(Justin Deschamps) In part three, we revealed the shocking level of corruption in the zeolite detox industry, showing you that some products are contaminated with the very heavy metals they claim to remove. We said we were vetting a producer who makes good zeolite we need for health freedom. It’s time to reveal what we’ve […]
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Breakthrough Third Eye (Pineal Gland) Formula
(Will Justice) The pineal gland or third eye is one of the most powerful organs in the human body. Rene Descartes, the father of modern science, called it the “seat of the soul.” Today, the medical system doesn’t understand the true importance of this pinecone shaped gland. But herbalists do, bringing us a breakthrough that can finally restore your third eye back to health.
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Poison In Our Water
(Will Justice) It’s a dystopian vision only the most imaginative villain could conceive. Company scientists discover the disease-causing dangers of an industrial chemical. But the multibillion-dollar corporation ignores the dangers, releases toxic sludge into the water supply, and covers up the evidence for years.
Lyme Disease Bioweapon? Natural Tonic Treats Disease without the Adverse Effects of Antibiotics
(Will Justice) For decades, many have suspected that the US government may have created Lyme’s disease. Recently, the House of Representatives directed the Pentagon to disclose whether or not it used ticks to infect people with Lyme’s between 1950 and 1975. This suggests it could be a bioweapon. As scary as that might sound, you can rest easy knowing there are effective solutions.
The Science Proves: Earthing and Grounding are the Secret to Longevity and Health
(Lisa Richards) You’ve heard about the positive benefits of mind-body techniques such as yoga, meditation and deep-breathing. Well, here’s another one that also has a real impact on improving your health: earthing. And finally, a scientific study is confirming this health breakthrough.
Breakthrough Supplement Reverses Damage Caused by Fluoride — Pineal Gland Restoration
(Adam Riva) In a time when corporate interests control politics, finance, scientific studies, and public health, is it that hard to believe that the interests of the American people are seldom taken into account when billions of dollars are on the line?
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How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life
(Will Justice) Quality sleep is one of the single most important things for your wellbeing.
Researchers Discover Natural Compound that Kills Cancer
(Will Justice) Cancer is a ruthless disease that leaves nothing but destruction in its wake. It is aggressive and very few compounds on the planet are known to keep it at bay.
How Government Sanctioned Cell Towers are Causing Cancer in Children
(Will Justice) Over the last three years, four students at Weston Elementary school in Ripon, California have been diagnosed with cancer.
Toxins in Vaccines: Should You Be Concerned?
(Will Justice) Heavy Metals from Your Faucet: How Coal Companies are Poisoning Your Drinking Water
Toxic Water: How Surface Mining is Poisoning Our Wells
(Will Justice) Imagine your home’s water was rust-orange and smelled like rotten eggs. Every time you showered or washed your hands, you got rashes and dry skin.
The Startling Link Between Alzheimer’s and Heavy Metals
(Will Justice) It is estimated that 5.7 million Americans are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease at this very moment. By 2050, that number is projected to more than double to almost 14 million.
Forget Chemtrails, Unregulated Jet Fuel is Legally Poisoning Global Populations
(Will Justice) Air pollution is an invisible killer—one that slowly poisons you day-by-day.
Experts Warn Lyme Disease Causes Toxic Buildup of Heavy Metals
(Will Justice) With global temperatures on the rise, Lyme disease has become one of the fastest growing infectious diseases of modern time.
Study Warns Geoengineering Causes Neurological Disease
(Will Justice) Earth’s climate is changing at an unprecedented rate. With each passing year, there are increasing occurrences of record-breaking temperatures, species going extinct, and volatile weather patterns.