(Dr. Joseph Mercola) The way you breathe — whether fast or slow, shallow or deep — is intricately tied to your body as a whole, sending messages that affect your mood, your stress levels and even your immune system. Yet, breathing is unique in that it’s both easily ignored (becoming a basic background of your life) and revered at the same time. In the latter case, it’s almost instinctual to advise someone to “take a deep breath” if they’re feeling anxious, stressed or fearful.
The Mind Can Control the Body: Body Sensations Found to Be Controlled by Psychological Stimuli More Often than Physical Stimuli
(Edsel Cook) The old adage of “mind over matter” is true, according to the results of a Hungarian study. Their findings proposed that most attention-related body sensations take their cues from psychological stimuli from the central nervous system (CNS) rather than from the peripheral nervous system (PNS.)
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4 Brain Techniques To Feel Better From Sad News And World Events
(Dr. Leonard Coldwell) [There’s] a fountain of bad news about natural disasters, immigration issues, growing addiction rates, and a startling 30 percent increase in deaths of despair.
Beginning Your Meditation Practice
(Abby Cahoone) We live in a very fast-paced society, we are constantly looking to move to the next thing and it is very common to have a “go-go-go” mentality. In giving yourself the space to be separate from the hustle and bustle of the crazy world we live in and taking the time to sit […]
Using Mudras To De-Stress And Awaken the Body
(Abby Cahoone) Stress, that big bad feeling we all endure from time to time. Whether it’s work, relationships, or the inner monologue you can’t seem to quiet down, odds are we all need to relax from time to time. Mudras are a helpful tool to help mindfully calm down and combat that anxiety that you may be working through by re-opening different energetic portals within the body.
Creating A Meditation Practice
(Abby Cahoone) Have you ever taken the time to slow down, and sit with yourself and simply be in your own energy? When you do this an amazing sense of calm, peace, control, understanding, and ease wash over you. Which I am sure anyone with a hectic life would love to experience! In taking time daily to connect to yourself you can find a sense of control, a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, and more joy in life in general.
Meditation and Music May be the Ideal Combo to Fend off Depression
(Anna Hunt) The combination of meditation and music may be one of the simplest ways to fend off depression. The two have no unpleasant side-effects. Nearly everyone can enjoy them, and the cost is negligible. They can be used together or stand-alone to reduce stress, regulate mood and reconnect with one’s soul. They are an easy way to actively nurture our mood. As well, they can help mitigate the stressed-out and overwhelmed human condition that has become all too common.
Study Shows What Meditation Does To A Specific Network of Genes Within The Human Body
(Kalee Brown) Science is now catching up to the knowledge outlined in the Vedas, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and other ancient texts. For approximately 5,000 years people have been practicing meditation, proving the positive impact it can have on the body and mind. Science has now accepted that meditation can have powerful effects on human health, as more research is exposing these mind-blowing benefits. Some experienced meditators have even been referred to as “superhumans” because of how their practice has affected them (check out our article here). A study recently published in Translational Psychiatry proved just how beneficial meditation can be for human health, as the molecular signature of meditators was found to be significantly different from those who don’t meditate on a regular basis.
Cognitive Benefits of Meditation Last for at Least Seven Years, Study Reveals
(Anna Hunt) There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that confirms the many benefits of meditation. These include improved cognitive function, stronger immune system, and lower stress and anxiety. Now, for the first time, scientists have discovered just how long we can expect some of these benefits to persist.
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Release & Relax: Divine Timing is Oneness
(Ulonda Faye) Often, in life, we can get caught up in the expectations and needs of our world. This can be within a culture, society and community, in a macro way; and it can also be experienced in a micro way through our place of employment, circle of friends, family and day-in-day-out life needs.
Study Outlines What Prayer, Meditation & Yoga Can Do To The Human Body
(Arjun Walia) The medicinal benefits of meditation and yoga are now firmly established in scientific literature. One of the latest studies to emerge on the matter comes from Harvard researchers working at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). They determined that meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s grey matter in just eight weeks. It’s the very first study to document that meditation produces changes over time in the brain’s grey matter. (1)
What Happens to Our Brain When We Experience Complete Silence
(Christina Sarich) The word noise comes from a Latin root word meaning, “pain,” or “distress.” Noise is something we’ve become accustomed to, even if we are keenly aware of its ability to cause multiple forms of anguish. Even if we live in “decibel hell,” we can find moments of silence to reduce our pain. We can […]
Discovering the Joy of Life in Our Daily Tasks
(Jessie Klassen) When you live on a farm, such as I do, your day is centred around your chores. There are mouths to feed (both human and animal) that depend on you, and they will always come first. All other activities happen somewhere between these daily chores. Related 8 Challenging Life Hacks Many of Us Could Use to […]
Super Charge Today With Personal Power, Focus and Bravery
(Teresa Yanaros) You are powerful, focused, and brave. Today is the perfect day to connect with this truth. Let’s do an exercise and bring these energies into our field today. Source – Divine Frequency by Teresa Yanaros, February 3rd, 2018 First, close your eyes and take some deep calming breaths. You are Powerful. Power is […]
Meditation and Deep Time: Accessing Your Anchored Self
(Cosmic Composure) From the Law of One, Ra mentions several times about the importance of silence, the contemplative mind, and right use of intention in order to see more clearly and be more who we are: the Infinite Creator. In our current world situation we find ourselves in the Great Shifting.