Leon Isaac Kennedy – The Art of Spiritual Warfare
spiritual warrior
The World’s Strangest Social Rituals
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Social rituals exist for a good reason, as a way for the individual to gain acceptance in a culture. For the individual, they show them the norms they need to embrace in order to be included in a social group. These norms establish a basic ruleset that helps guide social interaction. […]
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Elizabeth Wilcock: The Way of the Sacred Warrior | Dimensions of Disclosure August 2018
Elizabeth Wilcock: The Way of the Sacred Warrior | Dimensions of Disclosure August 2018
The Prophecy Of The Rainbow Warriors
(Gerald Sinclair) While there are a lot of Native American Prophecies, some of them are much more popular than others. This one has been gaining lots of coverage as it seems to be coming true.
Could Putin and Trump Save the World? (Video)
https://youtu.be/uilpfwrzhxI Related Q Clearance Anon Updates: Is it #happening? Part 7 (Video) Related (Part IV) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates (UPDATED) Related David Wilcock Update: Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat? _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: […]
Join The Resistance | 8 Critical Actions for Joining the Resistance and Building the Ark in 2017
(Julian Rose) I’m going to take it as a prerequisite that you feel some sense of urgency about the need for change. The need to find your place in the resistance. The need to get onto the road that’s supportive of life, rather than death. If you don’t even feel this, no point in reading […]
Lisa Renee — Child Sexual Abuse | “We cannot live in delusions and believe we are going to heal this planet …”
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) I was encouraged to hear Lisa Renee’s perspective on this issue of child abuse and satanic ritual sacrifice because she is often regarded as a New Ager, but one that doesn’t subscribe to the fallacious technique of “ignoring the negative.” These topics are hard for many of us to […]
Spirit Medicine for the Age of Chaos, Division and Decay
Source – Waking Times by Dylan Charles, November 23rd 2016 I find it easy to imagine a better world, one in which compassion and brotherhood reign supreme. Where greed has been dethroned and truth is respected and revered. A world where our resources are applied creatively, where technology liberates people instead of killing them, and where […]
The Healers — A Message for the Unknown Restorers of Balance, Peace and Harmony
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) A long time reader wrote the following and sent it to a colleague of mine. It touched me deeply. To me it is meant for the countless souls who quietly work in their corner of the world, enduring hardship yet shining brightly in small ways that are usually going unnoticed. In […]
Inspiration for the Awakening: The Freeing Power of the Truth and “The Lie We Live”
Image by Julian Robles. by Justin Deschamps A reader sent me this video, which I have seen before, and it helped remind me why I came here: to be the change. We’re living in a world where harming others and the planet is common place, where personal suffering and hardship is the norm, where we […]
The Warrior’s Way – 50 Inspiring Ways to Open Up to Personal Power
Image Source. Source – Waking Times by Alex Vandenberg “A life so concluded, that God is not robbed of the soul, which yet can with dignity win the world’s favor: that is a worthy work.”- Wolfram von Eschenbach When wandering into the wilderness guided by the light of the heart, one embarks on a journey […]
The Five Stages of Awakening, and More on the Final Stage of the Spiritual Warrior by Justin
This article by Mike Adams employs the fallacies of the medical system and society at large to describe a process of spiritual awakening. The piece does so using five stages, but the essential thread can be described in many different ways. Truth seeking is the act of awakening, the process of coming in contact with […]
Science of Life, The Universe and Everything? | Dewey B Larson’ Reciprocal Systems Theory – Walking the Path of Truth in a World of Deception
(Justin Deschamps) Dewey B. Larson was an engineer during the early part of the 20th century, at a time when many conflicting theories of the Universe were beginning to gain popularity. Despite being labeled an outcast for questioning Scientific Dogma, he investigated the whole of Physical Science over a 40 year period, discovering that there were many inaccurate theories masquerading as accepted fact. This had the effect of preventing a true and accurate theory being developed to explain the Universe as a whole, which Larson and his team did; Reciprocal Systems Theory.
‘CIA killed prisoners, made it look like suicide’ – Guantanamo guard
This quote voices my sentiments exactly. “The preservation of peace and the guaranteeing of man’s basic freedoms and rights require courage and eternal vigilance: courage to speak and act – and if necessary, to suffer and die – for truth and justice; eternal vigilance, that the least transgression of international morality shall not go undetected […]