(Nick Monroe) “Calvin, as a white woman I can tell you that the Church IS institutionally racist,” the Bishop of London said.
Famous Chicago Priest Named In $800,000 Abuse Case Settlement
(Louis Knuffke) The Chicago Archdiocese has paid an $800,000 settlement over five cases of sexual abuse, one of which involved a well-known priest who was charged with abusing a minor in the 1970s.
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NASA Hires Priest as It Appears Agency Is Preparing to Break News of Extraterrestrial Life to the World
(Jack Gist) People call for priests for various life-changing reasons — baptisms, marriages and funerals are just a few. Why would NASA, the world’s leading space agency, hire a priest? Are they expecting a life-changing event?
‘Something Doesn’t Add Up’: Priest Gives Powerful Sermon Against Jab Mandates
(Matt Lamb) ‘The Church stands for the family’ and the ‘rights of the individual,’ said Fr. Thomas Dufner.