Source – Removing the Shackles RemovingtheShackles was able to put out a great Data filled update for the QEG; thanks Dani! We just added a few photos Julian took, as well as a snapshot of some of the folks here including Jamie, Val and Hope. This is the latest update from Jamie about the QEG […]
Transparency in Aouchtam and Morocco – April 15th 2014
This is an update from about a week ago from Dani. We issued a newer update here. My personal take on all D’s data points is that we are doing a lot here in Aouchtam and many groups are interested in our efforts. The “agents” which were around did seem rather strange to me, but […]
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The Roles of the past, and the “Blame” that is external.
Source – Removing the Shackles This morning, after being offline for 3 days (soo sooooo busy in the community right now!) (and yes, an update is coming very very soon!), I had mountains of skype messages to go through, and was afraid to even open my email, lol.One of the first messages on skype that I […]
D Responding to Zap Responding to D Responding to Zap: colour coding is essential, lol OFFICE OF POOFNESS 3-31-14
Source – Removing the Shackles Before I begin, I have to profusely thank KP for the amount of work he put into getting this article sorted out, colour coding the various comments and keeping it readably organized- this is a daunting task!! Love you KP!!So, apparently someone forwarded an article I wrote last week, responding to […]
RTS: The Return to Morocco: What is, IS.
Source – Removing the Shackles Good morning everyone I will preface this article by asking for your indulgence to deal with what will most likely be horrible typing, lol. I am currently using Nick’s computer/laptop…. and his keyboard doesn’t like me much. I”m also sitting outside and the brightness is making it very difficult to see […]
Three Degrees out of Phase: BE the WAVE – All Densities are Unified
Source – Removing the Shackles I don’t know if it is because I read so many articles these days that perhaps I’ve become a bit numb, but there is a rarity to those moments when I read something that really hits me and brings a verbal “WOW!” out of my mouth….WOW!! All things have their own measurable […]
BIS: BEing and DOing- UPDATE – Understanding what the UCC filings are in Absolute Context
If I am understanding this update correctly, the filing that we thought was filed by BIS in attempt to secure the Eternal Essence filing was actually a duplicate filing made by the system and not actually BIS. – Justin Source – Brian Kelly’s Blog In Absolute Transparency. Hope this message from Heather shared with me on Skype and […]
The World Stands and Says: “NO MORE!” (Consciousness is taking its Quantum Leap)
This post goes well with the post I Am a Ukrainian. This Needs to Go Viral (CIA Operation or not this has meaning!). Many are revealing their collective unrest demonstrated by their actions. That doesn’t mean these actions will be the ultimate thing that free’s us all, but with discussion and sharing, the truths about […]
How to Access your Absolute Value – Manifesting Paradise through acknowledging our place in the Universal Community
Last year, just as Julian and I had finished discovering what the OPPT filings were, and what affect they could have on the world stage, there was a lot of buzz around accessing value. Regardless of these filings ability to effect sweeping change, the principles contained within them have immeasurable value once distilled completely. What are the […]
3D Printers: What are they? What are they Capable of? – A step away from Corporate Control to empower Independent Manufacturing and Production for the Free People
Part of our Intent for the One People Community will be to use local manufacturing to create items needed locally and cheaply. We already have someone who is intending to bring 3D printers here to help with this. In an effort to bring some light as to what is possible with these manifold systems, I am going to post […]
Transparency: The GCR & RV : Exogen Update with my comments (by Dani of Removing the Shackles)
D does a great job expanding on the points in this RV update. We covered some of the conceptual underpinnings as to why the RV is part of the Bait and Switch of the Divines to usher in a more user friendly version of financial control. Personal Sovereignty is the guiding principle; being an intimate […]
Now is the Hour to Listen WITHIN
D has the right of it, when she says it doesn’t matter if this came from the Elders or not. Why? Because consciousness expands regardless. If a bed time story is not true, does that mean its ability to impart lessons is any less impactful? No. Consciousness progresses in ALL ways. – Justin Source – Removing […]
Aluminum: Neurotoxin from Hell – Anti Light absorbing Element
Thank you D for posting this! I was just having a revelation about the word Aluminum and its Green Language meaning. Lumin is a word which means light. Illuminated is a term which refers to light filling a thing. To be Illuminated usually means to be filled with light as in having an awareness or […]
Being the Change: “I am Jumping on this Band Wagon” Thank you D! – The NEW Media: Exchanging Value- UPDATE
I am totally jumping on this Band Wagon! I just posted D’s article Paying to Stay Enslaved? Or Contributing to those Working for our Freedom? RTS: The NEW Media: Exchanging Value and did a fair size write up on it because I was so moved. Then Dani posted the following and I felt a drive […]
Paying to Stay Enslaved? Or Contributing to those Working for our Freedom? RTS: The NEW Media: Exchanging Value
This is a wonderful post asking the question, what is value and how do we express it? Often we spend hundreds of dollars a month on food that is soft kill poison, bills to companies that spend energy ensuring you never are free and finally pay fines to a Corporate Scheme who has more in […]