company’s facial recognition practices. The complaint focuses on changes to Facebook’s policy which went into effect in early 2018, namely the ability to scan user photos for biometric facial matches without consent.
Spy Cameras Are Scanning Your Bodies and Reading Your Emotions
(Paul Seaburn) Facebook is so yesterday. A neurophysiologist giving a TED talk unveiled a new spy hardware on her audience that read their emotions during her lecture without any of them ever having to type an emoticon. Big Brother has a Big Sister who promises that this is a good thing. Really?
China is monitoring employees’ brain waves and emotions — and the technology boosted one company’s profits by $315 million
(Tara Francis Chan) Employees’ brain waves are reportedly being monitored in factories, state-owned enterprises, and the military across China.
Walmart Just Filed Six Patents for Robot Bees – and it Sounds Like an Episode Straight out of Black Mirror
(Ethan Huff) As honeybees and other vital pollinators continue their decline into what looks like total extinction, the Walmart corporation appears to be in the process of developing artificial bee “robots” that will presumably one day be used to pollinate plants.