(Neuroscience News) As you strain to recollect the details, a pea-sized clump of neurons nestled in your hippocampus is working hard to connect the dots. This brain region, coined CA2, uniquely encodes social memories in mammals. Without it, mice can remember familiar inanimate objects – but not friends or foes they’d met before.
How Highly Processed Foods Harm Memory in the Aging Brain
(Neuroscience News) Four weeks on a diet of highly processed food led to a strong inflammatory response in the brains of aging rats that was accompanied by behavioral signs of memory loss, a new study has found.
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The Secret to Improving Your Memory, According to Science
(Exploring Your Mind) If you want to improve your memory, you need to know how your brain works. You might be surprised to hear that your lifestyle habits might be making it difficult for you to correctly record each piece of information, experience, or learning.
Brain Memory Signals Linked to Blood Sugar Levels
(Neuroscience News) A set of brain signals known to help memories form may also influence blood sugar levels, finds a new study in rats.
Memory Hole: Usa Today Buries Its Own Report That Says Vaccinated Individuals Have “Higher Levels” Of Coronavirus than the Unvaccinated
(Ethan Huff) After earlier reporting that people who have been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can still become infected with and spread deadly disease, USA Today reportedly scrubbed this information from its website, effectively memory holing its own reporting.
What Causes Déjà Vu? The Neuroscience Behind The Memory Illusion
(Joe Martino) They say about 60% of people experience déjà vu during their life, right off the bat that hit me as something I didn’t expect as I feel like almost everyone I know has had it at one time or another. Déjà vu, (‘already seen’ to the French) is the feeling that you are re-living something that has happened before. In the movie The Matrix, where déjà vu is perhaps most thought of in pop culture, Neo experiences a cat going by a doorway twice in a matter of seconds. Same cat, same moves, same everything.
Forskolin For Memory, Mitochondria, Fat Burning and Libido Support
(Ascent Nutrition) Forskolin may not ring a bell to most; however, newly found evidence suggests Forskolin has some fury punch behind its mechanism of action. Forskolin has been marketed for it is fat burning capabilities, but today we’re going to look beyond that. Related Berberine Activates the “Master Metabolic Switch” AMPK and Is a Huge Bio-Hack […]
The Meaning of Subjective Memory Complaints — A Mainstream Take
(Exploring Your Mind) People tend to worry more and more about cognitive functions as they get older. There’s a particular concern for future memory loss. Haven’t you ever thought: “My memory isn’t what it used to be?” Realizing your memory is deficient is precisely what subjective memory complaints (SMCs) are about.
Engrams Emerging as the Basic Unit of Memory
(Neuroscience) Though scientist Richard Semon introduced the concept of the “engram” 115 years ago to posit a neural basis for memory, direct evidence for engrams has only begun to accumulate recently as sophisticated technologies and methods have become available.
Putting a Face to a Name: Research Shows Women Are Better than Men at Recalling Verbal Information and Faces
(Michael Alexander) Sorry, gentlemen, but women are better than you at remembering certain things, including conversations and people’s faces.
The Temporal Lobe: The Center of Memory and Emotions
(Exploring Your Mind) An injury or change to the temporal lobe can lead to different types of deafness or even depression. Understanding the functions of this part of the brain can help us understand ourselves even better.
Neuroscience: Can You Inherit Knowledge?
(Exploring Your Mind) A new study has just been published about the possibility of inheriting knowledge. The results of the study have called into question the Weismann barrier.
How Our Brains Remember Things Depends upon How We Learn Them
(Neuroscience New) Oxford University researchers have discovered that learned knowledge is stored in different brain circuits depending on how we acquire it.
A New Discovery: How Our Memories Stabilize While We Sleep
(Science Daily) Scientists have shown that delta waves emitted while we sleep are not generalized periods of silence during which the cortex rests, as has been described for decades in the scientific literature. Instead, they isolate assemblies of neurons that play an essential role in long-term memory formation.
Memory and Trauma: What’s the Link?
(Exploring Your Mind) In this article, we’re going to talk about the link between memory and trauma and the ways that an intense emotional disruption can impact your mind. Through the lens of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we’ll explain the difference between traumatic memories and regular ones.