(Anna Hunt) The chatter of the mind is never more noticeable then when you are bombarded with unwanted thoughts or feelings that create conflict within you. A simple thought can sprout into dozens of hypothetical stories in the mind that leave you fearful, overwhelmed or confused. Better yet, an emotional reaction you have to a situation can fester for days, completely distracting you from enjoying life.
mental health
Dealing with Shattered Illusions, Beliefs and Self-Concepts
(Suzanne Kane) When everything you hold dear turns out to be a sham, when what you believe is a lie and how you view yourself crumbles, life can be empty, painful, and without joy. How can you come back from such personal deficits? It isn’t easy or quick, yet there is a way of dealing with shattered illusion, beliefs and self-concepts.
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Automatic Negative Thoughts: Got ANTS on the Brain?
(Edie Weinstein) Numbers bandied about from many sources indicate that adults have somewhere between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. Most are repetitive and many are negative. Two important questions call to be answered:Where do the thoughts originate?What are we to do with them?
Perseverance Toward Life Goals Can Fend Off Depression, Anxiety, Panic Disorders
(Science Daily) People who don’t give up on their goals (or who get better over time at not giving up on their goals) and who have a positive outlook appear to have less anxiety and depression and fewer panic attacks, according to a study of thousands of Americans over the course of 18 years. Surprisingly, […]
Depersonalization Disorder: The Feeling of Living in a Dream
(Exploring your Mind) If you’ve ever felt like you were going crazy or that you were in a dream or in a bubble, you may have suffered an episode of depersonalization. The main characteristic of depersonalization disorder are persistent or recurring depersonalization episodes.
Emotional Armor: A Double-Edged Sword
(Exploring your Mind) It may be hard to face whatever’s happening in your life, either because you’re afraid, don’t know how to act, or because you’re trying to avoid suffering again. In cases like this, perhaps you’re “wearing an emotional armor” in order to protect yourself.
What Everyone Should Know About Healthy Relationships
(Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.) Healthy relationships shouldn’t take much work. And if they do, it’s time to go our separate ways. We must be compatible. If we need therapy, our relationship is already doomed. My partner is supposed to know what I want, and what I need. Healthy couples never argue, because fighting ruins relationships.
Four Keys to Dealing with Unexpected Situations
(Exploring your Mind) Unexpected situations can have unpleasant consequences that affect us deeply. This is why most people want to have control over what happens to them because humans feel more comfortable when they’re in charge. However, unexpected events are part of life, which is why we must be prepared to face the feeling of insecurity in the face of the unknown.
Five Ways to Improve Your Mental Focus
(Exploring your Mind) Some say that the ability to maintain mental focus is important. In this sense, improving your concentration, and knowing what to do with it, will help you in many aspects of your life.
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The Fear of Being Alone
(Exploring your Mind) The fear of being alone is inherent to human beings. As social beings, we need to have other people around us to feel fulfilled. In fact, many of our abilities are linked to other people. The bonds you develop with others nourish you, enrich your life, and are necessary for your well-being.
How to Use Binaural Beats to LET GO of Fear, Pain, and Overthinking
(Aletheia Luna) There are a stunningly vast array of benefits you can experience from listening to binaural beats – a fascinating form of soundwave therapy.
Interpreting Other People’s Emotions: A Matter of Confidence
(Exploring your Mind) Interpreting other people’s emotions is fundamental. This interpretation depends on a great extent on the meaning you give to other people’s facial expressions.
Psychophysiology: What Is it?
(Explore your Mind) Psychophysiology studies human behavior and the processes involved in it. To do that, this branch of psychology applies some techniques to capture the body’s physiological responses. Psychophysiology is the branch of psychology that studies the physiological foundation of the brain’s psychological processes. It analyzes behavior and the processes behind it.
The Neuroscience Behind Creating Your Reality — How Beliefs Affect You and How to Change Them
(Brooklyn Storme, PhD) Have you ever wondered why two people can share the exact same situation, yet experience it differently? Neural pathways are often described as a type of super-highway of nerve cells, the function of which is to transmit messages. Much like a walking track in the bush, the more you walk over it, the more trodden and clear it becomes. The same thing happens when we engage in behaviors such as thinking certain thoughts with a high degree of regularity.
Eight Keys to Managing Resentment
(Exploring your Mind) Holding on to resentment can be bad for your mental health. Discover effective and practical ways to say goodbye to resentment and move on with your life in this article!