(Mayukh Saha) We must all have heard stories of our parents apparent struggles during their childhood when they were assigned household chores.
Natural Blaze
40 Lessons To Teach Your Kids Before They Leave Home
(Daisy Luther) “Millennials” have been the butt of a million jokes about incompetence. The generation born between 1981 and 1996 is considered entitled, ultra-liberal, and naive about how life works. But maybe they’ve gotten a bad rap because what no one ever points out is that maybe the issue isn’t with these young people but with how they were raised. I know that my own millennial daughter is competent, frugal, and independent.
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How Stress Affects Your Adrenal Health and What to do About it
(Hilde Larsen) One thing I learned the very hard way during my long and diligent path from chronic illness back to health, is that the body feels like crap when the adrenal glands are not happy and strong. To me, this is the missing link in any discussion about health. That we will detoxify and heal through eating clean and whole foods is obvious; that we might be hurting ourselves even more deeply by not addressing the stress factors in our lives… not so much.
8 Scientific Reasons Free Play is Vital for Your Kids
(Neve Spicer) Child-led free play is unstructured time where children set the rules and call the shots. It’s a moment for them to navigate social interaction and explore the world on their own terms and at their own pace. It’s nothing new. In fact, for most parents, their childhood days were filled with it. Unstructured, self-led play was the cultural norm.
Try This DIY Foot Reflexology Before Bed For The Best Sleep Ever
(Joe Martino) A good night’s sleep, do you even remember what that feels like? When my partner and I agreed to move into a newly remodelled loft condo in the historic Hudson’s Bay building in downtown Victoria, we were thrilled by a few interior features: double bathroom sinks, heated tile floors, west-facing (hello sunsets!) and massive floor-to-ceiling windows that were original to the condo’s historic structure.
If Cell Phone Use Causes Mechanical Stresses Contributing to “Skull Horns,” What Can EMFs and RFs From AMI Smart Meters, 5G & Weather Engineered Scalar Clouds Do To Our Health?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Technology in all its varied formats literally has taken over our lives—from cradle to grave! What a sad state of affairs to see a toddler ‘navigating’ the Internet, all while Mom beams at how smart her little one is. Little does Mom know how she is enabling her child to suffer a probable future life of “non-ionizing radiation sickness, pain, suffering and tech-produced, physiological body changes.”
Mass Meditation Leads to More Societal Peace, New Study Shows
(Natural Blaze) The group practice of the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs in Cambodia between 1993 and 2008 was associated with a 96.2% decline in sociopolitical violence in that war-torn country compared to violence in the preceding three years, according to a new peer-reviewed study published in Studies in Asian Social Science.
This Common Food Additive Harms Gut Health, Could Trigger Disease
(Natural Blaze) A food additive found in more than 900 food products such as chewing gum and mayonnaise has an impact on the gut microbiota which could trigger diseases. University of Sydney research provides new evidence that nanoparticles, which are present in many food items, may have a substantial and harmful influence on human health.
This Underground Hobbit-Style Home Is Absolutely Astonishing
(Mayukh Saha) If you have ever doubted that architecture is not creative and artistic, Javier Senosiain is here to prove you wrong with his masterpiece. A hilly site near Mexico City has become the perfect place for the marvelous home that Javier constructed – a house resembling a peanut. There are green dunes and lovely trees encompassing the entire place where this peanut-shaped house fits perfectly as a home and remains almost invisible. There’s no surprise why it has drawn so much attention since 1984 – the year of its completion.
Scientists Found An Edible Mushroom That Eats Plastic, And It Could Clean Our Landfills
(Elias Marat) Whether we like it or not, our society has become completely reliant on plastic. From food preservation to water transportation, computer technology to healthcare and medicine, plastic can be found in nearly every facet of the human experience.
Biological EMFs Assaulted By Artificial Ones
(Peter Tocci) Hopefully, many readers saw Catherine Frompovich’s informative piece on vaccine damage to a ‘family’ of vital enzymes called Cytochrome P450, and to mitochondria – the energy producers in cells.
Scientists From Around the World Call for Immediate Halt to “Genetically Altered Children”
(Derrick Broze) Scientists and ethicists from around the world are warning of the consequences of failing to implement a temporary global halt on gene editing of human eggs, embryos, and sperm.
The Science of Morality — Consensus Conformity vs. Free Thought Individuality
(Rosanne Lindsay, ND) No one speaks of morality anymore. It’s not sexy.
GMO Foods Will Soon Be Mislabeled As “Biofortified”
(Scott C. Tips) If you have ever been to Berlin, Germany in the late fall, you know how miserably wet, cold, and windy it can be. The only real refuge from those elements is to be found indoors. But even then there can be events that drive you right back outdoors and into the elements. Such was the case with the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), which was holding its 40th session during the week of November 26-30, 2018, in that city.
Everything You Need to Know About Migraine
(Lisa Egan) I will never forget the day I had my first migraine.