(Jack Davis) An Oregon middle school is responding to issues caused by students being away from in-person learning by sending everybody home for three weeks of remote learning.
The Secret Weapon That Will Improve All of Your Relationships — Health Effects of Socialization
(Les Parrott, PhD) Prior to 1960, the residents of the little town of Roseto, Pennsylvania, had superpowers. Roseto was highly resistant to the biggest killer in the United States. Even today, it accounts for well over 600,000 deaths a year. Yet, Roseto had a fraction of the deaths compared to nearby towns.
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The Bad Habit of Thinking Badly of Others — Hating Today, Consumes the Joy of the Future
(Justin Deschamps) What’s wrong with a little venting? Discharging toxic emotional energy is extremely important, which helps us avoid trauma, feel joy, and forgive others to maintain healthy relationships. But if the button for negativity isn’t reprogrammed, an endless stream of emotional toxicity can be a part of daily life. In such situations, when we haven’t learned to transcend (which is a skill all to often overlooked in education) we’ll think badly of others. This has a terrible price, it makes the “hate” button or triggers bigger, and it bleeds over to other places. Before you know it, all that’s left is bitterness and an endless stream of excuses for why you’re justified in thinking badly of others. But with a little courage, all this can change in the twinkling of an eye.
Jealousy and Passive-Aggressiveness | Psychology
(Exploring Your Mind) Possessiveness and control shouldn’t ever be part of loving another person. However, jealousy often triggers passive-aggressive behaviors in couples, which can lead to hyper vigilance, mistrust, and even blackmail.
Here’s What Happens in the Brain When We Disagree
(Neuroscience News) We’ve all been there. You are in the middle of a heated disagreement when you lose respect for the opposing party. Whether it is about the latest election or childcare, you feel like your considered arguments are not appreciated – perhaps even ignored. But did you ever wonder what exactly is happening in the mind of the person on the other side?
The Five Most Desirable Male Entities Used in Female Pornography, According to Google
(Justin Deschamps) An archetype is a term referring to an influence on consciousness that crosses cultural divides. For instance, the fact men and women seek each other out for the purpose of sex, romance, and fellowship is an archetypal human experience—it doesn’t matter where you come from or what you believe, the drive to pair-bond is a human drive. Psychologically, archetypes have an instinctual or biological aspect, wherein certain drives are “hardwired” in the human psyche, such as the desire to survive, to love and be loved, and to seek out joy and play. Within human sexuality, there are ancient drives that influence both men and women.
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Trust, Generosity, Affection: The Benefits of Oxytocin
(Exploring Your Mind) Oxytocin does everything from encourage maternal and paternal feelings to increase trust and sexual intimacy. Psychologist Marcelo Ceberio tells us more about the “love hormone”.
What Your Friends’ Brains Look like When They Think of You
(Science Daily) If you ever wondered what’s going on in your friends’ brains when they think about you, new research may provide a clue.
Don’t Let Fear, Cowardice and Resentment Ruin Your Relationships — How to Solve Personality Clashes: 6 Tips From a Therapist
(Justin Deschamps) All relationships are founded on fundamental laws that organize the whole of reality. These laws are the laws of trust, free will, and consciousness, which we know of on earth as the laws of contracts.
The World’s Strangest Social Rituals
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Social rituals exist for a good reason, as a way for the individual to gain acceptance in a culture. For the individual, they show them the norms they need to embrace in order to be included in a social group. These norms establish a basic ruleset that helps guide social interaction. […]
Victim Mentality: Codependency, Passive Aggressiveness, and the Healing Power of Bravery
(Justin Deschamps) Victimhood is a serious problem on earth. A culture of victimhood encourages the individual to avoid self-growth—the very thing needed to overcome victimization. In the following article, the cost of maintaining victimhood is highlighted, helping one to understand that maintaining a belief you are a victim hurts yourself and others.
Traumas Change Perception in the Long-Term
(Science Daily) Adults who have experienced maltreatment as children have a changed perception of social stimuli. Traumatized people found touch stimuli less comforting than people who had not experienced trauma. They also maintained a greater social distance from strangers. In addition, the researchers discovered changes in the activation of certain brain areas.
The Influence of Other People’s Expectations
(Explore Your Mind) Trying to live up to other people’s expectations can be difficult. But why do we make expectations? What purpose do they serve? In this article, learn about the role that expectations play in our lives and how to manage them in a healthy way.
Uncovering The Toxic Way Narcissists Use Circular Conversations To Manipulate
(Elizabeth DeVille) With studies revealing that as high as 30% of young people would meet the classification requirements for narcissism, it is clear that narcissism is still alive and well in the world today. By understanding their manipulative techniques, we empower ourselves to avoid being the victim.
6 Reasons Why The Universe Sends The ‘Right People’ Into Our Lives
(Justin Deschamps) Life is more about your philosophy than it is about your circumstances. Yes, we should and can tailor the environmental conditions in our lives for maximum fulfillment, empowerment, and benefit. But in most cases, the control we can exercise on the outside world is extremely limited. The best way to nurture a happy, productive, and fulfilling life is to develop a taste for challenge and to embrace the unknown. Arguably the most impactful arena of human life is interpersonal relationships. If we can learn to develop gratitude for the people in our lives, we’ll cease to feel oppressed and develop more self-respect and empowerment.