(Cristina Laila) Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday responded to the Borat hit piece.
Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani Reads Text Message from Hunter Biden to Joe Biden talking about FaceTiming 14-Year-Old Girl Naked While Smoking Crack (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Earlier in the day Rudy told Steve Bannon on The War Room that he was releasing damning photos and emails tomorrow morning with Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria.
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Rudy Giuliani Files Police Report on Purported Hunter Biden Laptop, Alleging Child Endangerment
(John Solomon and Lee Smith) Rudy Giuliani, one of President Trump’s private attorneys, has reported to Delaware police concerns that materials on a laptop purportedly tied to Hunter Biden contained evidence of possible child endangerment.
Rudy Giuliani on Joe Biden: “What Is He Doing Smelling Little Girls’ Hair? Who Does That?” (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Former New York City Mayor and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Jesse Watters on Saturday night to discuss the sexual abuse allegations by Tara Reade against Joe Biden.
Q Related: Barr confirms DOJ Reviewing Ukraine Information from Giuliani, Others
(Justin Deschamps) The Impeachment trial gave POTUS and the whitehats the venue they needed to lawfully bring evidence forward of wrongdoing on the part of the Deep State. As part of the planned takedown, the Ukraine conspiracy, first pushed by Deep State Dems, is now being turned against them. Some say this has been the plan all along.
Giuliani Says He Has Uncovered “billions” in Obama-era Corruption Which Is Why Democrats Are Pushing Impeachment As a Distraction
(JD Heyes) Anyone who has been paying any attention at all to the Democrat-led impeachment of President Donald Trump, and who is fair-minded, knows that the current occupant of the Oval Office did not commit any “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which is the constitutional standard for removing him from office.
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Federal Prosecutors Said To Be Investigating Rudy Giuliani
(Zero Hedge) The irony: several years after the WSJ first reported that Ukraine was the single largest state donor to the Clinton foundation, best known for its “pay to play” access protocols…
Rudy Drops New Bombs: Slams Obama Cabinet ‘Pattern Of Corruption’; Claims China ‘Bought’ Biden
(Zero Hedge) Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has been on quite the tear of late – slamming former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s financial dealings around the world, while House Democrats move to impeach President Trump over a phone call with the Ukrainian president about the Bidens.
Military Child Sex Abuse Cover Up: Rudy Giuliani’s Role in the West Point Pedophilia Scandal
(Justin Deschamps) According to the following investigative journalism piece, Rudy Giuliani was a part of in covering up of a child sex abuse scandal in the 1980s. The case involves an alleged satanic network run by Michael Anino, as reported by Douglas Dietrich, who raped and abused at least a dozen children. Giuliani never indicted any suspects, despite ample evidence, suggesting the former New York mayor was involved a pedophilia coverup, a 1980s Pedogate scandal.