(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a compilation of alternative and mainstream media articles suggesting that Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) might be being repurposed for holding elite prisoners, specifically, members of the so-called Cabal. I cannot confirm if all the rumors are true—although some of the articles cited in support of this theory are from […]
Astrological Alignment Could Herald Major Changes Beginning in January 2018 — All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM)
by Wave Rayne, In the nativity storyline of Christmas, the Astro-Decoders (aka Astrologers/Magi) arrived with gifts after they had been following the star alignments of the skies to find the baby Jesus. These people had to be Magi/Astrologers to know how to follow the stars in the way that they did. Stillness in the Storm […]
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Mass Arrest Update — Trump Executive Order To Freeze Financial Accounts of Human Traffickers
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Keep in mind, Stillness in the Storm does not blindly endorse any de facto leader, authority, or government. It is becoming quite clear of late that President Donald J. Trump might, in fact, be one of the few worldly leaders actively fighting against the proliferation of human trafficking. For hundreds and […]
Benjamin Fulford — 4x Updates — December 13th 2017: UFO Video, Message to the People Who Censor My Hotmail Account, Whistleblower (now deceased) from 2011 Explains California Fires, Fires in Santa Rosa, California and Waldo Canyon, Colorado
Related Benjamin Fulford — December 11th 2017: 2017-12-11 Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California Source – Benjamin Fulford UFO Video This is a UFO video sent to me by the Russians. Could any expert out there please check to see if this is computer graphics? Thank […]
Rumor: Mass Arrests — 4,289 Sealed Indictments in All 94 Federal Districts — UPDATED
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Apparently, the list of sealed indictments has grown to a staggering 4,289. But it should be noted that no one knows for sure what these indictments are for or who will be named. They could be for Pedogate related mass arrests or they could be nothing more than gang prosecutions. […]
Do Dark Matter and Dark Energy Exist? — Examining Scientific Assumptions and The Evolutionary Nature of Discovery
(Justin Deschamps) For those who’ve plumbed the depths of scientific study in modern times, it becomes obvious that there are major problems that have yet to be addressed. One being that—seemingly as a result of the infusion of advanced mathematics and the assumption the universe is a mechanistic and material creation at its foundation—scientists across all areas often confuse their models and formulas about reality with reality itself.
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NEWS: Pedogate Busts, Globalist Arrests, Federal Reserve Conspiracy – November 12, 2017 (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r46XKUTWkxE _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected] with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
Cabal Arrests Happening? — In Shocking Purge, Saudi King Arrests Billionaire Prince Bin Talal, Dozens Of Others In Cabinet Crackdown
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Saudi family is one of the most wealthy and influential in the world today. In 2008, the Clinton Foundation released a list of over 200,000 donors, of which the Saudis were named, along with another well-known globalist, George Soros. Soro’s recently donated $18 billion to the Open Society Foundation and is […]
SITS NEWS: False Flags PROOF; Angry Victims EXPOSE Hollywood Sex Abuse – Nov 4 2017 (video)
(Teresa Yanaros) NOVEMBER 4, 2017: STILLNESS IN THE STORM NEWS: Teresa Yanaros discusses the top news articles from the last week, including the latest proof that false flags are REAL, Hollywood continues to burn amongst a slew of outbursts from angry victims of sexual abuse, and how to raise consciousness during this global shift. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkmh1qUpfe0 […]
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Niara Isley: My Response to a Bogus Article Posted About Me on the Internet Recently
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) On October 24th, 2017, we posted an article entitled: RETRACTED | Under Hypnosis: ‘I Was Abducted by Reptile Aliens Who Raped Me’ (video), featuring the story of Niara Isley. Isley contacted us recently, alerting us to the fact that there were some misrepresentations in that article originally posted by the Mirror. […]
Benjamin Fulford — October 26th 2017: Another Letter to the Editor About the Jews
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Hopefully this goes without saying, given all the disclaimers on this site, but the following opinions shared by a reader of Fulford regarding the Jews are not shared by Stillnesss in the Storm. This information is for your consideration. The theory that all our worldly problems can be blamed on […]
Mainstream Media Disclosure via Scientific American: Mind Control by Cell Phone
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The idea that cell phones can affect the human mind is nothing new, although it is generally regarded as a wild theory. But there is much science to support the notion that our brains are affected by electromagnetic radiation. In 2008, the mainstream news publication Scientific American produced an article […]
Evidence of Military Grade EMF Accelerants Used in Sonoma Napa FIRES? (Video)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if everything presented in the below video is accurate. But I was able to confirm that the average house fire burns at approximately 1,100 º F and the melting point of glass is 2,800 º F. Could the fires in California be triggered or the damage exacerbated by electromagnetic […]
Vegas Shooting: CENSORED Footage of Security Guard Shooter & Automatic Gunfire Heard At GROUND LEVEL (Videos)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) When considering the idea that there were multiple shooters at the Vegas massacre last week, there are several sources to draw from. One of those sources is audio from various videos captured by victims on the scene, which appears to indicate multiple gunshots occurring simultaneously—invalidating the official narrative of a lone wolf shooter. But […]
BREAKING: False Flag? Las Vegas Shooting Near Mandalay Bay Casino Kills 50
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Yesterday evening in Las Vegas, a shooter by the name of Steven Paddock killed over 50 and injured over 400. There are several indications that this event could have been a false flag, although this doesn’t mean people weren’t hurt or killed. Firstly, we have the astrological significance of Saturn […]