(Zoey Sky) The human mind is a powerful thing, and it can help you get over negative emotions such as heartbreak and rejections. But did you know that it could also help you recover from injuries? According to a study, individuals have a greater chance of recovering from shoulder pain if they are confident that they can continue with their regular routine despite their pain.
mind over matter
Mind Over Matter — Consciousness and the Nature of Reality
(Jeff Street) Reality is not what it appears — the ancients knew it, pioneering physicists of the early 20th century knew it, and current leading edge scientists are proving it — all is mind. Related The Three Layers of Your Reality Construct — Explained Source – Wake Up World by Jeff Street, December 27th, 2017 Guest writer for Wake […]
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Consciousness Can Influence Our Autonomic Nervous System | Wim Hof, aka “Iceman,” Climbed Mount Everest In His Shorts
Related Precognition Explained: Science Shows How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen Source – Nexus Illuminati by Arjun Walia What is the autonomic nervous systems (ANS)? It regulates the functions of our internal organs. Its role is to regulate several bodily functions such as digestion, heart rate, urination, sexual arousal, respiratory rate, […]
Thinking about exercise can help keep muscles toned and stronger
This post is a goes well with Science of Intentional Healing | Scientists Observe Brain Cells While Healing Intention Is Directed Towards Them – Here’s What Happened. – Justin Source – Natural News For some people, having the discipline just to make it to the gym is half the battle in staying fit. But new […]
Psychic Abilities | Psi and Psychedelics: Psychedelics, Parapsychology and Exceptional Human Experiences
Image Source [Justin] I recently had an experience with LSD and experienced some psi abilities. Many of the people I have talked to whom have taken psychedelic substances report similar experiences. Julian had an OBE during one of his early trips which matches the work shared below. [Julian] I took LSD two other occasions previous to the […]
Meditation Alters Genes: Mind over Matter
Great post here! This data helps paint the picture of what DNA and our Absolute or Human tech is for. Think BIG! because it is nothing short of a grand design. I don’t know for sure of course, but this data reminds me of Dan Winter’s work especially in the post DNA and Gold (Key […]
I UV: Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body
Source The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. The image taken using the gas discharge visualization method, an advanced technique of Kirlian photography shows in blue the life […]
Mind Over Matter: Princeton & Russian Scientist Reveal The Secrets of Human Aura & Intentions
Source A Russian scientist has been studying the human energy field and is claiming that people can change the world simply by using their own energy. While this idea is not new, not too many have taken the time to scientifically go about proving such ideas -although the field of quantum physics has shed some […]
CE: “Buddha Boy” Goes 10 Months Without Food Or Water, Scientific Community Is Baffled
Source Is it possible for humans to not eat or consume water for longer than 3 or 4 days? What used to be scientifically impossible is now under great question as a teenage boy in South-Central Nepal meditated for 10 months and did not consume food or water during the entire time. This story is […]
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Chemtrails creating Cyber Humans? You are stopping Diseases caused by Nano Particles now
This topic can be hard to process for a lot of people and I was not sure how to present this information until I recently saw the below presentation. When ever I am exposed to information I always try and remember it is the Absolute Data behind it, I am trying to sift out. The […]
I-UV: The Zero Point Field: How Thoughts Become Matter
Source Since I have mentioned the zero point field (ZPF) so much in my past HuffPost articles, and seeing as how it is a vital component to what is going on, it only makes sense to provide a more detailed analysis for all those Quantum buffs who struggle with my theory that thoughts equal matter. […]
Natural News: Is mind over matter healing possible?
Source (NaturalNews) In Beijing’s Purple Bamboo Park, an elderly Qi Gong teacher, Master Shr, regularly amazes onlookers as he projects his energy into his students, knocking them off balance. Students rush at Master Shr in an attack, only to be sent flying off course by a wave of the master’s hand. Is this for real? […]
CLN: Top 10 Self-Healing Myths Debunked
This post goes hand in hand with the post Distilled Liquids – Dispelling myths by Unifying Body, Mind and Spirit. If this type of information is of interest and you want to know specifics see the aforementioned post. Source – Justin Lissa Rankin, MD | Waking Times | August 10, 2013 Positive psychology and New Age ideas about health and healing […]
Distilled Liquids – Dispelling myths by Unifying Body, Mind and Spirit
Prayer by Alex Grey Visualization of total acceptance of self in homeostasis Originally just intended on posting the video of a show we did in June (Linked below). What developed is a thorough and detailed explanation of how our body and health are intimately connected with our mind and spirit. The choices we make about […]