(Paul Joseph Watson) Another day, another braindead statement from Pope Francis.
Photos of Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and The Pope Emerge!
(Anthony T) The Sun just released an exclusive photo of Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Pope John II.
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Biden Has Another Disgusting Moment: After Saying ‘I Swallowed Wrong,’ He Coughs & Then Grosses Everyone Out
(Kyle Becker) President Joe Biden believes the federal government should have the final say over children’s health in this country and not parents. And to make sure that point came across loud-and-clear at his press conference on the CDC rubber-stamping Covid vaccines for children 5-11, Biden showed just how healthy he is after three Covid shots.
The ‘Rumor in Rome’ is That Biden Pooped His Pants When He Met the Pope
(Kyle Becker) President Biden’s trip to Rome to meet the Pope ahead of the G20 was a bit messier than expected, according to unofficial media accounts. The 78-year-old president met with the Pope before heading off to meet with Italian Prime Minister Draghi and then President of France Emmanuel Macron on Friday. He then attended the G20 summit on Saturday, and finally, he is slated to attend the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland on Sunday.
Pope’s Swiss Guards Resign Over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination
(Paul Joseph Watson) Three others suspended for not taking the jab.
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Pope Calls for ‘New World Order’ After Coronavirus Pandemic
(WND) ‘It is time to remove social injustice and marginalization’.
Pope Formally Strips Vatican Secretariat of State of Assets
(Nicole Winfield) Pope Francis has formally stripped the Vatican secretariat of state of its financial assets and real estate holdings following its bungled management of hundreds of millions of euros in donations and investments that are now the subject of a corruption investigation.
Pope Francis Criticizes Groups Protesting COVID Lockdowns, Calls for New Political and Economic Systems
(Kristina Wong) Pope Francis in a New York Times op-ed on Thanksgiving Day criticized groups that protested coronavirus lockdown restrictions, as Americans gathered to celebrate the holiday.
The Vatican’s Cardinal George Pell Is Freed From Jail & His Child Sex Abuse Convictions Are Overturned
(Arjun Walia) Cardinal George Pell, a high ranking Vatican official who was convicted of child sexual abuse has been set free, and all charges have been dropped. How many people in powerful places are involved in such activity?
Vatican Insider & Author Accuse Pope Francis of Facilitating The Sexual Abuse, Trafficking & Death of Children
(Arjun Walia) If you don’t already know, a number of Vatican officials over the years have been implicated in sexually abusing children. In fact, it goes well beyond the main church inside the walls of Vatican city, and into various churches around the world that are connected to the Roman Catholic Order, among others.
Vatican Raids Its Own Secretariat of State
(Joseph P. Farrell) This is one of those strange stories that came out of the blue; I certainly didn’t expect it, and I doubt the many (and I mean many) people who spotted this story and passed it along expected it either. In a nutshell, the Vatican’s own prosecutors and police have raided the powerful Vatican Secretariat of State:
The Jesuit Order Exposed
(The Individual (a.k.a: Reptilian Dimension)) “They are a secret order created by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Priest… so when we talk about the Illuminati, you are probably talking about one of the many religio-eco-political controlling arms of the Jesuits… which is a secret society that is based on an ancient pagan cult which infiltrated the Roman church long ago, and in turn, most of the denominations of ‘Church-ianity’. Why do you think that the central OBEISK (shaped like the ‘Washington Monument’) at the center of Vatican square was brought all the way from the center of Egyptian pagan worship, and erected in the exact epicenter of Vatican square?” (Branton)
Pope Francis Admits Nuns Were Used as “Sex Slaves” by Priests and Bishops
(Anti Media) Pope Francis has acknowledged that the Roman Catholic Church has a persistent problem in which nuns are sexually abused by priests and bishops who have resorted to using them as “sex slaves.”
The Vatican NWO Agenda and Prophesy Exposed (Video)
The Vatican NWO Agenda and Prophesy Exposed (Video)