(Nikki Harper) New superfood trends and ideas come and go each year, but two you may have missed in 2019 are maca powder and watermelon seeds. The health-giving properties of both of these foods have been known for some time, but further research and greater public awareness has brought them to prominence this year in particular.
super food
Eat More Millet: Full of Nutrients, This Grain Provides Numerous Health Benefits
(Stephanie Diaz) People have been consuming cereal grains such as rice, corn, and oats for many years. Most early civilizations were formed mainly because of domesticating grains, allowing people to evolve from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and start forming societies. Grains are considered a staple by many since it enhances satiety. Due to millennia of experience cultivating and harvesting grains, this modern day staple food is one of the least expensive sources of calories.
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Antioxidant-Rich Goji Berries Are Superfruit Snacks That Offer a Variety of Health Benefits
(Kristine Payne) Goji berries are known by many names, such as “red diamonds” and “wolfberries.” Call them whatever you like, but these superfruits are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. These tasty little berries are native to China and have been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for over 2,000 years. As such, they are often considered a “longevity food.”
Add Organic Moringa Leaf Powder to Your Daily Routine to Promote Your Overall Health
(Kristine Payne) Moringa leaf powder comes from the Moringa oleifera tree, which is also known as the “miracle tree,” since nearly every part of the tree can be used as a source of nutrition. Moringa has been around for at least 4,000 years, with ancient civilizations using it for its various medicinal qualities. Today, many scientists believe that moringa leaves could be one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods ever discovered.
Moringa Oleifera – The Super Food We Need More Of
(Mayukh Saha) Popular in the traditional medicine of many South East Asian countries, the Moringa Oleifera is now becoming famous in the rest of the world for the numerous health benefits it offers. Every single part of the plant from the roots to the fruits can be consumed and is absolutely packed with nutrients and anti oxidants. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of eating the Moringa plant, all of which are now backed by science.
Moringa Is a Nutrient-dense Superfood That Protects You from Oxidative Damage
(Ellaine Castillo) Moringa (Moringa peregrina) is a wild flowering plant that is found abundantly in the desert mountains of Egypt. It is widely consumed for its many benefits, such as its ability to regulate sugar and lipid levels, alleviate pain, and reduce inflammation.
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Master Guide for Healthy Living: The Top 3 Healthiest Snacks You Should Be Eating
(Ocean Robbins) Almost everyone snacks at some point. And as it turns out, what you snack on can have a huge impact on your health! These healthy snacks will help you stay on track.
Why Spirulina Is the Best Nutritional Supplement for People with Parkinson’s
(Ralph Flores) Superfoods, by definition, are food items that are packed with compounds(such as fiber, antioxidants, or fatty acids) that are considered beneficial to human health. A lot of foods fit the bill, of course, but none quite as perfect as spirulina (Arthrospira platensis).
9 Impressive Health Reasons to Eat More Zucchini — A Nutrient-Dense Food
(Patrick Quillin) Zucchini is surprisingly healthy and packed with nutrients. These nine zucchini benefits — including improving digestion, slowing aging, and more — will show you why this summer squash deserves a place on your plate.
4 Suppressed Superfoods with Amazing Medicinal Potential
(Ethan Indigo Smith) Despite their potent healing powers, few speak of the medicinal value of these substances.
Study: Supplementing with Spirulina Helps Modulate Body Weight and Appetite
(RJ Jhonson) Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) has been linked to weight loss and a reduction in appetite. A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked into its effects on the anthropometric indices, appetite, lipid profile and serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in obese individuals. The study was funded by a grant from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. […]