(Mike Adams) This past week, we posted three information-packed interviews with thought leaders on the subject of vaccines, neurological damage and international tribunals against the vaccine “war crimes” perpetrators.
Medical Tyranny
Governments Are Running a Real-life, Nationwide Stanford Prison Experiment by Granting Vaccinated People Special Rights and Privileges While Treating the Unvaccinated like Prisoners
(Ethan Huff) The continued encroachment of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) no jab, no (fill in the blank) policies is devastating the social fabric of not just the United States but every country that is participating in this grand experiment in medical fascism.
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Sydney Extends Lockdown as Post-vaccine Coronavirus Outbreak Surges
(Arsenio Toledo) Sydney, Australia’s largest city, has just extended its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown by another four weeks. This makes what was originally intended to be a “snap lockdown” one of the country’s longest since the pandemic began.
Alarming New Study Shows Covid Lockdowns Led to Five times More Suicides Among Children than Died of the Virus
(JD Heyes) For more than a year, authoritarian leftists in the Democrat Party have claimed that they are the ‘party of science’ when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic.
CDC Confesses: Vaccines Are Failing, the Vaxxed Can Be Super-Spreaders, Demands Return to Mask Mandates for Everyone, Including the Vaxxed
(Mike Adams) Via the words of the CDC’s own director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on vaccines and covid has just self-destructed. While in March of this year, Walenksy had publicly promised that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others, this week she publicly stated that vaccines are failing, and that vaccinated people may now carry higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, contributing to the spread of covid.
Vax Nazis: Instead of Yellow Badges the Nazis Made the Jews Wear, the Jewish State of Israel Is Brandishing Its Own Citizens with Vaccine “Happy Badges”
(S.D. Wells) Nearly six million Jews died in the Holocaust, and over a million in the chemical gas chambers, so you’d think the Jewish State of Israel would know better than to force-vaccinate all of their citizens with toxic, lab-concocted vaccines made by tyrannical pharma goons who love genocide delivered under the guise of inoculation. The new, yellow proof-of-vaccine “Happy Badges” are like wearing a ribbon celebrating your own suicide.
Studies Highlight the Dangers of Face Masks for Children
(Ramon Tomey) Face masks have been a necessity for everyone since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began. But two studies have pointed out that face masks do more harm than good, especially to children. Both papers focused on the negative effects of high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) children inhale when wearing masks for prolonged periods.
Democrats Plan to Monitor Your Private Phone Messages and “Correct” Vaccine “Misinformation” Sent to Family and Friends
(Mike Adams) Each day, we seem to reach a horrifying new low in the Orwellian nightmare now gripping modern society. In the latest insanity involving covid and Big Brother, Politico.com reports that the Democratic National Committee plans to “engage fact-checkers” and “work with SMS carriers” (cell phone text messaging) to “dispel misinformation about vaccines” that people send to each other in private texts.
Members of the Military Plan to Resign If Coronavirus Vaccines Are Mandated
(Arsenio Toledo) Several members of the military have informed Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky that they are planning to resign if the government mandates Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for the armed forces.
Vaccine Passport Now Mandatory in France, Following More than a Year of Corporate Media Propagandists Claiming the Idea Was a “Conspiracy Theory”
(Lance D Johnson) French president Emmanuel Macron just suspended the rule of law and declared an all-out war against human rights, making the vaccine passport MANDATORY in France. Starting on July 21st, the EU Digital Covid certificate will be required to gain entry into all cultural venues, cinemas, theaters and concert halls. On August 1st, the digital vaccine passport will become mandatory for all cafes, shops, restaurants, trains and planes. The people must rise.
Vaccinated Employees Test Positive: Disney’s First Test Cruise Delayed Because of “Inconsistent” Coronavirus Tests
(Zoey Sky) Disney Cruise Line’s first test cruise is delayed until July due to conflicting coronavirus (COVID-19) test results among staff.
Bloomberg Writer Clara Ferreira Marques Calls for Mandatory Vaccinations (and PRISON Time for Refuseniks) to Increase Spike Protein Injections That Are Killing People
(Ethan Huff) Not enough people are willingly getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), so Bloomberg writer Clara Ferreira Marques is suggesting fines and prison time for the “refuseniks” whom she believes are putting the rest of society at risk.
CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines off the Market
(News Editors) Amid growing safety concerns, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Meryl Nass, on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), filed a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking the agency to immediately revoke the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID vaccines and to refrain from licensing them.
Uk Science Advisory Committee REGRETS Using Fear to Control People, Admit They Used “Unethical” and “Totalitarian” Methods
(Lance D Johnson) In March of 2020, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior instructed government officials across Europe to instill fear in the population and increase “the perceived level of personal threat.” As countries prepared to lock down, the science committee told government ministers “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently [and] personally threatened” by covid-19. In order for the controlling lockdowns to work, the committee instructed government officials to use fear to their advantage.
A Colossal Coverup of Countless Covid Vaccine “Coincidences”
(Natural News) Back in February, CNN did a “hatchet job” on us. It was nothing but utter lies and nonsense and personal attacks. Then in March, the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” (CCDH) posted their ‘Top 10’ list of Anti-Vaxxers that need to be removed from Facebook and Instagram.