(Michael Bianco-Splann) No one is free from the trials and tribulations of living on planet Earth. The unfortunate truth is that a large percentage of the planet’s more than 7 billion inhabitants are, at this moment, hungry and suffering.
psyche central
The Consequences of Not Facing Emotional Difficulty Head On
(Linda Sapadin, Ph.D) A number of celebrities have come out of the closet confessing to some nasty behavior. And I’m not talking about coming out of the closet because you’re gay. That’s old hat already. It’s because of bullying behavior, non-consensual sexual behavior, rageful behavior when you don’t get what you want!
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3 Secret Tactics for Dealing with Difficult People
(Tracy Shawn, MA) Difficult people can inhabit (and intrude into) many areas of our lives: work, home, neighborhood, social and professional affiliations, even at the sanctuary of the gym! Whether someone acts defensive, rude, passive-aggressive, critical, or lies and then turns things around, difficult people have something in common: they are frustrating to deal with.
5 Ways Love Changes Us for the Better
(Dr. Charles & Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz) Being in love not only makes you feel good inside, but makes you different on the outside.
How to Add More Joy to Your Days
(Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.) It’s safe to say that most of us would love more joy in our lives, particularly when it feels like the hours blend together into one big blur, and we find ourselves feeling blah.
5 Things You Need to Start Forming Better Habits
(Susie Pettit) If you’re interested in life advice for self-improvement, you’ll need to learn how to form good habits and how long it takes to break bad ones.
Are You Trapped in a Cycle of Drama that Leaves You Disempowered?
(Christy Whitman) Are your personal relationships strained or combative? Are you seeing signs of a toxic relationship with someone you thought you could trust? Do you often find yourself in power struggles with friends or people at work?
Learn How to Access the Power of Liminal Dreaming
(Jennifer Dumpert) There’s a swirling, kaleidoscopic, free-associative experience on the edge of your mind. You’ll find it in the space right between awake and asleep, where your meandering consciousness mixes memory and thought with visionary imagery. I call this experience liminal dreaming.
8 Creative Activities to Discover Your Values
(Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.) Your values are the foundation of everything you do—and are. As author Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, said, “values are the essential core of a human being… My values—and my struggles and successes in attempting to live up to them—tell you who I am.”
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Dealing with Shattered Illusions, Beliefs and Self-Concepts
(Suzanne Kane) When everything you hold dear turns out to be a sham, when what you believe is a lie and how you view yourself crumbles, life can be empty, painful, and without joy. How can you come back from such personal deficits? It isn’t easy or quick, yet there is a way of dealing with shattered illusion, beliefs and self-concepts.
Automatic Negative Thoughts: Got ANTS on the Brain?
(Edie Weinstein) Numbers bandied about from many sources indicate that adults have somewhere between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. Most are repetitive and many are negative. Two important questions call to be answered:Where do the thoughts originate?What are we to do with them?
Changing Our Narratives, Changing Our Lives: A Strategy to Unhook from the Unhelpful Stories We Tell Ourselves
(Beth Kurland, Ph.D.) Not long ago I was caught up in a temporary funk of self-doubt. I was at a several day event surrounded by incredibly talented people and I found myself slipping back into an old narrative involving social comparison and thoughts of “I’m not good enough.”
When You Compare Yourself to Strangers on Social Media
(Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.) When you say it out loud, it sounds silly, comical, and absurd. But in the moment, you can’t help but compare yourself to strangers on social media.
25 Quotes to Foster Emotional Resilience
(Therese J. Borchard) “I ask not for a lighter burden, but broader shoulders,” says a Jewish proverb. That is the essence of emotional resilience … broader shoulders. We can’t control what illness we are diagnosed with, what tragedies come our way, or how many disappointments we will run into in our day.
How to Stop Giving Away Your Personal Power, and Ways to Take it Back
(Robin Schwartz) How many times have you wanted to reach out to someone, but you were afraid to seem needy? Or perhaps you were worried about what another person might think of you, or even that they might not respond to you?