(Mike Barrett) If you’re looking to turn back the hands of time, look no further than broccoli. Love it or hate it, this common cruciferous veggie contains a natural compound called nicotinamide mononucleotide, which has been shown to have a potent anti-aging effect on mice that “could be translated to humans.” [1]
natural society
Fertility Crisis: Men are Running out of Sperm Due to ‘Environmental Factors’
(Julie Fidler) The past 15 years have been tough on sperm cells. Research shows that men are running out of the little swimmers, and the number of men seeking infertility treatment has increased 7-fold while the quality of their sperm has plummeted. This could be more than a slight problem for humanity.
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Avoid These 32 Foods to Escape Allergies from Pollen
(Seth Pollard) Are allergies from pollen exposure something you need to deal with year after year? You may already know that you can take allergy medication, avoid grassy areas, and stock up on eye drops, but are you aware that you may be triggering your allergies by making a very simple mistake: eating the wrong kinds of fruit.
Time Change Health | 5 Ways to Avoid Adverse Effects From Daylight Savings Time
The practice of day light savings time was developed long ago, mainly for farmers to take advantage of all the light available during the day. But prior to the modern informational age, humanity was much more connected to the Earth, and any adverse health effects were limited due to electromagnetic connectivity. Is this practice having […]
Music Therapy | This Creative Practice can Protect and Boost Brain Function – Research Links Music to Increased Immunity, Better Mood
There are so many beneficial qualities to music that it would be impossible to list them all here. From Dr. Emoto’s studies on music and water, to Dan Winter’s work on Fractality and Entrainment, there is seemingly no end to what can be gained from studying, listening to and playing music. I have been an […]
Flu Shot | 21 Natural Alternatives To The Flu Shot | Natural Flu Remedies – From Garlic to Echinacea
Source – Natural Society The CDC recently admitted that this year’s flu shot likely won’t protect you from the flu, but did it ever? Though the CDC has issued a formal apology regarding the issue for this season, flu vaccinations have long been seen as ineffective by a horde of experts. But don’t worry – here […]
Cannabis CBD Oil about to Replace Chemotherapy? | Is Monsanto About to Unleash GMO Marijuana? | Moroccan Connections
Here in Morocco, there is a big push for legalization of Marijuana. Monsanto already has fields out here and a big stake in the Agriculture of the region. Yet due to the poverty of farming communities, their complete take over like in the west is limited. The one crop which does grow in abundance is […]
Tools for Inner Work: 5 Studies Showing why Reading is Healthy!
Reading is a fantastic Inner work activity and is much more personal and creative then other forms of story telling. Yes a picture is worth 1000 words, but a video will leave very little room for your knowledge and experience to integrate. When you read, you create the visual world of the writing within your […]
Disclosure: If Publicized, this Study Would be a Vaccination Schedule Bombshell
Your immune system will be heavily compromised if you maintain mainstream health practices. Fortunately, your body is an amazing piece of divine tech, and you can easily rejuvenate your body, cure nearly all auto-immune conditions with Auto Urine Therapy, and the infusion of probiotics into your diet. See this post for more on this Distilled […]