Source – Removing The Shackles Sony. Hacked. North Korea. FBI. White house. Obama. “National Security”. Can YOU find the logic in any sentence that could be created from the words listed above? How about this: Sony was hacked in 2011. It was not considered a “National Security” issue. Sony Hacked 2011 Then Sony was […]
Madonna: New Illuminati publicist!
Source – Removing the Shackles….. and speaking of occult….. Madonna apparently wants to make sure everyone knows that the Illuminati are actually the good guys…. you know, just in case you were confused by all the bad publicity they’ve been getting recently. No, really! It’s true! Trust Madonna, she’d know, right? *insert sarcasm warning* Loved (CNN) […]
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Evidence of Giant Humans | The Great Smithsonian Cover-Up: 18 Giant Skeletons Discovered in Wisconsin
Great find Dani! Forbidden Archaeology is one of the most fascinating things to discover, raising serious questions about our origins. See the following posts for more amazing data like this: Evolution of Humans | Everything You Know Is Wrong (about Human Origins) – Lloyd Pye Forbidden Archaeology | 10 Insane Ancient Achievements That Science Can’t […]
Vaccine Truth | CDC admits that the Flu Vaccine Does NOT work – Italy confirms same Vaccine related to 12 deaths
Image Source Stupendously obvious proof that Vaccines do not work as advertised. (What they aren’t saying is that they cause major health problems, ensuring big profits long term; although it is hinted in the video) Hence the 12 or more deaths investigated by Italy following the this year’s flu Vaccine release, at which time the CDC began their […]
Five lies about America’s Debt, or How the Grinch Steals Christmas
Source – Removing the Shackles US Congress is “struggling” to come up with their 2015 budget. I say “struggling” in quotes, because that is an extreme understatement. By December 11th 2014, US Congress has to come up with a 2015 budget for the government. …. almost two and a half months AFTER the beginning of the 2015 […]
Digging up the Past and Digging into the dirt: RV, GCR, New financial system Updates
I am happy to hear that Dani is reinvigorated and pouring her energy into deciphering this time in our history. The Financial system has been the source of so much strife and confusion and her insights will be revealing I am sure. I have been working on the SITS Diary for the past year over […]
ISIL vs ISIS | The myth of Assad, ISIL and extremism
Source – Removing the Shackles As you all know, I don’t usually publish this type of information much any more, but this stood out to me today as one of those pieces of transparency that many people are looking for- not necessarily for themselves, but to show friends and family to back up what they […]
Awakening in the Whirlwind: “The Event”
Source – Removing the ShacklesOver the past few days there has been a HUGE shift of energies- on all levels of awareness: physical, emotional, mental, planetary and most especially in that consciousness that is accessed by everyone through perceived “dreamtime” “astral” and “higher dimensional” realms. Though many perceive these areas or “realms” to be […]
Physics Myths: “The Big Ban(k)” Theory – Eliminating the mother of all physics myths
Great find D! I have been putting together an extensive post detailing some of the major conceptual errors in modern day Physics and this post goes along perfectly with that. Hopefully I can get that post out soon. Side note about SITS Blog: We moved locations and internet here in Tangier is very spotty using […]
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Co-opting the Co-opted: “Occupy Wall Street was completely funded by the Bankers…”
Down with the dollar: Occupy Wall Street members stage a protest march near Wall Street in New York Photo: GETTY Source – Removing the Shackles I am going to give you some data. For many of you, most of this data won’t mean much, but for some of you, this data will illuminate a lot of pieces […]
Raw Footage: Sacha Stone and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Interview 08/26/14
Source – Removing the Good evening everyone! Here is the raw, unedited video footage of The Collective Imagination Interview with Heather Tucci-Jarraf and Sasha Stone that was recorded on Tuesday August 26th, 2014. As many of you probably have already heard, we had some technical issues with getting the broadcast live on Tuesday. […]
THE WILL OF I AM: Update from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
This is one of Heather’s updates about Energy and the ‘current state of affairs’ in her usual language. There is much about it which resonates, but much I do not fully understand. Regardless I feel it will be one of the many puzzle pieces that will link itself into our perception as events unfold. – Justin […]
RTS: The Phoenix That Wouldn’t Rise.
Source – Removing the Shackles Over the past two years I have spoken several times about the templates that the “cabal” and “Powers that Were” continuously use in all of their activities. These templates play out over and over again in all aspects of business/finance, war, “politics”, “terrorism”/false flags, and “history”. Once you can identify […]
“I AM… Back!!!!” by Dani and “Last dance of separation on every channel” by American Kabuki
Source – Removing the Shackles I AM… Back!!!! Good morning my friends!!!!!! Long time no chat! As you may or may not have noticed, many of us here in Aouchtam Morocco have been taking an extended break from the internet and the realms of computer communication. This was a multi-faceted hiatus for myself and many […]
Status of QEG Build Morocco: Build Day 29 – Effective Over Unity Achieved
We got word there was Over Unity achieved within QEG system the other day. We just helped Jamie film another update, with more data points than before, demonstrating this Over Unity Power being generated. However, this power can not be drawn out of the QEG until the circuit which pulls the power out can be […]