(Neuroscience) When making a complex decision, we often break the problem down into a series of smaller decisions. For example, when deciding how to treat a patient, a doctor may go through a hierarchy of steps — choosing a diagnostic test, interpreting the results, and then prescribing a medication.
self awareness
The Path to Self-Knowledge Is Hard, But Worth It
(Exploring Your Mind) Reaching a place of self-knowledge can be very difficult, but the satisfaction you’ll get makes it more than worth it
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Metacognition: Components and Characteristics
(Exploring Your Mind) Do you ever think about how you think or have particular thoughts about your thoughts? This ability to think about yourself is called metacognition. Keep reading to discover more about this fascinating aspect of the human mind.
9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health
(Sofia Adamson) Our bodies and minds require their own kind of pampering. Therefore, when we treat them carelessly and go through life without giving our lifestyle a second thought, we are bound to have frequent health scares and issues. This is why a lifestyle that embraces activities and hobbies that boost creativity, also promotes physical and psychological health. When we care about ourselves, and fill life with behaviors that bring us joy, our wellbeing benefits in many ways.
Learn to Value Your Effort, Even if Others Don’t
(Exploring your Mind) Did you know that working at something and making an effort can trigger changes in your brain and actually make you happier? Armed with this knowledge, it’s easier to value your own effort without worrying about what other people think. Keep reading to find out why effort is so important for your well-being.
Two Exercises to Develop Emotional Intelligence
(Exploring Your Mind) Learning more about your emotions will help you understand yourself better, accept what you feel, and really connect with others.
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Dopamine For the Winners: How Our Mind’s Reward System Drives Political Ambition and Affects Civilization
(Peter Van Els) The effects of the brain’s neurochemistry on geopolitics and human interaction should be more subject to study and debate. It almost seems like a truism to state that our brains, and their fallibility, greatly affect human progress and societal advancement. But what is most striking in today’s culture, is the way in which our mind’s reward system is employed by society to encourage economic and political ambition, and to blunt the creative and critical mind.
The Influence of Other People’s Expectations
(Explore Your Mind) Trying to live up to other people’s expectations can be difficult. But why do we make expectations? What purpose do they serve? In this article, learn about the role that expectations play in our lives and how to manage them in a healthy way.
What are the Functions of the Hypothalamus?
(Explore Your Mind) The hypothalamus is an area of the brain that has many functions despite its small size. It plays an important role in the production of hormones. In addition, it helps stimulate many important processes.
Six Curious Brain Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
(Explore Your Mind) For a long time, the brain was believed to be in charge of our entire body, including memories and emotions. Philosophers believed that the brain contained the soul. However, some very interesting things have been discovered throughout history. In this article, we’ll go over some of those curious brain facts that you probably didn’t know.
The Need to be Somebody Separates You from Yourself
(Exploring your Mind) Sometimes you need to stop and think about why you want what you want. The external goals you choose due to vanity or the need to be somebody could stray you away from your true desires. Even worse, they could separate you from yourself. Are you the person who others wanted you to be or are you just yourself?
The Fear of Being Alone
(Exploring your Mind) The fear of being alone is inherent to human beings. As social beings, we need to have other people around us to feel fulfilled. In fact, many of our abilities are linked to other people. The bonds you develop with others nourish you, enrich your life, and are necessary for your well-being.
How to Begin Journaling for Stress Relief
(Emily Waters) The therapeutic benefits of journaling have been scientifically proven. Journaling can be an effective tool for stress management, the processing of difficult emotions, and creating personal growth. It has also been linked to important health benefits like decreasing the symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and other health conditions, increasing cognitive functioning, increasing the immune system, and counteracting the negative effects of stress.
Knowing Your Soul Mission | 11:11 DisclosureFest Talk Excerpt
You are a child of the universe. You move, breathe, and have your being within the mind and consciousness of the All. We were created for a purpose. Everything you are, your mind, your body, your emotions, and life itself is designed to help you find, and joyfully pursue, your mission in this life. But finding it isn’t easy for many. How do you know your soul mission? How can you tell if you’re getting close to it? How do you know if you’re on your path?
Ways Social Media Hurts Pair Bonding, Spiritual Growth, and Loving Relationships: Why It’s Hard to Find Love in Today’s World
(Justin Deschamps) Social media launched into our lives in a swift and prolific way. Due to the positive feedback loop effect of social trends, the more people that joined the more felt compelled to follow along or miss out. This technology is having a massive effect on human life, particularly relationships, disturbing a delicate pair bonding process that draws from biological factors, which themselves, draw from spiritual impulses. For the modern person, forming a lasting and valuable bond with another human being could be more challenging than ever.