(Neuroscience) More than 3,500 people ages 32-51 were included in the study sample. The participants included people in Birmingham, Alabama; Oakland, California; Chicago; and Minneapolis.
“Are They Dreaming?” Recent Footage Shows an Octopus Changing Color While It Sleeps
(Edsel Cook) Do octopuses experience dreams? A viral video of an octopus changing its color during its slumber brought up interesting questions about the neural activity in its many “brains” during sleep periods.
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Nighttime Snacking Promotes Vicious Cycle Of Sleeplessness, Weight Gain, Junk Food Cravings
(Ben Renner) We’ve all been there. That late-night craving for some junk food sets in, even though it’s way too late to be eating. Most of the time all it takes is a little bit of willpower to resist, but giving in to temptation from time to time happens to the best of us. Now, a study out of the University of Arizona has found that those late night snacks may be causing a much more intricate web of health problems than anyone could predict while standing in front of the fridge at 1 in the morning.
Try This DIY Foot Reflexology Before Bed For The Best Sleep Ever
(Joe Martino) A good night’s sleep, do you even remember what that feels like? When my partner and I agreed to move into a newly remodelled loft condo in the historic Hudson’s Bay building in downtown Victoria, we were thrilled by a few interior features: double bathroom sinks, heated tile floors, west-facing (hello sunsets!) and massive floor-to-ceiling windows that were original to the condo’s historic structure.
True Multi-Tasking: You Can Learn a New Language While You Sleep, According to Researchers
(Edsel Cook) Sleep turns out to be more than just a period when the body rests and recuperates from the labors of a busy day. Swiss researchers demonstrated the possibility of learning new things during sleeping periods.
Learn How to Access the Power of Liminal Dreaming
(Jennifer Dumpert) There’s a swirling, kaleidoscopic, free-associative experience on the edge of your mind. You’ll find it in the space right between awake and asleep, where your meandering consciousness mixes memory and thought with visionary imagery. I call this experience liminal dreaming.
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Circadian Clocks: Body Parts Respond to Day and Night Independently from Brain, Studies Show
(Science Alert) Researchers have suspected that the body’s various circadian clocks can operate independently from the central clock in the hypothalamus of the brain. Now, they have found a way to test that theory.
Beat Insomnia: A Spiritual Guide to Healthy Sleep
(Wendy Leeds) It’s 3:17 a.m. You’ve been staring at the clock since 1:42 a.m., mind racing, body tense. In five hours you’re going to have to drag yourself to work, terrified that you’re going to fall asleep at your desk—again.
The Best Essential Oils for Better Sleep
(Zoey Sky) As you grow older, you might have more trouble falling asleep, especially if you’re constantly stressed or anxious. If you’re tired of tossing and turning until you fall asleep, consider using soothing essential oils.
How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes According to the US Navy
How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes According to the US Navy
Even One Hour of Social Media Can Contribute to Poor Sleep in Teens, According to Research
(Frances Bloomfield) With social media becoming increasingly popular, various issues have since been linked to its usage. The most recent of these was uncovered by Canadian researchers: They found that spending at least 60 minutes on social media could negatively impact your sleeping patterns. The more you used Facebook, Snapchat, or WhatsApp, the higher your odds of not getting enough sleep.
Sleep Disorders May Be a Symptom of Depression: People Who Don’t Get Enough Sleep Have Repetitive, Negative Thoughts Which Can Lead to Depression and Anxiety
(Earl Garcia) Lack of sleep may do more than induce a “spaced out” feeling as recent research published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry found that sleep deprivation may lead to the persistence of repetitive negative thoughts. Researchers at the State University of New York at Binghamtonexplained that repetitive negative thinking occurs when a person focuses on distressing and unhelpful thoughts and stimuli, which in turn may result in a decreased quality of life and the onset of mental health problems associated with depression and anxiety.
Digestion Interrupts Maintenance: Eating Too Late Suspends the Body’s Repair Work; Sleep Is Also Vital
(Zoey Sky) If you want to keep your heart healthy, try to get some rest during normal sleep hours.
7 of the Most Common Dreams and What Your Subconscious May Be Trying to Tell You
(Jessica Dolores) There’s an ancient Jewish proverb that goes, ‘An unexamined dream is like an unopened letter.’ Dreams are our subconscious’ way of reaching out to us. It tells us what are hidden fears, aspirations, and needs are. It tells us the state of our mental health in much the same way that a green traffic light tells us it’s okay to drive down the road.
Before You Make an Important Decision, Science Says It May be Best to Sleep On It
(Anna Hunt) When it is difficult to make an important decision, especially about something that may impact your life, you may want to sleep on it. It’s logical to assume that it is easier for a rested brain to evaluate choices and make a decision.