(Victoria Uwumarogie) A new study from the Royal Society for Public Health in the UK has found that Instagram does the most damage to young people’s mental health when compared to all of the other popular social networking apps currently used. Snapchat is a close second.
9 Types of Muscle Tension Caused by Trapped Emotions
(Aletheia Luna) Your body is a map and storage house of every experience you have ever had.
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Your Frame of Mind Directly Influences Your Physical Health – Learn More at Real.Video
(Ethan Huff) You may have heard about the “power of positive thinking” and thought to yourself, does it actually work? According to Dr. Matt Mason from the Mason Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Warren, Ohio, it most certainly does.
The Connection Between Intellect and Ego & the Rise of the Deep State — Close-Mindedness Is NOT Intelligence!
The Connection Between Intellect and Ego & the Rise of the Deep State
Scientists Publish A New Study Examining Humans’ Ability To Accurately Predict Future Events
(Arjun Walia) Precognition, is it real? If you examine the research that’s been published in this field, from peer-reviewed publications and controlled experiments, combined with the declassified literature from parapsychology programs from multiple governments around the world, the evidence for the ability of humans to accurately predict future events is overwhelming to the point where I am not sure why it would or could be considered ‘pseudoscience’. But given the current parameters of science, it’s understandable, and from this perspective, the evidence may not be ‘overwhelming,’ but you can decide that for yourself.
You Are Who You Hang out With: Study Shows Brainwaves “Sync” Between People Who Spend a Lot of Time Together
(Lance D Johnson) The people who are closest to you are subtly shaping your brain and influencing the way you behave and think. Researchers have found that when two or more people spend a lot of time together, their brainwaves find compromise and likeness, syncing together. The coherence grows stronger as they spend more time together. The study highlights the importance of choosing friends wisely.
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The Power of the Mind: If You Think You Can Succeed, Your Body Will Change Accordingly
(Zoey Sky) Social psychology states that there is a link between high self-efficacy and positive outcomes — and that the belief that you can achieve a difficult task defines your level of self-efficacy. According to research on the connection between self-efficacy and quality of life perceptions of health, this belief in your ability to succeed may even affect how you perceive your body’s abilities. The study was led by Anna Banik, who worked with fellow researchers from the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Scientists Discover Matrix-Like Way to ‘Upload Knowledge to Your Brain’
(Christina Sarich) Want to learn Kung Fu in seconds like Neo did in the famous Matrix trilogy? How about learning to speak a foreign language in seconds? Or knowing how to fix a combustion engine? Imagine what it would be like if you could “upload” this kind of knowledge to your brain?
Scientists Just Gave Octopuses Ecstasy for the First Time and the Results were Profound
(Matt Agorist) A team of researchers sought to find out how MDMA would affect the octopus given its vastly different nervous system and the results were mind blowing.
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The Shamanic View of Mental Health
(Jonathan Davis) In November 2014 the peak psychology body in the UK, the British Psychological Association, released their new flagship report Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia. It was a watershed moment in the mainstream treatment of mental illness, containing statements such as this:
A List of Physical Symptoms and the Emotional Drivers that Cause Them
(Sofia Adamson) “When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.” ~Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
The Gnostic Pythia Priesthood of the Delphic Oracles
(Moe) Outside their Temple carved in stone were the ancient Gnostic maxims, “Know Thyself” and “Nothing in Excess”. For more than 1,100 years, they were some of the most powerful people to have ever rule the globe from what was once known as the center, naval, and soul of the world on the Holy Island of Crete.
Mind Hacking: Cognitive Resonance vs. Cognitive Dissonance
(Teresa Yanaros) If you are reading this article, chances are you have an affinity for seeking the truth of matters. You might define this desire as a fire inside of you that consistently drives you forward. When you are passionate about updating and improving your view of the world around you, therefore enhancing your perception of reality and connecting you to the ultimate source of energy, you actively participate in the evolution of the collective consciousness. Go you. (Audience Applause)
Controlled Breathing Calms Your Brain
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) The way you breathe — whether fast or slow, shallow or deep — is intricately tied to your body as a whole, sending messages that affect your mood, your stress levels and even your immune system. Yet, breathing is unique in that it’s both easily ignored (becoming a basic background of your life) and revered at the same time. In the latter case, it’s almost instinctual to advise someone to “take a deep breath” if they’re feeling anxious, stressed or fearful.
5 Ways Happiness Affects Your Cellular Structure
(Marianna Pochelli, N.D.) Science is increasingly suggesting a link between happiness and health.