Sexuality is one of the most heavily manipulated aspects of our BEingness. If sexuality was allowed to develop naturally, the population would be very hard to control, and enslave. This is because sexual experiences, explored fully and completely, can cause spiritual awakening and self actualization. – Justin Source – Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many people […]
self love
Biology of Belief | Keys to Living – Positive and Negative Knowledge: Fearlessness, Self Mastery and Healing the body
By Justin Deschamps Our life in its present iteration is about perception. Perception is Everything And we shape our perceived world by what we accept as knowledge or truth. Positive Knowledge is a concept you have developed that is an accurate reflection of your experience, or Data stream. Negative Knowledge is a concept you have developed that is an inaccurate reflection of your experience, or Data […]
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Bk’s blog: A Day in a World Full of Peace by Tomas Qubeck
Source I received this email a few days ago and it was so beautiful I thought I’d share. Thank you Tomas :) Hi Brian, I wrote a post today that syncs well with your post about the patents – greed etc. vs “for the greater good”. I’m sure you will enjoy it (it’s not long). […]
American Kabuki: Bashar’s Most Profound Speech…
Source Published on Sep 15, 2013 I’ve been listening to Bashar’s work since 2007 and this is one of the greatest speech I have ever heard from him. I encourage everyone to listen to it every morning before starting your day! While editing, I must’ve listened to his entire speech 75 times, if not […]
Being Fearless – All fear is in the eye of the beholder and can be dispelled from within.
Source Doubt and Fear Who knows what’s next? Who knows for sure what is going to happen tomorrow? This afternoon? Two minutes from now? We have all experienced unexpected events, shocks and disappointments. From the experience of unfulfilled desire or a change of expectation, a sense of doubt may develop. Partly because of the uncertainty […]
Avoidance or Awareness – working threw F.E.A.R. by allowing Self Awareness
If you have no process for inner discernment, or if it is not fully developed, like most people, then it will be very easy for you to accept programs from others; or to allow programs that no longer serve you, to hinder your full expression. This who issue with ownership in regard to patents is […]
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Reprogram Your Thoughts to Create Your Ideal Life
Thank you to a reader of the blog for sharing this with me via email. I love when we come together to share our personal truths! How much time do you spend thinking about what state your consciousness is in threw out the day? If your like most people on earth at this time, it […]
Amazing Photos: Things You Won’t Believe Actually Exist In Nature (stop and smell the roses)
I just loved seeing all these amazing places on earth. Spent so much of my life NOT appreciating the beauty, and smelling the roses, this helps remind me to STOP and breath in DEEP! – Justin Source 1. Volcanic lightning aka “dirty thunderstorms.” When it comes to volcanic eruptions, mile-high ash clouds and geysers of […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: And So It Is… (Meditation Transcript and Video)
Source And So It Is…September 5, 2013 This is a transcription of Bob’s incredible meditation, which was hosted on the 5D Media Network last week. When I shared the link to the audio, which can be listened to here, I put a call out to have it transcribed. A big thank you to the three, very […]
Suppression of the Divine Feminine: The Internal Clitoris
I was hesitant to post this because it discusses the topic of female sexuality and anatomy, however, this topic of suppression of the Divine Feminine is productive for healing the damage from centuries of hardship and distortion. Sex is a heavily influenced aspect of our BEing which we often have been trained and conditioned over […]
Psychedelic Renaissance: LSD, Ecstasy and Magic Mushrooms Are Helping People Face Death, Cope with Trauma and Quit Booze and Smokes
This post resonates with me on a personal level. I had a serious drug problem in my late teens and early 20’s, about as serious as anyone can possibly imagine. I spent years abusing my body, my friends and family, and myself. When I finally decided to stop and change my life for the better, […]
Natural News: Spiritual psychology
This is an interesting article because it shows how ones belief system and world view DIRECTLY impact their health physically and, but more to the point of this post, mentally. Spirituality, for me, is about honestly reconciling your experiential life with your philosophic life, attempting to find the truth via discernment. When one begins to […]
Natural News: Seven ways chronic people pleasing ruins your health
This is a good article to cover the topic of codependency. Here on earth the social definition of love promulgated by our hidden masters is one of external love. We can only love others by pleasing them. This idea is spewed out in so many instances that it has the effect of seeding the collective […]